The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Saturday 10/21/2017

Subpoena Issued For Trump Dossier Firm’s Bank Records

Via Daily Caller:
The House Intelligence Committee earlier this month issued a subpoena to the bank used by Fusion GPS in hopes of finding out who paid the opposition research firm to produce the infamous dossier of research on Donald Trump, according to a source familiar with the situation.
The subpoena of TD Bank was issued on Oct. 4, the same day that the committee subpoenaed documents and interviews from Fusion’s three co-founders, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch and Thomas Catan.
Fritsch and Catan invoked their Fifth Amendment rights during a short interview before the committee on Wednesday.
The Washington Examiner first reported the news of the bank subpoena on Friday.

I am struggling trying to not get my hopes up. But, in the event something comes of this, I am sure the democrats and the Clinton's are behind it and there's a RINO out there who spread this dossier before dropping it. I wonder what he's doing right now. If it is McCain his life will be ruined as far as being respected more than it is already. This firm needs to be told that working to influence the US Government for a foreign government is sedition and maybe treason.then they need to put them in separate rooms and explain the the harsh penalties for these actions. And if that doesn't persuade them, put there balls in a vice until they talk. What's the holdup with that? Oh, right. Rip van Sessions. And on that note, wake me up when something happens. 

Liberals Try To Connect With Normal Americans. It Goes Poorly

From The Town Hall

Key Democrats met secretly to confer about the party’s future as America approached the one-year anniversary of their stunning and hilarious humiliation by Donald Trump. The key question they sought to answer: “How can we Democrats appeal to those Jesus-loving, racist idiots who hate science and don’t live on the coast like everyone we know?”
Sen Chuck Schumer opened the discussion: 

"We’re here to freely exchange ideas in an atmosphere of openness and unlimited inquiry. With that in mind, your program has a list of the things you can’t say, like ‘illegal alien’ and ‘Christmas.’ It also has a handy cheat sheet of everyone’s preferred pronouns. Mine are ‘he’ and ‘him,’ while Senator Menendez’s are ‘convict’ and ‘Number 675973.’ Also, be sure to observe the rule about not mansplaining, which should not be a problem with this group.”
He then turned it over to 105 year-old Nancy Pelosi, who asked, “Where am I?” After Schumer whispered in her ear, she began:
 “With the economy booming, the stock market setting records, and America defeating ISIS, things have never been worse. That’s why we need to keep The Resistance going, because it’s been a huge success so far in my district in San Francisco and, I’m sure, in your districts in Manhattan, Chicago, and Havana. And we need to expand our party, which means we need to convince dirty, stupid, transphobic normal Americans to come to grips with their own failings and join us.”
“We could tell them they’re stupid even more often,” suggested Al Franken.

“And racist,” suggested Maxine Waters.

“Also, Islamophobic,” said Keith Ellison.

“In my state, I can go potty with girls!” said California’s Gavin Newsom. 

“Clearly, there’s something wrong with these people, so we need to consult with someone with a genuine connection with normal Americans. Sadly, Hillary Clinton isn’t here to help us. If anyone connects with Middle America, it’s her. Unfortunately, she’s fallen and she can’t get up.”
Pelosi then made the “drinky drinky” gesture, and the crowd nodded. 

 “Now look,” Schumer said, frustrated. “We have to defend 22 Senate seats next year, many in red states. How the hell are we going to do that?” 

“Move left,” said Bernie Sanders. 

“I know!” came a shrill, grating voice from the back of the room. Hillary Clinton entered with a bandage around her head and limping from the broken toe she got when she “slipped” while wearing her trademark high heels. She took the mic and the room fell still.

“We can start treating normal Americans with respect. We can honor them for their hard work, patriotism, and devotion to family. We can stop insulting their religious beliefs and trying to shove our urban blue state values down their throats. When criminals murder fellow citizens, we can choose not to blame law-abiding gun owners, and instead of calling them ‘racists’ for voting for Trump, talk to them and learn why they felt he was offering them more than the Democratic Party.”
The room was silent, and the crowd sat staring with jaws slack.  

“And…and…,” she said, then steadied herself on the podium, looking around confused.  

“Are you all right, Madame Should-Be-President?” asked Schumer, handing her a goblet of Chardonnay. She drank it in one gulp. “I don’t understand…what happened?” she asked. 

 “You were just mumbling random words, crazy talk,” Schumer said. “It didn’t make any sense at all.” 

Protesters Chant ‘White Supremacy’ At Jerry Jones At NFL Meeting

So tell me then, what percentage of players on Jones' team are black? And of those black players, how many of them are MILLIONAIRES? Like I said before, these assholes don't want equal rights, they want dominant rights. Nothing will satisfy these leftists. So Jerry, are you happy now dummy? Hope you enjoyed that ridiculous kneeling shit with your racist employees. Now you get to chase after the patrons of your franchise and really get back on your knees and start begging they don't desert you like you've never begged before! 

So Jerry, I hope you learned that screwing over all of the good people who used to be fans will leave you with no allies when the radical left turns on you. You thought you could flip off all of the decent fans and get away with it. Well, now you need these fans as an ally and no one wants to be one. There's an saying about not making enemies unless you absolutely have to, it's a good rule of thumb. You tried to reason and appease these ignorant players which only emboldened them to continue with this shit. So now when you finally find your backbone you get called a white supremacist. And now you know how the normal half feels.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3