The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama Administration

You’ve watched a lot of clips about Benghazi today but none of them bring home the anguish of Stevens and his team finding themselves defenseless inside a terrorist maelstrom the way this one does. Her exasperation at the administration is gut-wrenching, all the more so because she met personally with Obama, Hillary, Panetta and the rest of the “spontaneous protest” crew and was assured that they were working quickly to find out what happened. Back in reality, the FBI didn’t even get to the consulate to investigate until a few days ago thanks in part to agency infighting between the Bureau and State. Presumably, at this point, they’ll never be able to give her a firm answer about how her son died.
In fact, it was her son, Sean Smith, who in his final hours ended up raising one of the great unanswered questions about the attack. Remember this item at Eurogamer, posted the day after Smith was killed?
Gianturco shared a chat room message posted by Vile Rat [a.k.a. Smith], presumably from earlier that day.
“(12:54:09 PM) vile_rat: assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures.”
I haven’t heard anything about the mysterious picture-taking Libyan “policeman” since then. Over to you, Rep. Issa.

The mother of State Department official Sean Smith, who was killed September 11, 2012 in the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, appeared on CNN this evening.

State Department Official Won't Say Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism

During a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the September 11, 2012, attacks against U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya, a top State Department official refused to characterize the attacks as "terrorism."

"I have just presented the facts as they've come across," said Charlene Lamb, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Programs at State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security. "I am not making any judgments on my own" with respect to the terrorism label, she told Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN).

BURTON: Because today as I listen to people, and you Ms. Lamb, have said— you've described these attackers in a number of ways, but you don’t mention terrorists at all. Why is that? I mean, the compound had been attacked once before, and breached, and these people had all these weapons—projectiles, grenades, all kinds of weapons. Why would you call this anything but a terrorist attack? Why do you call them attackers?
LAMB: Sir, I have just presented the facts as they've come across. I am not making any judgments on my own and I am leaving that to [unintelligible].
Other witnesses at the hearing weren't so cautious. Army Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who told the committee


 The former security chief for the US Consulate in Benghazi Libya testified today in the House of Representatives that the US State Department asked him to stop asking for increased security prior to the deadly terrorists attacks on Sept. 11, 2012

t would be very interesting to ask why an unelected white house advisor  Valerie Jarette has secret service protection 24/7. Yet the state dept. deemed providing security to an ambassador working in a dangerous Islamic country was not an appropriate request? I would really love someone to ask that question.

State Dept: We Never Believed What Hillary Clinton Said

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton brought up the now infamous anti-Muslim video at the transfer of remains ceremony held at Andrews Air Force Base, upon the arrival of the remains of 4 Americans killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. The ceremony, where President Obama also spoke, was held September 14, three days after the attack, and was broadcast live across the nation on television.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office
The video, the Obama administration long suggested, was what sparked attacks against Americans, in Libya and elsewhere across the Muslim world. And bringing up the video at the transfer of remains ceremony helped build that false narrative.
But now, nearly a month later, the Obama administration is changing its story altogether about what happened at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The AP reports:
"The State Department now says it never believed the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was a film protest gone awry, giving congressional Republicans new fodder for criticizing the Obama administration's initial accounts … The State Department's extraordinary break with other administration offices came in a department briefing Tuesday, where officials said ‘others’ in the executive branch concluded initially that the protest was based … on a film that ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad. ‘That was never our conclusion,’ a senior official told reporters."

Someone Has Finally Thrown Obama Under The Bus And Her Name Is Hillary Clinton

President Barack Obama, with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, delivers a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House, Sept. 12, 2012, regarding the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
What other conclusions can one draw from this from the AP?
WASHINGTON — The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
The revelation came as new documents suggested internal disagreement over appropriate levels of security before the attack, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S.
Briefing reporters ahead of a hotly anticipated congressional hearing Wednesday, State Department officials provided their most detailed rundown of how a peaceful day in Benghazi devolved into a sustained attack that involved multiple groups of men armed with weapons such as machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars over an expanse of more than a mile.
But asked about the administration’s initial — and since retracted — explanation linking the violence to protests over an anti-Muslim video circulating on the Internet, one official said, “That was not our conclusion.” He called it a question for “others” to answer, without specifying. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter, and provided no evidence that might suggest a case of spontaneous violence or angry protests that went too far.
Just as a reminder the Obama administration couldn’t get its story squared with the facts for well over a week. The Heritage Foundation put out this helpful video essay of the administration’s cover up on the assassination of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.

Damage Control: Obama Meets With Hillary at WH

The remarkable part of this story is Obama is actually at the White House. So, he’s pretending to do his job for the first time in memory  or just doing some damage control over his massive Benghazi cover-up?
President Obama is scheduled to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this afternoon in the Oval Office, as more damaging details about the terrorist attack against a United States consulate in Libya emerge.
Yesterday, the State Department revealed  that the attack was “unprecedented” and wasn’t preceded by a protest over the controversial YouTube video, directly contradicting explanation of the attack by the Obama administration.
Meanwhile, Robert Gibbs, this morning tried to minimize the damage, defending U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s assertion that the attack was sparked by the YouTube video.
So they’re still defending Rice? Please.

TAPPER HAMMERS CARNEY :’Didn’t the President Shoot First and Ask Questions Later?’

ABC News’ Jake Tapper grilled White House press secretary Jay Carney today on the administrations response to attacks on US Embassy in Benghazi, “Didn’t President Obama shoot first, and aim later?”
TAPPER: President Obama, shortly after the attack told “60 Minutes” that regarding Mitt Romney’s response to the attacks, specifically in Egypt, the president said that Romney has a tendency to “shoot first and aim later.” Given the fact that so much was made out of the video that apparently had absolutely nothing to do with the attack in Benghazi, that there wasn’t even a protest outside the Benghazi post, didn’t President Obama shoot first and aim later?


