The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, September 13, 2012

UNREAL… Obama Invites Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President to Meet Next Week – Refuses to Meet Netanyahu

Barack Obama invited Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi to meet with him in New York next week.
But, not Netanyahu.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu lectured Barack Obama in the Oval Office on the dangers facing the Jews back in May 2011.
But… Barack Obama won’t meet with Israeli leader Netanyahu over Iran row.
He’s going to be campaigning and on Letterman.
Reuters reported:
The White House has rejected a request by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet President Barack Obama in the United States this month, an Israeli official said on Tuesday, after a row erupted between the allies over Iran’s nuclear programme.
An Israeli official told Reuters on condition of anonymity that Netanyahu’s aides had asked for a meeting when he visits the United Nations this month, and “the White House has got back to us and said it appears a meeting is not possible. It said that the president’s schedule will not permit that”.
Netanyahu has met with Obama on all the Israeli leader’s U.S. trips since 2009.
Earlier today President Muhammad Morsi promised to sue the US filmmakers who produced a movie that insulted the prophet Mohammad.
UPDATE: Barack Obama told NBC tonight “I don’t think that we would consider (Egypt) an ally.”
(Maybe he should have thought about that before he through Mubarak under the bus!)

Breaking: John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid Criticize President's Mid East Response

The press tried to skewer Mitt Romney for his statements about the President's handling of the attacks on our Egyptian and Libyan embassies:
“I also believe the Administration was wrong to stand by a statement sympathizing with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt instead of condemning their actions. It's never too early for the United States Government to condemn attacks on Americans, and to defend our values. The White House distanced itself last night from the statement, saying it wasn't ‘cleared by Washington.’ That reflects the mixed signals they’re sending to the world.

“The attacks in Libya and Egypt underscore that the world remains a dangerous place and that American leadership is still sorely needed. In the face of this violence, America cannot shrink from the responsibility to lead. American leadership is necessary to ensure that events in the region don’t spin out of control. We cannot hesitate to use our influence in the region to support those who share our values and our interests. Over the last several years, we have stood witness to an Arab Spring that presents an opportunity for a more peaceful and prosperous region, but also poses the potential for peril, if the forces of extremism and violence are allowed to control the course of events.
The Mainstream Media said nothing about the criticism of the President's response in the Middle East that came from the Democratic Party. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and others all ripped the president for his Mid East actions. Most of those statements were vicious, unlike Romney's statesman-like comments. 

I didn't read about the press backlash when Nancy Pelosi said this:
"Bush is an incompetent leader. In fact, he's not a leader,'' Pelosi said. "He's a person who has no judgment, no experience and no knowledge of the subjects that he has to decide upon. He has on his shoulders the deaths of many more troops, because he would not heed the advice of his own State Department of what to expect after May 1 when he ... declared that major combat is over,'' Pelosi charged. "The shallowness that he has brought to the office has not changed since he got there.''
Today the press was caught colluding about the questions they would ask at a press conference in an attempt to make Romney look bad. I don't remember them colluding when:
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, in a news conference with Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said the problems in Iraq are due to a "lack of planning" by Pentagon chiefs and "the direction has got be changed or it is unwinnable."
 Or when Harry Reid said:
"I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday," said Reid.
This morning NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd said [The Romney campaign] wish they had that press release back, because as the hours unfolded....this statement looks crass and tone deaf in the light of this day.  I can't recall him saying anything on Sept. 7th, 2004:
a day when seven U.S. servicemen were killed in a suicide bombing attack in Iraq, [Democratic Party Presidential candidate John] Kerry termed the war in Iraq "catastrophic." Still later, he referred to it in a statement as "a quagmire," a word often applied to the U.S. conflict in Vietnam.
"I would not have done just one thing differently than the president on Iraq, I would have done everything differently than the president on Iraq. I said this from the beginning of the debate to the walk up to the war. I said, 'Mr. President, don't rush to war, take the time to build a legitimate coalition and have a plan to win the peace.'
When Ted Kennedy passed away, Chuck Todd wrote:
Kennedy's place as Senate legend is well in hand now. The Lion of the Senate is talked about in the same breath as folks like Daniel Webster.

