The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Sunday 10/1/2017

The Sunday Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †


My Opinion

NFL Favorability PLUMMETS. 

Viewership Drops. 

League Execs Hit Panic Button.

The NFL is trying to figure out how to gracefully surrender from this leftist bullshit movement by players who average an 8th grade intelligence level and feel they're not getting a fair shake in this country, because they know how good life would be for them anywhere else and decided to tell the world of this unfairness while their bosses "decided" to stand back and let them do it.. And now the left is in full cover up mode, sensing that they've antagonized a public that is turning away from both of them. Now the big lie. "We meant no disrespect to the flag or anthem," is a typical leftist tactic. What is really disgusting about the left is that when the truth comes out in Kaepernick's own words, the left will pretend not to hear, and will simply go on with their false and hateful narrative. To borrow a phrase, "What difference, at this point, does it make", they have shown us who they are and what they believe. Just because they backtrack when they see the backlash doesn't change that, because they don't really mean it. What they did last week is what they truly think. 

The point is not just that they are lying, the point is that they know they are lying and don't care. In a rational world this should change our behavior toward them. Rather than treat them as having a different but legitimate viewpoint, they must be exposed and treated as hateful enemies of free speech, the rule of law and the constitution. They must be treated like the traitorous scum that they are. The majority of Americans want an unconditional surrender by the NFL. A full apology. But, that's not gonna happen. The jackasses running the NFL will double down before they knuckle under. They are a ignorant bunch, aren't they? "Those danged deplorable fans are a bunch of know nothing rednecks! How dare they defy what we know is what they want and need!" Well, these deplorable/s know one thing, and that is nobody cares what these idiot's opinions are. They're paid to play ball, nothing else. If they want to make change in the country, they should have become something other than over-paid ball boys. Oh wait, they'd need some kind of education, or at least their own opinions, to do that. If you America hating, Trump hating arrogant spoiled rich millionaire elitist celebrity athletes wants to protest something, do it on your own time, not on our time, and not against our Nation!

It's easy to be a coward and spit on your country and flag with hate. It's hard, and takes courage to stand for your country with pride and patriotism, to put your life on the line in defense of your country. Every NFL team, their owners, coaches, and players, have all turned into leftist America hating traitors. There are thousands of underpaid soldiers around the world fighting and dying to keep America safe so you can live free and play professional football and make millions of dollars, and you have the audacity to protest and whine about being treated unfairly, unjustly like some slave. Well, We the People will not put up with any of it! For the last 8 years, we endured the most anti-American president in the history of our nation.We watched many of the awful policies and actions that were taken by that administration. Pallets of cash shipped to our enemies, lied about a video, defending thugs and condemning police, telling me I could keep my doctor when he knew I couldn't. I could go on and on. And, you might say, I did "take a knee" over his actions, not to protest this nation. I kneel to God, I bow to God, I stand for my flag and country. What is happening in the NFL is a direct result of the last 8 years of the hate America movement.  Thank you President Trump. You brought out the anti-Americans among us

Video Proves NFL Thug Michael Bennet's Racism Claims is a LIE!

So what we have learned is there was a shooting the police arrived and gave an order to get things under control and Michael Bennett did not comply and instead after it was all over went and got his attorney and lied about what happened. Want to see my shocked face? So Michael Bennett is now a confirmed liar. But the criminals are usually liars. Ask Hillary. Seriously has there ever been a single one of these issues that turned out to be anything other than bullshit? Hands up, don't shoot. The lies never end.

Micheal Bennett is what happens when a person's been told his entire life that white people are evil and are out to get him. Reasonable people need to remember, it doesn't matter what we do or say, they are expecting nothing but racism so they will experience nothing but racism. Even when it's on film, clear as day, they will still see basic and widely practiced law enforcement techniques as racist. One of the most consistent characteristics of liberals and racists is this, they are unable to differentiate between what they want to be true and what is true. They just cannot admit they were wrong or at fault for anything. Obviously this guy made up his story so he wouldn't look like the whiny pussy he really was and at fault for his own apprehension. The police acted more than reasonably with him in the midst of a shooter situation. Too bad for him it was all on camera and America saw the real story. Good thing for us. Body cameras on cops was a great leap forward in proving what liars and racists BLMer's are. I can see heads on the Left exploding as they try to figure out why they thought Police Body Cams were a good idea. 

Bible Verse On Bench, In Memory Of Virginia Teen, Has To Be Removed

CHARLOTTE Co., Va. (WSET) — A Bible verse on a memorial bench honoring a Charlotte County, Virgina teen who passed away last year now has to be taken off.
Colton Osborne died tragically last year during an ATV accident and the community came together to honor his memory with a bench at Randolph Henry High School.
Osborne is remembered for his love of baseball, that’s why the bench was placed next to the baseball field and reads “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me – Philippians 4:13.”
The Charlotte County School Board said the Bible verse is not legally compliant.
“The community of Charlotte County is a very sweet and loving community and they do frequently request to give memorials,” said Nancy Leonard, the school superintendent.
That’s why the school system worked with their attorney to come up with a policy on how to handle them.
“During that work, we found that the memorial bench that we currently have is not legally compliant because of the establishment clause because of the Bible verse,” Leonard continued.
Leonard said it was a community idea and effort to place the bench on school property, and they installed it last spring when the school held a memorial service during a baseball game and dedicated the bench in Osborne’s memory.
They’ve had no complaints about the Bible verse, but Leonard says they need to follow the law.

What a disgrace! So if it had a verse from the Koran do you think they would demand it be removed? Of course not, Satan's disciple's will not deny other Satan's disciple'sBeing that leftists are demonically possessed with terminal stupidity, its no wonder that they are offended by Biblical verses and Scripture. 


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