Chris Matthews Strikes Out Again Rep. Elijah Cummings lies to liberal host

This afternoon, on his cable talk show, liberal host Chris Matthews allowed his guest, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D., Md.) to blatantly lie to him and his audience in Cummings’s claim that the GOP alleged budget cuts have harmed the nation’s ability to properly secure overseas embassies and consulates, like the one in Benghazi that was attacked last month.
Democrats have been promoting this myth and cable anchors like MSNBC’s Matthews and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien have dutifully bought in.

However, in testimony presented to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee this afternoon—testimony personally witnessed by ranking member Cummings—State Department official Charlene Lamb was directly asked whether such budget cuts affected the security decisions of the Department, a charge she flatly denied with an answer that could not have been clearer, “No sir.”

What also came out at the hearing, was that on the vote on the budget cuts, more democrats voted "yes" than republicans. The lies continue.

As the left calls Romney a “liar”, Thomas Sowell exposes the real liar

Pay attention because this is important.
A week or so ago, a video from a 2007 Obama speech surfaced in which he used race baiting tactics to exploit the Hurricane Katrina disaster as proof that Republicans didn’t care for Black Americans.
In his speech — delivered in a ghetto-style accent that Obama doesn’t use anywhere except when he is addressing a black audience — he charged the federal government with not showing the same concern for the people of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina hit as they had shown for the people of New York after the 9/11 attacks, or the people of Florida after hurricane Andrew hit.
Departing from his prepared remarks, he mentioned the Stafford Act, which requires communities receiving federal disaster relief to contribute 10 percent as much as the federal government does.
Senator Obama, as he was then, pointed out that this requirement was waived in the case of New York and Florida because the people there were considered to be “part of the American family.” But the people in New Orleans — predominantly black — “they don’t care about as much,” according to Barack Obama.
Got it?  That was the crux of the speech.  Now remember, when delivered, he was a US Senator.  And remember too that the speech was delivered on the 5th of June, 2007.
Why is that significant?
Here’s why:

Scary Harry

AP Images
Several Democratic candidates in recent months have been hesitant to voice support for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), who, if Democrats retain control of the Senate, must be reelected majority leader when Congress begins a new session next year.
Much like the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository he so opposes, Reid seems to be toxic.
Reid’s tenure as majority leader in the upper house of Congress has been notable for his iron-fisted control, which has drawn indignation from Republicans. However, in recent months, Reid has also been making headlines as a rabid, partisan attack dog for President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign. In July, Reid claimed—without any evidence—that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney had paid no taxes for the past ten years. That claim was proved false last month when Romney released his 2011 tax return along with a letter from his tax advisers detailing his tax liability from 1990 and 2009.
Democrats remain cagey about Reid. For example, Politico reports Arizona Democratic candidate Richard Carmona “demurred” when asked about supporting Reid.

Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore: ‘Obama wants to make everyone equally poor’

Economics writer Stephen Moore says President Barack Obama’s obsession with fairness will make everyone poor.
“Fairness is a good principle but should not be put ahead of growth,” Moore said in an interview with The Daily Caller about his new book, “Who’s the Fairest of Them All?: The Truth about Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America,” released Tuesday. “There’s nothing fair about making everyone poor.”
Moore, who serves as an editorial board member and senior economics writer at the Wall Street Journal, went further, suggesting “Obama wants to make everyone equally poor.”
Asked what three policies he would advocate to revive America’s moribund economy, Moore said, “Flat tax with no double tax on savings and investment. School choice for every child in America. Drill baby drill.”"
Below, see TheDC’s full interview with Moore about his book, America’s long-term debt problem and more:

Why did you write the book?
Because Obama has made class warfare the central premise of his campaign and because most Americans don’t know the truth about who really pays the taxes in America.

What’s wrong with fairness?

The Media Is Truly In Bed With Obama

You have no idea how deep this goes.

A Look at Chuck Todd and Conspiratorial Media Incest

I got a great laugh out of this Chuck Todd near meltdown on Meet the Depressed the other day. His voice quivered in moral outrage over Jack Welch suggesting something was up with the unemployment numbers last Friday. Chuck Todd proclaimed, “What we’re doing, we’re corroding trust in our government in a way, and one time responsible people are doing to control it. And the idea that Donald Trump and Jack Welch, rich people with crazy conspiracy, can get traction on this, is a bad trend.”
He really does not get it. Chuck Todd reflects most of the media not getting it. As ratings decline, newspaper fold, and they all scream about how biased Fox News is, they do not get it.


Don’t you know that voter ID’s are racist?
How will Obama supporters vote more than once if they have to prove who they are?

Brand new from James O’Keefe and PV, the logical follow-up to his expose of how easy it is to request someone else’s ballot: Why not just request your own, but in different states? And why not casually mention your intentions to your friendly neighborhood OFA canvasser and see if they try to talk you out of it?

 You may have seen the first clip already at the Daily Caller this morning, but the second one didn’t hit YouTube until later this afternoon, I think.

In 1994, Obama argued for affirmative action, against ‘return to good old-fashioned racism’

As the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could decide the future of racial preferences in college admissions, The Daily Caller obtained one of the oldest known audio recordings of President Barack Obama: an October 28, 1994 NPR broadcast in which Obama described opponents of affirmative action and certain welfare programs as favoring racism.
Obama’s remarks came as part of a broadcast review of American Enterprise Institute scholar Charles Murray’s controversial 1994 book, “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life.”
Obama accused Murray of racism, and of not caring enough about early childhood education prevention programs like Head Start.


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Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3