The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Saturday 11/4/2017

TRAVESTY!!! Bowe Bergdahl Will Serve No Time For Desertion

I am literally physically ill. All those who served this Country honorably, have been betrayed in the most despicable way. What a terrible, terrible travesty. So what Obowel appointee made this ruling? This is a sad day for the American military! No real words for just how wrong this is. But what did we expect? We had a traitor as secretary of state, oh excuse me, two traitors who served served as secretary of state under the traitor President. Hell, the whole f**king administration were traitors to their country. So now we have another. They should have left this POS with the his Taliban family.Too bad Obammy isn't still in office, he would award him the Medal of Honor and make him an officer. I do not put much into his chances out on the street. Brave men were injured and died looking for this sack of shit. Not to mention the bad guys that Barry let go. Unrighteous decision for the families that saw their loved ones return in a body bag after attempting to save the POS. Seems like the real victims always get the shaft under political correctness. He'll eventually have to show his face in public, and I'm sure lots of Americans are waiting for that to happen. I hope he has eyes in the back of his head. He is going to need them. He may be loose, but he is NOT safe. Just saying. 

Bergdahl will have to leave the country. Who's going to befriend him? Who's going to hire him? What am I saying? I'm sure the left will love Bergdahl. He's their kind of Veteran. The one who abandons his battle comrades for the Taliban, actively speaks out against the war, and came home to a hero's welcome from Obowel himself. Hell, who know's, maybe he can even run on the Democrat Presidential ticket in 2020. Between Manning, Hassan, and now Bergdahl, it is apparent that the Military Judges are more interested in aiding and abetting traitors than actual justice. Military Justice has went the way of Military Intelligence. So now, in order to get justice, guess we have to pin our hopes on karma.

The death of the above depicted heroes MUST BE AVENGED.

Dumdass of the Week Award

Idiot Chris Matthews Baffled: Why Would A Muslim Uzbeki Want To Attack Us?

See the video here

So Tingles continues to go through life baffled. Let's see, where do I start, there is this book Tingles, a kind of instruction manual, that is very popular with them. And when they follow this book, they become radicalized Islamic Terrorists and turns you into a f**king moron. Get it now. No, well how about this, he has a 700 AD mind in a 21st century body. Unlike you, Chris, who has a 2 year old mind in a broken down tingle up your leg body. Crissey, I don't believe you really this stupid, but if you are, you should give up your show and stick to killing your liver. 


"Hey Chris, how do you drive an idiot crazy?"

"I'll tell you later"

Glamour Magazine’s ‘Woman of the Year’ Is Rep. Maxine Waters

Waters is to Glamour as Michael Moore is to 
Weight Watchers.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3