And while Kennedy was a liberal icon, he was known for his ability to find ways to work with Republicans. Not surprisingly, many have questioned what a difference he would have made in the recent health care debate had he been able to participate. Still to come is how his legacy will be used going forward

I suppose It didn't bother him when Kennedy said:
The president's handling of the war has been a toxic mix ofignorance, arrogance, and stubborn ideology. No amount ofPresidential rhetoric or preposterous campaign spin canconceal the facts about the steady downward spiral in ournational security since President Bush made the decision to goto war in Iraq. If this election is decided on the question ofwhether America is safer because of President George Bush,John Kerry will win in a landslide.The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not lesslikely.
Or even worse Todd forgot to mention that Ted Kennedy committed Treason:
Kennedy dispatched former Sen. John Tunney, a fellow Democrat from California, to seek face-to-face meetings between Kennedy and General Secretary Yuri Andropov. Tunney brought with him a memo on the tense relations between the U.S. and Soviets – with Kennedy siding unequivocally with the Soviets and blaming Reagan.

In a report by KGB Chairman Viktor Chebrikov, Kennedy is represented as suggesting "that in the interest of world peace, it would be useful and timely to take a few extra steps to counteract the militaristic policies of Ronald Reagan."
Well you know that Ted, he was so popular he could get away with murder.

It is very strange that the liberal media would go out of their way's to bash Mitt Romney who criticized the White House for sending a message which seemed to excuse violence and murder waged against American citizens. Especially when you consider the fact that they never opened their mouths to criticize stronger and demoralizing statements made by Democrats against a Republican President.  It seems their bias is showing once again

Probe: Sebelius broke the law by campaigning for Obama reelection

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated federal law by using her Cabinet position to campaign for President Obama, federal investigators said Wednesday.
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) said Sebelius broke federal law by saying in a February speech that it is “imperative” to reelect President Obama. She also used the speech, delivered at a Human Rights Campaign event in Charlotte, N.C., to plug local Democrats.

 The OSC said Sebelius violated the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal employees from campaigning while acting in an official capacity.
Republicans criticized Sebelius in the wake of the OSC report, but stopped short of calling on her to step down.
“That the secretary violated federal law in this manner is disturbing, but hardly a surprise,” a spokeswoman for Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said. “Since almost day one, this administration has had a singular focus on politicking — not governing — that’s borne out by the secretary ignoring a strict prohibition on electioneering while working for federal taxpayers.”
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who asked the OSC to investigate Sebelius’s comments at the rally, said he would wait to see how Obama handles the issue.
The White House defended the secretary, noting that she admitted her comments were “a mistake.”
Sebelius did concede that she made a mistake, but also said the OSC should not have found her in violation of the Hatch Act.
The OSC was investigating comments Sebelius made in February, when she strayed from her prepared remarks to praise Obama and other Democrats.
“One of the imperatives is to make sure that we not only come together here in Charlotte to present the nomination to the president, but we make sure that in November, he continues to be president for another four years,” she said, according to the OSC report.
She also ventured into state politics, urging the defeat of an anti-gay-marriage ballot proposal and saying it’s “hugely important to make sure that we reelect the president and elect a Democratic governor here in North Carolina,” the OSC report says.
She also ventured into state politics, urging the defeat of an anti-gay-marriage ballot proposal and saying it’s “hugely important to make sure that we reelect the president and elect a Democratic governor here in North Carolina,” the OSC report says.
Public officials are allowed to make political statements on their own time, but the OSC determined that Sebelius was appearing at the event in her capacity as HHS secretary.
The investigative office said HHS reclassified the trip from “official” to “political” after Sebelius made the comments.
The Democratic National Committee also reimbursed the government for the cost of the trip, according to the OSC.
That should have been enough to avoid a Hatch Act violation, Sebelius said in her response to the investigation. Sebelius said “it seems somewhat unfair” to conclude that she was using her official title for political purposes, and noted that she voluntarily sought to reimburse the federal government for the trip after going “off script.”
“If there was a violation of the Hatch Act based on the use of my title, I believe the violation was technical and minor,” Sebelius told the OSC. “These are not the types of violations that the Hatch Act is intended to address.”
She noted that the OSC did not recommend that Obama take any specific action to punish her, and said, “I don’t believe that any action would be appropriate.”
The White House defended Sebelius and the administration’s ethical standards.
“This error was immediately acknowledged by the secretary, promptly corrected, and no taxpayer dollars were misused,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said. “This administration holds itself to the highest ethical standards, which is why President Obama has installed the toughest ethics rules of any administration in history — beginning on his first day in office, when he signed an executive order instituting unprecedented reforms.”

