The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GOP Report Shows Clinton Lied About Benghazi. Say It Ain't So.

"It isn’t a question of “were they lying”, it’s a question of  just how big of a jackass breathing moron libtard do you have to be to believe a single thing they said. Am I saying that Barry Hussein and his band of Forty Thieves lied to the American People? You bet your libtard ass I am. And I will prove it. First, the Reich and the Hussein ass kissing media, wants us to believe that we would never send any forces into an unknown situation. That's their claim, we NEVER send troops into an unknown situation. What was unknown? You had a team of SEAL's on site feeding real time info to the highest levels of our government. You had a surveillance drone overhead feeding real time video to the Shite House. Never in human history could a commander have sent troops into harms way with better intel. So you see, it's pure libtard bullshit.We send troops into unknown situations all the time. In short, you morons don't have a f**king clue what you are talking about. That claim is simply a bold faced lie. Tell me this: how much information did we have about the Bin Laden compound? Did we have a team of Seals on site feeding real time info? Of course not. We knew nothing compared to what we knew in Benghazi. Yet we sent troops in to conduct a combat operation in a "friendly nation", in an unknown situation. That being said, 

prove me wrong. Give me one example where we haven’t sent troops into harms way  because all we had was real time intel from trained intelligence operatives? Chirp, chirp.Seems the libtards are having some trouble answering my question, so I will give them what should be a much, much easier question. Give me a single example in all of human history where a military commander 3,000 miles away had more information about a military engagement than Barack Hussein Obortion had on Sept. 11th, 2012? Chirp, chirp again. And at the risk of kicking a libtard when he’s down, tell me do cops and firemen in big cities, with tall skyscrapers like New York, go into “unknown situations” all the time? I think they do. But if the dicktator of New York, Mayor McFacist claimed they didn’t, would you believe him? You probably would, because libtards don't have the ability to process facts or use common sense. Anyway, here's the answer to the questions,

Hussein: ‘I’m Not Familiar’ With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened. But Aint That Gay NBA Player Brave. er

"OK, who besides some dipshit moron libtard would expect Barack Oboutme to say, ”OK, you got me. We tried to cover it up but these damn civil servants just don’t want to keep their mouths shut!” Amazing isn't he. Hussein says he was “not familiar” with reports of intimidation and threats to such witnesses? Oh that's right. He was too busy telling some basketball player what a swell brave guy he is because he is gay. You wonder sometimes how politicians can claim to be so out of the loop. Of course the reality is that they are either clueless, liars or both. Then again I seriously doubt he is aware of anything coming from FoxNews since that organization is in the news business and not in the business of spewing what the Democrap Party tells MSNBC and CNN to report, then the Shite House staff gets their information from MSNBC and CNN and that is accepted as ‘the news’. He says, "I’m not familiar with Benghazi whistle blowers being threatened”. It reminds me of another libtard president saying ” I did not have sex with that woman” Two Libs= Two Liars. There’s a new “fast and furious” going on right now in the Shite House. That's the administration working fast and furious to destroy any evidence before the shit hits the fan. Yes sir, Hussein is fully engaged on the important things, like the gay NBA player, to the extent that it warrants a personal phone call and bold declarations of great progress in society. But Benghazi? Who the f**k is that? 

You know they're desperate when they're threatening people. This is going to backfire on them. This sort of thing used to work before the new media was around, but now? This is going to go viral, and assuming the Left have a shred of common sense left in their tiny little brains, even they

Child of the United States Says: 'Maybe I Should Just Pack Up and Go Home.' I say, 'Thanks For The Material'.

"From your lips to God's ears. Sorry, Allah's ears. It took over 4 years, but he finally said something I agree with. Leave. Go already. Don't bother packing, just f**king leave. When is the next flight to Kenya. I'm sure your brother has room for you in his hut. And take Moochelle, your 

Moocher in law, and your two Moochettes with you. And if you have room, take the buffoon Plugs Biden botox Pelosi with you. And your czars, bureaucrats, judges, corrupt lobbyists, your media lapdogs and all the rest of the Democrap mess. While you're at it, take the RINOs along for the ride too. Just please, don't f**king tease me like this, for once in your life follow through with a promise and leave the country. You've already done enough damage to this great nation. If you truly love this country (which we all know by now you do not) then you would do the appropriate and honorable thing and leave. You are not and never have been equal to the task and have repeatedly demonstrated this to us. So go now! Go to Kenya, go to Chicago, go to hell for all I care. Just go. Just don't pack the People's silver ware and china when you pack. Guess we may to 

keep our eye on Moochelle and her mom. Maybe you could return to the practice of law. Maybe

FOX News Crushes Prime Time Competition. Just Thought You Libtards Would Like To Know.

"Fair and Balanced. Real news reporting. Credible anchors. Not the garbage you see on the Libtard networks. Maybe that’s why FOX News continues to pound their competition in ratings. To be fair, CNN is Ok to watch when there is a commercial on Fox, but BSNBC is never OK to watch.  Keep up the good work libtards. Resist We Much." MC

Annoying Libtard Of The Week: Leftbag Eleanor Clift

"This weeks winner, Eleanor Clift, who say calling an Illegal Alien an Illegal Alien is offensive. So calling an Illegal Alien an Illegal Alien is offensive Eleanor? You libtards just love to change the language. This is something that you are quite skilled at and very successful in doing. By changing the language, you define the narrative and everyone else just has to fall in line, and most of the time we do. You love to pervert the English language. Well how about this, if they are offended, too f**king bad. Whats next, are rapists now undocumented sex partners? Are burglars undocumented residents? Are drunk drivers undocumented travelers? Come to think of it, Democrat is really an offensive word to me. How about we say "Non-functional libtard piece of shit?” Yeah, that's better. Hell, I think Eleanore Clift is an offensive term that needs to be undocumented. Oh and by the way, your a moron. Is that offensive enough for ya?  

Undocumented, unauthorized, who the hell cares? They are criminals and their here illegally. Get


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