The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Reid: Ted Kennedy is 'Going to Smile' Down on Us

Dingy will be shocked to hear most people do not find this to be a good thing.

"Looking down Harry? Not so much. Definitely looking up. Figures, the old libtard, Tales from the Crypt looking bastard doesn't know his up from down. Heaven down, hell up. Get my point jackass. Ted's in hell, and I you will be reunited with him someday.Although I rather doubt that Ted Kennedy’s in any position to be “smiling down” on anyone, given where he most likely is now, I’m sure that you are right Harry that he’d be pleased. He did dedicate his life to destroying America, after all.This just in Harry, nobody gives a shit about that dead bloated libtard drunk anymore except you and the rest of the democrap party. 
Kennedy is the evil ghost of amnesty past. We all know Senator Swimmer is the patron saint of the democrap party, but truth be told Harry, he left a girl to drown in his car so he could go call his lawyer. The POS known as Ted Kennedy also did not report the incident to the police. What a guy. He was also thown out of Harvard for cheating, played "Sandwich the Waitress" with his

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "I find it repugnant to the system of government under which we are supposed to be operating. I find it even repugnant to Article 6 of the Constitution which makes it clear that there’s one kind of Constitutional Amendment that is never appropriate.
You can’t amend the Constitution to deny any state its equal representation in the Senate. And if at any moment we end up with a situation in which we have second-class Senators, Senators that may commit and propose for debate and discussion and a vote on an amendment, and if we have to go to the Majority Leader and say, ‘Mother, may I?’ then perhaps we have something. Perhaps we have lost the environment in which each of the states were supposed to receive equal representation.
It also seems to me to take on a certain character, a certain banana republic quality that we’re asked to vote on legislation--in many circumstances, just hours or even minutes after we have received it. We take on a certain rubber stamp quality when we do that. I remember a few months ago, in connection with the fiscal cliff debate, as we approached the fiscal cliff on New Year’s Eve, we were told by our respective leaders, "just wait, something’s coming. Go back to your offices, watch your televisions, play with your toys, do whatever it is that you do but be good senators, run along and stay out of trouble. We’re taking care of this. We’ll send you legislation as soon as we’re ready." --Sen. Mike Lee


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