The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Obama You Don't Know: Introduction

 Photo - President Barack Obama
Few if any of his predecessors took the oath of office with higher public hopes for his success than President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.
Millions of Americans hailed his election as an end to partisanship, a renewal of the spirit of compromise and a reinvigoration of the nation's highest ideals at home and abroad.

Above all, as America's first black chief executive, Obama symbolized the healing of long-festering wounds that were the terrible national legacy of slavery, the Reconstruction Era and Jim Crow. We would be, finally, one nation.

But after nearly four years in office, Obama has become a sharply polarizing figure.

His admirers believe he deserves a special place alongside Wilson, the Roosevelts and LBJ as one of the architects of benevolent government.

His critics believe he is trying to remake America in the image of Europe's social democracies, replacing America's ethos of independence and individual enterprise with a welfare state inflamed by class divisions.

In an effort to get a clearer picture of Obama -- his shaping influences, his core beliefs, his political ambitions and his accomplishments -- The Washington Examiner conducted a four-month inquiry, interviewing dozens of his supporters and detractors in Chicago and elsewhere, and studying countless court transcripts, government reports and other official documents.
Over the years and in two autobiographies, Obama has presented himself to the world as many things, including radical community organizer, idealistic civil rights lawyer, dynamic reformer in the Illinois and U.S. senates, and, finally, the cool presidential voice of postpartisan hope and change.

With his air of reasonableness and moderation, he has projected a remarkably likable persona. Even in the midst of a historically dirty campaign for re-election, his likability numbers remain impressive, as seen in a recent AP-GFK Poll that found 53 percent of adults have a favorable view of him.

But beyond the spin and the polls, a starkly different picture emerges. It is a portrait of a man quite unlike his image, not a visionary reformer but rather a classic Chicago machine pol who thrives on rewarding himself and his friends with the spoils of public office, and who uses his position to punish his enemies.

Peter Schweizer captures this other Obama with a bracing statistic in his book "Throw Them All Out," published last year. In the Obama economic stimulus program's Department of Energy loans, companies owned and run by Obama contributors and friends, like Solyndra's George Kaiser, received $16.4 billion. Those not linked to the president got only $4.1 billion. The Energy Department is far from the only federal program in which favoritism has heavily influenced federal grants.

To paraphrase Tammany Hall's George Washington Plunkitt, Obama has seen his opportunities and taken them, over and over.

Tomorrow:  Chapter I: A childhood of privilege, not hardship

Obama Reverses Position on Intel Briefs, Drops iPad for Live Meetings

When Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen and the Government Accountability Institute reported that President Obama has attended less than half of his Presidential Daily Briefs (PDBs) on intelligence, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called the findings "hilarious."  The next day, U.S. Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American staff members were murdered. 

According to Mr. Carney, Mr. Obama doesn't need in-person briefings because the president gets the written version on his iPad:

He gets it every day, okay? The President of the United States gets the presidential daily briefing every day. There is a document that he reads every day when he is not -- well, he always reads it every day because he’s a voracious consumer of all of his briefing materials. 

But now, in an apparent 180-degree reversal, the White House official calendar shows that for the last four days Mr. Obama has ditched his iPad and has instead opted for the live briefings.

That's a good thing.  As Mr. Thiessen explains, the live briefings are far preferred over the written daily intel reports, because they offer presidents and their advisors an opportunity to drill down into intelligence threats and to challenge assumptions.  "This process cannot be replicated on paper," says Mr. Thiessen. 

Still, Mr. Carney owes Mr. Thiessen an apology.  Carney said Thiessen's report was "hilarious" and flippantly dismissed the need for Mr. Obama to attend live intelligence briefings.  Then, after four Americans were murdered and Mr. Obama's foreign policy approval rating plunged, Mr. Obama has now decided to actually start showing up for his daily presidential intelligence briefings, just as Mr. Thiessen urged him to do.

Mr. Obama's newfound interest in attending his daily intelligence briefings won't undo last week's horrific events in the Middle East.  But perhaps it may help in preventing similar atrocities in the days ahead.

Obama Admin. Purchased Chinese-Made Solar Panels with Stimulus Funds

The Obama administration broke its own rules for how stimulus money could be spent. The General Services Administration bought Chinese-made solar panels and installed them on a three-story federal building that houses the local offices of Illinois Senator Dick Durbin (D), Rep. Jerry Costello (D-IL), the Internal Revenue Service, the Social Security Administration, and the Drug Enforcement Administration. 