Report: U.S. consulate in Benghazi had no Marine protection

But what about Romney’s gaffes?
The consulate where the American ambassador to Libya was killed on Tuesday is an “interim facility” not protected by the contingent of Marines that safeguards embassies, POLITICO has learned…
A senior administration official Wednesday called the Benghazi consulate “an interim facility,” which the State Department began using “before the fall of Qadhafi.” It was staffed Tuesday by Libyan and State Department security officers. The consulate came under fire from heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades at about 10 p.m. local time on Tuesday. By the time the attack ended several hours later, four Americans were dead and three others had been injured.
The Benghazi consulate had “lock-and-key” security, not the same level of defenses as a formal embassy, an intelligence source told POLITICO. That means it had no bulletproof glass, reinforced doors or other features common to embassies. The intelligence source contrasted it with the American embassy in Cairo, Egypt – “a permanent facility, which is a lot easier to defend.” The Cairo embassy also was attacked Tuesday.
There’s not even a pretense of an excuse made there. Whether it’s S.O.P. to deploy Marines to “interim facilities” or not, this was no ordinary facility. It’s an unfortified building in a volatile Muslim city that’s been targeted by jihadis before — and it’s 9/11. Obama had no qualms about sending Marines to Benghazi today to reinforce the building; there’s no reason to think he couldn’t have sent them sooner. So what’s the excuse? Or is he simply counting on the media not to ask him this question? Because if so, I’ve got to tell you — that seems like a smart bet at this point.

Speaking of our concern-troll press corps, here’s Chris Matthews summing up the narrative du jour by insisting that “The tragedy in Benghazi that cost Ambassador Stevens his life unfortunately has been overshadowed by the desperate reach by Mitt Romney to secure political advantage.” Top American diplomat killed by jihadis on September 11th at a consulate with no Marine protection = page two. Romney hitting Bambi hard on it = page one. I’ll leave you with two thoughts. One: Matthews can play dumb all he wants but Romney’s statement about the administration sympathizing with the attackers in Egypt was a perfectly apt way of describing that filthy press release from the Cairo embassy yesterday afternoon. And no, it’s no excuse that the embassy released that statement before protesters stormed the compound later in the day; they emphatically stood by their statement later in the afternoon. Unless Matthews is suggesting that the president can’t be held responsible for official U.S. embassy declarations (special rules for The One, as usual), I don’t know what his objection is.

Two: Since we’re floating in a sea of pious leftist bilge today about politicizing attacks on the U.S., read this Washington Free Beacon report on candidate Obama referring to a specific attack on U.S. troops in July 2008 to criticize Bush on the war. That pattern doesn’t start with The One, either: Philip Klein pointed earlier on Twitter to this 2004 report noting that “On a day when seven U.S. servicemen were killed in a suicide bombing attack in Iraq, [John] Kerry termed the war in Iraq ‘catastrophic.’” Good, hard campaigning on a seminal foreign-policy issue, or disgraceful politicization of American grief? If you’re a concern-troll journalist, the candidate’s party affiliation will get you 95 percent of the way to an answer.

Did members of Libya's Security Forces reveal the Ambassador's location?

