The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Saturday, February 22, 2014

EWWWWW. Hey America, Embarrassed Yet.

Friday Fight: What Do We Fight About When We Fight About Love?

Watch at your own risk

"Well, just when you thought the First Moochy couldn't show any less class, she brings classlessness to a whole new level. What a disgrace. Can anyone imagine any of the previous first ladies doing something as classless and tasteless as this? Can imagine what the MSM would have done if Laura Bush had done any anything near this stupid. I remember when the first ladies were graceful and represented the charm and beauty of America. Now with Moochelle, she represents gutter trash and just how far the morals have sunk. For the country's First Lady to stoop so low to do this is a glaring example of just how ignorant, classless, and tasteless she is. But this is who she is. Ignorant, classless, and tasteless is what she is going for since it attracts 95% of the Obowel worshipers. She's got to play to her base. And for the media to try to convince the American people that Moochie is refined, intelligent and cultured, is just more proof that the propaganda machine rhat is running wild in the US is worse than anything the USSR ever put out. How far we have fallen. 

Carson is rolling over in his grave. If this is the new Tonight Show, someone just stick a fork in it, it is done. Is this why Leno was pushed out? Because he wouldn't play along with the scripted narrative? Obviously. I could just imagine Leno's response if he were approached with an idea like this. The words F**K You come to mind for some reason. You would expect this sort of stupid immature shit from 13-14 olds, not from supposed "adults". Nothing like watching libtard's

Looney Louie Speaks.

Farrakhan Asks Obama To Open Area 51 To Prove Existence of Giant UFO That Will Destroy White America…

Via Open Minds:
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan asked that President Obama open up Area 51 to scientists in a sermon he gave on Saturday, February 15. It was the last of a yearlong sermon series titled, “Time and What Must Be Done.”
Farrakhan has often referred to a UFO he calls the Mother Wheel, which according to The New Yorker, he describes as a “heavily armed spaceship the size of a city that will rain destruction upon white America, but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.”
In his recent sermon Farrakhan said, “We believe our words that we have shared on the presence of the Wheel could help the president and America to avert Allah’s warning of chastisement and destruction if America does not bow down.”
Apparently his suggestion to open Area 51 to scientist would help in those efforts, somehow.

... Fark-ready headline:

"I guess Looney Louie isn't following current events. He didn't hear they moved Area 51 to the District of Columbia, and it's main headquarters is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That's right Louie, it's those alien's currently running the country that would build a UFO that would specifically rain destruction down on white America. I am actually surprised that Louie doesn't hold a czar or cabinet level position in this administration. Really, is there ever an end to this bullshit? Where is the outrage from the NAACP, or Rearend Sharpnuts, or Jesse Jackass? Will we hear any denouncements from the Left? I'll say this, next to FarKoran, Jesse Jackass and Al Sharpnuts seem almost legit. I said almost. And yet he is considered a viable leader, but only to the nutjob leftists. Conservatives think he's f**king nuts!  Could you imagine the "outrage" if a white preacher called for the destruction of all black people in America? Or a white preacher who wants to burn a Koran. There would be shouts of racism and demands to destroy that person. But yet, this idiot can spew all this racist hate and you get silence. It's OK for Louie and those who embrace the Nation of Islam to spew racism. Face it, the 'Hate Whitey' industry has been very good to Farrakhan, as it has to Sharpnuts and Jackson. Louie's built himself an empire selling nothing but hate. I think it's high time to send Louie back to whatever planet he came from. 

All you need to know about Looney Louie

I would love for one of the Shite House press pool reporters to please ask Press Sec. Jay Maddow

The Art Of Libtard Fishing

Directions for Libtard's fishing with a hand grenade.

1. Pull the pin.
2. Throw it far from the boat.
3. Net the stunned and dead fish.

These libtards forgot step 2.

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

    “May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.”

General George S. Patton


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3