"Bob “Teddy” Menendez. Another Democrap pervert. “I did not have relations with that little girl!”. Commit the act then lie, deny and counter-lie until you’re caught. Then never admit it. If there’s a sex scandal going on you can just about bet your last dollar a Democrap is involved. Typical. Even so, this guy looks pretty good along side Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, etc. I surmise he will shortly be regarded as the new ‘lion of the democrap party’. He knows how to strengthen his resume’ for a presidential run. The girl was a minor? What does it matter, at this point? Menendez is using Hillary’s old worn out line. Revelations of her lying and wrong doing would always be traced to a “right wing conspiracy.” That worked for Hillary. Will it work for Molester Bob? But it’s all ok, because he’s a democrap. He has to be the front runner for “Father of the 2014 Year”. Menendez has earned a night of honor at the next democrat convention, just like those other champions of women, Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy got at the last one." MC
The main source in the Bob Menendez underage hooker scandal sent the FBI the names of four hookers who confirmed they had attended sex parties with Salmon Melgen and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) in the Dominican Republic. On Tuesday, FBI agents raided the West Palm Beach business of Dr. Melgen who is suspected of providing free trips and even underage Dominican Republic prostitutes to U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J.
Here is the FBI email on the four prostitutes.
In the above email, the four women say they are afraid of retaliation because “they know the kind of people they’re dealing with.”
"It’s about time. Hopefully “Rev” Al (who has NEVER been ordained) should also have received the same order. Maybe people should start looking into “Rev” Sharpnut’s credentials for the title “Reverend”. Pretty easy, do a google search. What you will find says he was ‘declared’ a reverend by his church pastor when he was four, yes, four years old based on his incredible ability to repeat the pastor’s sermons. How about that? Y’all impressed? He’s about as genuine as Hussein. Sharputs was ordered by the court to pay civil penalties decades ago, but has refused. Exactly how does he get away with this? Sharpnuts is evil, and what goes around comes around. Brawley is another low life. Maybe Big Al would like to kick-in, now that he made the big time. It all started with a big lie, how appropriate. Hey Tawana, Rev.Al will send a check to help out as soon as he gets the IRS caught up. I mean, its the least Al Sharpnuts could do, is fork out some of his money. After all, I seem to remember that he stirred up the pot pretty good during that episode. And Brawley, whose unbelievable lies made the Rev. Al a household name as he bombastically championed her cause, deserves some thanks from him. Notice the silence from Al. Al Sharpnuts is just a piece of human waste. Resist we much." MC