The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, November 1, 2013

CBS Obtains Documents Showing Six People Signed Up For Obamacare On First Day

"OOP's, they lied again. I love the whisle blowers. It seems they do know how many have enrolled, and it ain't good. I'm finding it hard to believe, but it seems CBS is back to doing hard hitting journalism. Or could it be somebody at CBS pissed at Barry? Maybe their jealous of all the scoops that Obama gives to NBC. Regardless, I hope they all get in a war on who can spill the most. I just love it when the libtards eat their own. 

And guess who the reporter breaking the story again? It's Sharyl Attkisson. She also reported on Fast & Furious, Benghazi and more. And she's been snooped on by, who, the NSA. Not to worry. She can expect a heavy-handed audit by the IRS very soon! It's just more lying of the most transparent presidency ever. When the Liar-in-chief loses CBS, he might have a problem. And if

Democrap Communist Assholes Chuck Schumer And Barbara Boxer Introduce Bill Giving Obama Power To Unilaterally Raise Debt Ceiling

"Schumer and Boxer, now there's two individuals that I'd love to see chased down by a pack of wild dogs. So basically they are making it official; congress is no longer needed. Then why do we pay their extortion salaries 175,000/ year. Congress is not no longer needed, not yet. Barry would like for them to be, but, alas, Obowel doesn't always get what he wants. But is this even legal? Don't you need an amendment, not a law, to change the constitution? Of course you do, but Smuckey, Box Of Rocks, Obowel, and even SCOTUS have been ignoring it for so long what's the big deal? Why not save everyone a lot of time and just pass a bill to run the Constitution through the Oval Office shredder?

Well, since there is no need for a Congress any more, you and Boxers'nBriefs are out of a job, Schmuckie. Happy f**king retirement! Of course you should be impeached for violating your Oath of Office, but McShame, McConnell, McCoburn and the rest of the RINO's will just smile and say they are gracious friends. Meanwhile the communist shit is hitting the fan. Just like

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
        "What does it take to warn Americans about unchecked pension growth, socialized medicine, vast increases in entitlements, higher taxes, and steady expansion of government? In other words, what is it about Detroit, Italy, or Greece that we do not understand?

In the last five years, the Obama administration has raised taxes on the top income rates, implemented Obamacare, added millions to the disability and food stamp roles, grown the size of the federal work force, run up the national debt, and vastly expanded the money supply, along with insuring near zero interest rates. Are there any historical examples where these redistributive efforts have brought long-term tranquility and prosperity?" --Victor Davis Hanson


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3