The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, September 1, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

Comey Drafted Statement Clearing Hillary Before Interviewing Key Witnesses

Via Daily Caller:
As FBI director last year, James Comey began writing drafts of a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, even before all witnesses in the investigation — including Clinton herself — had been interviewed.
The Senate Judiciary Committee obtained the Comey memos as part of its investigation into his firing by President Trump, which occurred on May 9.
The revelation that Comey had begun drafting memos of his exoneration statement comes from transcripts of interviews given last fall by two FBI officials.
James Rybicki, Comey’s chief of staff, and Trisha Anderson, the principal deputy general counsel of national security and cyberlaw at the FBI, gave the interviews as part of an investigation conducted by the Office of Special Counsel into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation.

Nothing much else to say. Yes, boys and girls, THE FIX WAS IN! Can you say, "Obstruction of justice"? Why, yes you can. So I guess the Clinton Foundation donated to the Comey Foundation? Is anyone really shocked by this? If you are, well, I don't know what to say. In a sane world, this would be his new home:

With Hillary. And Barry. And Lynch. And Holder. And... well you get the idea! Calling Jeff Sessions!! Clean up on Aisle of Corruption!

Obama Becomes The Nation’s Most Costly Former President

Via Western Journalism:
Taxpayers will spend more than $1 million in the fiscal year 2018 to provide former President Barack Obama with office space, a six-figure pension and other perks, making Obama the most costly president to support of the five living ex-presidents.

Overall, Obama will cost taxpayers $1,153,000 next year, according to a Congressional Research Service memo.
Obama’s total budget request amounts to more than $100,000 above the amount expected to be spent on former President George W. Bush, and about $200,000 higher than what former President Bill Clinton will get.

And worth every penny! Don't need a sarc tag do I? This is really bullshit! $88,000 a month? You've got to be f**king kidding me. I guess Obama's socialist wealth redistribution scheme paid for by the US taxpayer worked out for him just the way he planned it. Every ex-president should get their retirement and SS detail, but anything above and beyond that should come out of their own pockets. I guess this means that we the tax payers still have to pay for his golf games, vacations, and community agitating right? I mean what the hell is going on here? Answer, The Rape of the United States of America. The Obama's, The Grift's that keeps on taking.

Pope Frankie: “Listen To The Cry Of The Earth”…

“listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor, who suffer most because of the unbalanced ecology.”

Via Eco Watch:
Pope Francis, who has a strong belief in the science of climate change, called upon world leaders on Wednesday to “listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor, who suffer most because of the unbalanced ecology.”
Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew I, the head of the Orthodox Christian Church, will issue a joint message to commemorate the annual “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” on Friday, the Associated Press reported.
In 2015, the Pope designated Sept. 1 as “a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in this vocation as custodians of creation,” framing the preservation of the environment as a moral responsibility.

Pope Frankie, another climate scientist moonlighting on the side with another job. So Frankie, let me get this straight. You want me to “listen to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor, who suffer most because of the unbalanced ecology.”  Sorry, I'm listening to the cries of 150+ million people murdered by socialism over the last hundred years Frankie. Many of them Christians. I can hear those cries loud and clear. Can you, or are your socialist ears closed to them? You would rather take up a fraud cause and follow Al Gore, while completely ignoring Murdering Muslims and their Pedophile Prophet who have been responsible for deaths of between 270 and 670 million people. And, many of them your fellow Christians. What a hypocrite and a fraud you are. Sorry, but you need to go. We need a man of God, not a man of Gore. Italy needs to dump all of their refugees at your door at the Vatican. Get a catapult and pitch 'em over that huge wall if necessary. Then let's see what you has to say. 

Stop trying to guilt-trip us into believing the GloBullShit Warming scam Frankie. It doesn't create poor refugees and natural disasters. There were poor refugees starving in Africa and Asia 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 150 years ago, 200 years ago. Why? Because some refugees don't know how to be self-sustaining, because there are leader's who control these refugees through hunger. There will always be famine, floods, crop failures, natural disasters, etc., etc., etc.  Your bogus GloBullShit Warming has nothing to do with that either. Those are natural occurring weather cycles of nature. So go pound your pulpit on matters of faith, not matters of policy. Clean up your own house before you cast stones at ours. There have been a lot of great popes, and some really bad ones that shake the foundation of Christ's Church. Frankie is not a great Pope.


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