The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, February 21, 2014

More From The Looney Left

Six-Year-Old Boy Expelled From School For Bringing Unhealthy Snacks In His Lunch In The UK

Via Daily Mail:
A headteacher who expelled a six-year-old boy after he brought in Mini Cheddars for his packed lunch fed pupils food from McDonald’s, it was revealed today.
Jeremy Meek ordered the notorious junk food for youngsters at Colnbrook Church of England Primary School in Berkshire, just weeks before kicking out a pupil in a row over healthy eating.
Pupil Riley Pearson was expelled earlier this month following the fall-out over his lunchbox. His four-year-old brother Jayden also had his place at the pre-school withdrawn by the headteacher.
But it has now emerged that the school bought around 100 children McDonald’s meals for lunch after a break-in at the school at the end of the Christmas term had left the canteen out of action.
Riley’s father Tom Pearson said: ‘It is just so hypocritical and makes me really angry at their double standards. There were five dinner ladies working.
‘Why didn’t they go to the shop a few minutes’ away, get some bread and make some sandwiches if they are so concerned about healthy eating? McDonald’s is junk food, pure and simple.
Keep reading…
Federales Are Trying To Sneak Into Your Kitchen | RightPunditry

"Expelled, mind you. Not scolded, lectured, threatened or even smacked on the arm. F**King expelled. Just another example of the food police coming to a school near you. I bet the whole idea of being able to expel kids for having un-approved food in their lunches sends warm, fuzzy feeling up a certain Moocher's spine. I'm sure this meets with Moochelle's approval. She would love to bring this action across the pond and over here to America's school system. That's right, the First Moochy is at the Shite House applauding this action because she care's so much that the children eat healthy foods while she's preparing for the barbecue in the rose garden. Don't think for one minute that this has gotten by America's food police. These libtard's in this country love what the libtard's over in Not So Great Britain are doing. The school's purpose is to educate children, something they seem to have forgotten. Its ok if little Johnny can't spell, can't add 2+2, and doesn't know what country America fought in the Civil War, but heaven forbid he eats a burger or draws something that looks like a gun! Now there's a problem that needs the libtard's attention. 
First Lady’s Food Nazis Out To Limit ‘Competitive’ Foods | THE B ...

It's okay when the "authorities" feed children junk food, it's only banned when parents do it. Do you see how they are taking away parental rights? The thing most parents aren't understanding is that when they kiss their child at the door and send them off to school, they are also kissing away

The First Lady Late Night

Michelle Obama has been touring California promoting her health agenda, so when she was challenged to a push-up contest on a TV show, she quickly

Via WaPo:
Maybe she’s a night owl. Or really likes making small talk with comedians. Whatever her reasons, Michelle Obama wins the “first lady of late night” award.
FLOTUS, who’s slated to be one of Jimmy Fallon’s first guests in his new job hosting “The Tonight Show,”  has, by our count, appeared at least 14 times on late-night shows since her husband took office in January 2009. She also stopped by The Colbert Report, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno prior to being first lady.
Her predecessors don’t even come close to those stats. Hillary Clinton slipped in a visit to the Late Show with David Letterman during her last year as first lady. Barbara Bush and Laura Bush have each made at least one appearance on the late-night circuit, but not while their husbands were in office. And Nancy Reagan — thanks to her Hollywood ties — made two stops during her pre-White House days at “The Tonight Show” starring Johnny Carson.

... Hard-On for Michelle Obama | Pass The Doucheys on the Right-Hand Side

"One day, and that day may never come, Mooch will realize what an ass she made out of herself as the First Moochy. It may never come because she is too arrogant and narcissistic to ever see it. But anyway, I remember when the late night shows used to be about comedy? Now they're just libtard propaganda outlets. Just like the public schools, hollywood, msm, and every other institution in America. Barry and Mooch love the attention they get from the media and these libtard talk shows. They need to capitalize on the culture of celebrity worship. These late night show appearances serve a duel purpose, feeding their egos and keeping the 'image' alive, especially since some of the LIV idiots that voted for these two frauds are pulling back the curtain and seeing what's really there, or should I say, isn't there. For the first time in her life, she's proud of the late night shows.

No Class~No Style

Moochy has no class, no grace, and no compassion. A total empty shell that tries to pass as a human being just like her other half. Total disaster and embarrassment. She dresses like a 1950's sofa, had to surrender her law license, hates anyone that's white, and this insensitive, classless

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

     "When the First Amendment was written there was no radio and TV, obviously. So it was newspapers, pamphlets, it was the printed word. There’s literally no federal regulation of newspapers. And the only reason there is in broadcasting is because of this notion that the airwaves are public and the government issues licenses to broadcasters granting them permission to use those airwaves. But still, in the news division of those broadcast outlets, the First Amendment applies. But it doesn’t apply to cable because cable’s not over the air. The FCC has no authority over what’s on cable, even though they try to assert it, but it’s not over the air. So there is no public interest there.

Same thing with newspapers. Newspapers are totally off-limits, and yet the commissioner the FCC says they are “now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program. The FCC has apparently already selected eight categories of ‘critical information’ that ‘it believes local newscasters should cover.’

That’s right, the [Regime] has developed a formula of what it believes the free press should cover, and it is going to send government monitors into newsrooms across America to stand over the shoulders of the press as they make editorial decisions. … Every major repressive regime of the modern era has begun with an attempt to control and intimidate the press." --Rush Limbaugh


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3