The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, June 30, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Friday 6/30/2017

Today in History

June 30
1520Montezuma II is murdered as Spanish conquistadors flee the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan during the night.
1857Charles Dickens reads from A Christmas Carol at St. Martin’s Hall in London–his first public reading.
1859Jean Francois Gravelet aka Emile Blondin, a French daredevil, becomes the first man to walk across Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

POTUS Drops Bomb on Media: I Rejected ‘Psycho Joe’ from New Year’s Party ‘Crazy Mika’ Was Bleeding from Face Lift

From Breitbart:

President Donald Trump turned his ire on MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and his fiancĂ© Mika Brzezinski, branding them with new nicknames and dishing embarrassing details about their relationship.

Trump called Scarborough “Psycho Joe” on Twitter Thursday morning and labeled his co-host Brzezinski “low I.Q. Crazy Mika.”
He recalled that the television couple both wanted to join him during a New Year’s Eve party at his Mar-a-lago club, but he refused.
“Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me,” he wrote. “She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!”

Trump again insisted that he did not watch their show anymore but was told that the couple “speaks badly of me.”
The Rest of the Story....

"She was bleeding badly from a face- lift. I said no!" Oh man that's rough! There are some things one should not say about a lady. But, Mika is not a lady. She is nothing but a stuck up bitch. If that so called "lady" is attacking you and your staff day in and day out, sorry,  all bets are off. Trump is not your paint by numbers president, and they haven't they figured that out? President Trump is no George W Bush! He won't just roll over and hide when the press says mean things about him like Bush did. That's why I love the guy as President. Finally a POTUS who punches back!

Attacking President Trump is the only way these two lowlife morons can get any kind of ratings. They are too stupid to come up with some actual 'journalism'. Their bottom of the barrel ratings tells you all you need to know about JoeMika. Just imagine Mika's lifted face when she heard this. Rage is the word that comes to mind. Trust me, she will never quit pouting about this. Trump forever has a room in her head. Rent free!! Remember, one thing that these narcissistic media assholes absolutely cannot stand is to have someone mock their appearance. This is one of the reasons that they are all in for any form of PC lunacy that comes down the pike. They want to make sure that no one, and I mean no one, says anything that may bruise their gigantic egos. But President Trump is not a PC guy. He goes there and goes there big time. Mika, Joe, and MSNBC, you attacked a fighter, and that fighter has an army of fighters who voted for him and aren't going to take your shit anymore. So Mika, go run off and scream sexist until your face really bleeds, you went to war with the wrong president!

The best part about this is that this Tweet is all the media is talking about while Congress is passing a bill to end funding to sanctuary cities. And the travel ban goes into effect. The media obviously can't chew gum and walk at the same time. The MSM is focusing on his small left hand, while his his right hand is signing papers and making Obama's legacy and the Progressive agenda disappear. 

Mad Max: Trump Should Be Exiled…

Women are outraged and fed up with this President. Impeachment isn't enough. Should we explore exile?

Hey MadMax, shouldn't you be out in a field somewhere scaring the shit out of birds? If being a moron was against the law, she'd be in prison years ago. Maxipad's brain is so broken that only someone like Ben Carson could fix it. But she insulted Ben Carson so much that that's not going to f**king happen. Besides, even Ben, with all his skills, still needs a brain to operate on. By the way, who told her what exile is? She didn't figure that out on her own. Few things are more satisfying to me than watching an idiot remove any hint of intelligence from their resume. What's the old saying? Better to keep you mouth shut and appear as an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt? Good advice Maxie.

MSNBC Contributor: Hillary Lost the Election in Part Because Obama is Black

Former acting United States Deputy Secretary of State, Wendy Sherman suggested on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton lost in November in part because Barack Obama was the first African-American President.

When it comes to what liberals have to say....

I can always spot a woman lib by their looks. Always sad. Probably sad because she must open the paper to a picture of Ivanka and Melania every day. So Shillary lost because Obama was black? Gee, I thought it was because of the Russians. Maybe it was only the white Russians. Sorry Wendy, she lost because even people who voted for Barry saw her as the lying, corrupt, nasty, POS hag that she is. She lost because the superior candidate, Donald J Trump, won. The Left is always fixated on hate and skin color. These people are totally brain dead. They really are. Just how stupid do you have to be to believe this shit? Next they'll blame Margaret Sanger for aborting too many black voters. I tend to blame global warming for Hillary's loss. But that's just me.

That statement only shows how desperate liberals are. How many excuses can they make before they state the obvious. Hillary had no message other than vote for me I'm a woman and its my turn. Unfortunately for her, she's a criminal, a liar and they had to haul her carcass around and prop her up on a stool. Luckily for us, God sent us someone for just a time as this. A man with a real message of change, a heart for the people and this country. I could go with all kinds of well thought out responses, but I am tired and don't have the time. Her assertion is idiotic. Enough said.


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