CBS is reporting that indeed, they did:
Ambassador-KilledWanis al-Sharef, a Libyan Interior Ministry official in Benghazi, said the four Americans were killed when the angry mob, which gathered to protest a U.S.-made film that ridicules Islam's Prophet Muhammad, fired guns and burned down the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
He said Stevens, 52, and other officials were moved to a second building - deemed safer - after the initial wave of protests at the consulate compound. According to al-Sharef, members of the Libyan security team seem to have indicated to the protesters the building to which the American officials had been relocated, and that building then came under attack.
Stevens, 52, was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty since 1979. A Libyan doctor who says he treated Stevens told the Associated Press Wednesday that the diplomat died of severe asphyxiation and that he tried for 90 minutes to revive him.
Ziad Abu Zeid said Stevens was brought to the Benghazi Medical Center by Libyans Tuesday night with no other Americans, and that initially no one realized he was the ambassador. Abu Zeid said Stevens had "severe asphyxia," apparently from smoke inhalation, causing stomach bleeding, but had no other injuries.
Not exactly the way Hillary reported events in this CNN piece:
"The mission that drew Chris and Sean and their colleagues to Libya is both noble and necessary, and we and the people of Libya honor their memory by carrying it forward. This is not easy," Clinton said. But she added, "We must be clear-eyed even in our grief."
"This was an attack by a small and savage group, not the people or government of Libya. Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scarred by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Libyans carried Chris's body to the hospital, and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety."
Let's see if the truth will reign supreme in the coming days.

The 10 Most Important Stories of the Embassy Attacks...

1. Barack Obama skipped the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) the entire week leading up to 9/11:

Sure, why would anyone think there might be some violence on 9/11?" ...Additionally, the US was warned that extremists might attempt to burn down the embassy. On Monday.

2. Obama skipped the PDBs even though intelligence sources report that the attacks were planned and coordinated.

Sources are telling CNN that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens was planned by attackers who used the protest outside the consulate as a diversion.

3. The first response to the coordinated attacks in Libya and Egypt by the Obama administration was... to apologize to the Islamists:

The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims — as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions...

Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.

4. . Shocked by the administration's statement, the Romney campaign blasted the apology.

The GOP nominee offered no regret for criticizing the president in the midst of an unfolding international crisis. "It's never too early to condemn attacks on Americans and to defend our values," Romney said... Romney condemned the violent protests and expressed condolences to the families of those slain in Libya, including the U.S. ambassador there. He said that instead of speaking out forcefully against the initial Egyptian breach, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo had seemed to sympathize with the attacks by issuing a statement that he called "akin to an apology."

5 . Liberal blogs -- and their primary consumers in vintage media -- needed a way to deflect criticism from President O'Carter. Their meme: Mitt Romney shouldn't criticize an apology... that the Obama administration itself later disavowed.

At 11:53pm last night Talking Points Memo released a statement from the Obama campaign condemning Mitt Romney for criticizing something the White House itself disavowed -- an appalling apology issued by the State Department.
Eight hours later, President Obama finally got around to condemning the monsters who attacked us on our own soil and killed our fellow citizens.

Yesterday, on the 11th anniversary of September 11, the Obama White House snubbed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accepted an invitation from David Letterman, and apologized to Islamists upset over a film that mocks Islam and Mohammed -- something "artists" in America do to Christianity with my tax dollars on a fairly regular basis.

6. An open microphone, in fact, revealed that vintage media coordinating a gang attack on Mitt Romney:

Before Romney issued his statement today, an open mic capture the press coordinating questions to ask Romney, with one saying “no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question”.

7. In fact, the Obama administration condemned Mitt Romney's criticism before it bothered to condemn the Islamist attackers.

8. Why in hell wasn't the Libyan Embassy protected by U.S. Marines?

A Marine Corps official who would not speak for the record told Danger Room that the Corps did not and currently does not have assets in Benghazi.

9. As the U.S. embassy burns and our ambassador's body is dragged through streets, we discover that -- just as Obama skipped a week of daily intel briefings leading up to 9/11 -- he is now heading to Vegas for a fundraiser with Jay-Z and Beyonce:

10. And the President found time to do the Letterman show and celebrity fundraisers, but could find no time to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister as the Middle East burns and Iran readies its nuclear-tipped missiles.

This president needs to be pink-slipped. He's Jimmy Carter squared.


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