The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hussein: If You Can’t Trust Me “Then We’re Going To Have Some Problems Here”.

"I've never trusted a liar, so I guess we got some problems. Sounds like he's making this our fault. No guilt trip here, you sorry SOB. I've had your number for years. And whats this We stuff? Its you that is going to have the problem, you Muslim POS. Problems?? You bet you jug-eared, lying, rat-bastard! Here are a few, Fast and Furious, Sequester lies, Benghazi, AP, NSAIRS, Fox News, Judge shopping, Internet, Verizon, EPA. Need I go on? I'll go a step further, if enough people don't trust government, we're gonna have a war. We got problems alright. With you. Get the f**k out.

This asshole would have to be truly braindead not to know that almost half the country has never trusted him, and they've been proved right. The Left can now play the race card till they're blue in the f**king face and it won't matter. The dam, which the media built, has broken. '"abiding by the Constitution ..." How the hell does he say that with a straight face or without bursting in to

Poll: Shillary Approval Rating Tanks 12-Points, From 70% To 58%…

"At this point, what difference does it make? I'm wondering, 70% approval to whom? Fat old lesbian democraps? It's still to high, never underestimate the stupid on the left who would vote for this lying bitch tomorrow. Remember Sir Edmund Hillary? Yeah, her parents didn't name her

CBS Poll: 53% Of Americans Think Obama Hiding Something On Benghazi, Only 34% Say They’re Telling The Truth.

"And once again we see about 34 % of our country are still idiots when it comes to Benghazi. So does this poll also show that those that think Hussein is a liar are racist. Ain't that something? BSDNC and Rearend Al are getting their racist talking points together for their bullshit spreading today. I guess the majority of the Country can see what is going on. For instance, let's appoint Rice so she now has executive privilege, even though she was just a paid Hussein whore in the cover up just to spew lies and bullshit. So now she is out of the way. Won't be getting nothing from her. So how will we know who gave the stand down order? And where exactly was Obama for 8 hours? Certainly not in bed with the Sasquatch. To quote Thunder Thighs "What difference does it make?" 

This prick has never told the truth about a single damn thing. He is a liar and a thug, a skinny little puke of a thug, but a thug nonetheless. Makes Joseph Goebbels look like the most honest

Picture, Joke, And Quote of the day.

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

President Snooper

"Put me through to everyone on Verizon"

Quote of the Day:

“I’m not interested in scoring political points. I want to protect and preserve the America that I grew up in. The America that people crossed oceans and risked their lives to become a part of. And I’m terrified it is slipping away.
“Thank you.”
–  Testimony of Becky Gerritson, president of the Wetumpka, Alabama Tea Party, before the House Ways and Means Committee.


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