The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, January 19, 2014

“Racism Is Still Alive” Says Trademark Martin’s™ Mother

Jan. 16 (UPI) – Sybrina Fulton, who’s 17-year-old son Trayvon Martin was shot by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2012, visited the University of Utah on Thursday to discuss racial profiling.
Hundreds attended the Martin LutherKing Week event, in which Fulton said that an “upside” to her son’s death was the “opportunity to save someone else’s child.”
“Don’t think for one second racial profiling doesn’t happen. Don’t think for one minute even in your community of Salt Lake City it doesn’t happen,” she said. ”Racism is still alive. Racial profiling is still alive. Injustice is still alive.”
Fulton said that the circumstances of her son’s death — he was wearing a hoodie when Zimmerman shot him — applied all over the country.
“There should not become a time when we are comfortable with burying our children,” Fulton said. “What happened many miles away in Sanford should be uncomfortable for you.”
“Is it the hoodie that really made the difference? Or the color of his skin?” she asked. “And if by one second, just by one mere second, we think that it’s the color of his skin, then something is wrong with America.”
“”At the end of the day, it’s not about Trayvon. It’s about the person that felt he was suspicious,” she added.
Keep reading…

"And Mrs.Fulton would like to remind you that any commercial use of her son's image is a trademark™ violation and it costs her money! Remember, she had his name  trademarked™, and now this cold, gold digging mother will just not stop using the cold body of her own dead son. Hey Sabrina, did you sell many trademarked Trayvon™ t-shirts at the event? How disgraceful. Now she cares? The boy lived with his step mother from the age of  3-15, not the mother. It's all bullshit. Right out of the Rearend Al Sharpnuts book of racism. Traydemark Martin™ was missing for days before he was located in the morgue and she didn't raise an eyebrow. I would like to hook her up to a lie detecter and ask her, "would you bring him back if you could or do you prefer the lime light and the money you are making off of him"? I believe we know the answer to that. If she cared about him more when he was alive, maybe he would still be alive. Usually a tragic death has an upside such as an awareness to a problem that can be fixed so that it would never happen again. The upside of her son's death is not awareness, no, wait for it, here it is, it's a million dollar payout. Despicable. No mother who loved her child could exploit him like this. “There should not become a time when we are comfortable with burying our children” she says. Agreed, and there should also never become a time when we don't wonder the whereabouts of our children until 3-4 days after they last left the house one rainy evening in Florida. You know the end is near, when people actually rush to get parenting tips from this "mom" of the decade. Two years ago, she's on the dole. Now, a speaking tour and a book. People are stupid. She'll be nominated by some magazine for mother of the year, for the way she brought up her little gangster. Then she can continue sucking more minutes in front of the camera at BSDNC. Meanwhile, the "please forget that I was a bad parent tour" continues. Just give her money, the trash cans are over there.

She could do so much good by talking to young black students about her son's death and how the choices he made resulted in his own death. But of course, she chooses the low road, the Rearend

What Americans Think Of Joe Biden

"I wish they would have asked me." MC

Today's Democrat Politician Horoscopes

"Hey, Democrap, what's your sign? Oh. Right. Duh."

Aries A good day to pretend you care about the children. Don't let facts cloud your judgment. Take time to stop and smell the wisp of lost hope and opportunity.

Taurus Discuss how to redistribute income from the middle class with your caucus over chateaubriand and a bottle of 1978 Romanée-Conti Grand Cru that you'll charge to your taxpayer-funded expense account. Tonight: keep your manicure scissors nearby in case your mistress gets her braces caught in your hair again.

Gemini Practice saying into a mirror: "I know nothing. Nothing!" Then check on the progress of your shredding crew.

Cancer Sad thoughts may bedevil you today. Clear them out of your head by thinking of destroying capitalism. Tonight: party like it's Kim Jong Un Day.

Leo Take time to ignore the deaths in Benghazi and craft legislation restricting access to Benghazi documents. Tonight: clean your bong without checking to see if there's a hit in the chamber because your kids wouldn't smoke your shit.

Virgo A good day to lawyer up. Not that you did anything wrong! Still, a very, very good day to lawyer up. Tonight: practice saying "mistakes were made" in the mirror.

Libra Accuse your opponents of playing the blame game. When they accuse you of playing the blame game by accusing them of playing the blame game, feign chest pains until they apologize. Then start playing the blame-them-for-your-chest-pains game.

Scorpio Replenish your campaign coffers by sending out a fundraising email defending a cop killer because hey, he's a communist, we gots to stand together! Add a P.S. suggesting he should get into politics.

Sagittarius Replenish your campaign coffers by sending out a fundraising email accusing a

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:

   "Liberal pundits and reporters are utterly contemptuous of the idea that the Benghazi scandal will be a problem for her. Eugene Robinson writes today that the Senate Intelligence Report is a total exoneration of the administration. This is bizarre on many levels. It's also hard to square with the fact that the White House is livid with the Democrats who signed on to the report (or so a couple of Hill folks have told me). Why get furious at an exoneration?

The lack of curiosity about the report from the mainstream media is really remarkable. Why, exactly, aren't reporters camped outside Clinton's home demanding a reaction? I mean I understand that she didn't close a couple of lanes on the George Washington Bridge, but four murdered Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, is important, too. Maybe if she had joked about putting traffic cones in front of the embassy on September 11?

Still, it is obvious that this is bad news for Hillary Clinton. No, she won't be indicted. No, it won't sink her candidacy (if she runs). Yes, it's true: There aren't many Americans who would have otherwise voted for Hillary were it not for Benghazi. But when you have pretty much no real accomplishments to put on the pro side of the scale, and you have a U.S. ambassador murdered in an attack your department could have prevented (and which you subsequently lied about) on the con side of the scale, the scale simply won't balance in your favor. --Jonah Goldberg


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