The GSA is the agency whose officials were caught on YouTube videos at a Las Vegas junket making light of how easy it was for the GSA to frivolously waste taxpayer dollars without consequences. They purchased and installed the panels even though the contractor questioned the GSA about whether it was legal to use stimulus funds to purchase Chinese-made solar panels. 
According to the Washington Times, J.R. Conkey & Associates, the contractor, asked the GSA whether “whether non-ARRA [Recovery Act] compliant solar panels could be used” in Feb. 16, 2010 inquiry. 
The inspector general made these revelations in a 2011 memo and said the GSA contracting official “directed Conkey to ‘proceed with the panels specified in the schedule contract since they have already been determined as satisfying all applicable contract clauses including the ARRA Buy American Act requirement.’” 
According to the memo, the total cost of the project was $1.8 million and the panels cost $200,000. 
“We did what we were told to do by the federal government,” Jim Conkey, the company’s president, said. 
Obama administration officials wrote to the inspector general and disagreed with the inspector general’s assessment that “the photovoltaic panels installed were assembled in and shipped from China” and “Under the ARRA, the Chinese panels cannot be purchased with ARRA funds.”
The Obama administration claimed the Trade Agreements Act -- and not the Buy America Act -- applied to the solar power purchases.
The inspector general’s memo takes on more significance because the Obama administration has recently tried to claim that its green energy boondoggles like Solyndra have failed because of unfair competition from China.
But now it turns out the Obama administration was hypocritically buying solar panels from China with taxpayer monies. 

Tax penalty to hit nearly 6M uninsured people

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 6 million Americans — significantly more than first estimated— will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class.

The new estimate amounts to an inconvenient fact for the administration, a reminder of what critics see as broken promises.

The numbers from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are 50 percent higher than a previous projection by the same office in 2010, shortly after the law passed. The earlier estimate found 4 million people would be affected in 2016, when the penalty is fully in effect.

That's still only a sliver of the population, given that more than 150 million people currently are covered by employer plans. Nonetheless, in his first campaign for the White House, Obama pledged not to raise taxes on individuals making less than $200,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000.

And the budget office analysis found that nearly 80 percent of those who'll face the penalty would be making up to or less than five times the federal poverty level. Currently that would work out to $55,850 or less for an individual and $115,250 or less for a family of four.
Average penalty: about $1,200 in 2016.

"The bad news and broken promises from Obamacare just keep piling up," said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, who wants to repeal the law.

Starting in 2014, virtually every legal resident of the U.S. will be required to carry health insurance or face a tax penalty, with exemptions for financial hardship, religious objections and certain other circumstances. Most people will not have to worry about the requirement since they already have coverage through employers, government programs like Medicare or by buying their own policies.

A spokeswoman for the Obama administration said 98 percent of Americans will not be affected by the tax penalty — and suggested that those who will be should face up to their civic responsibilities.

"This (analysis) doesn't change the basic fact that the individual responsibility policy will only affect people who can afford health care but choose not to buy it," said Erin Shields Britt of the Health and Human Services Department. "We're no longer going to subsidize the care of those who can afford to buy insurance but make a choice not to buy it."

The budget office said most of the increase in its estimate is due to changes in underlying projections about the economy, incorporating the effects of new federal legislation, as well as higher unemployment and lower wages.

The Supreme Court upheld Obama's law as constitutional in a 5-4 decision this summer, finding that the insurance mandate and the tax penalty enforcing it fall within the power of Congress to impose taxes. The penalty will be collected by the IRS, just like taxes.
The budget office said the penalty will raise $6.9 billion in 2016.

The new law will also provide government aid to help middle-class and low-income households afford coverage, the financial carrot that balances out the penalty.
Nonetheless, some people might still decide to remain uninsured because they object to government mandates or because they feel they would come out ahead financially even if they have to pay the penalty. Health insurance is expensive, with employer-provided family coverage averaging nearly $15,800 a year for a family and $4,300 for a single plan. Indeed, insurance industry experts say the federal penalty may be too low.

The Supreme Court also allowed individual states to opt out of a major Medicaid expansion under the law. The Obama administration says it will exempt low-income people in states that opt out from having to comply with the insurance requirement.
Many Republicans still regard the insurance mandate as unconstitutional and rue the day the Supreme Court upheld it.
However, the idea for an individual insurance requirement comes from Republican health care plans in the 1990s.
It's also a central element of the 2006 Massachusetts health care law signed by then-GOP Gov. Mitt Romney, now running against Obama and promising to repeal the federal law.
Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said Wednesday the new report is more evidence that Obama's law is a "costly disaster."
"Even more of the middle-class families who President Obama promised would see no tax increase will in fact see a massive tax increase thanks to Obamacare," she said.
Romney says insurance mandates should be up to each state. The approach seems to have worked well in Massachusetts, with virtually all residents covered and dwindling numbers opting to pay the penalty instead.

Occupy Wednesday

I’m sick of politics. I sense that you are too.
bo obamaletterman-hmed_380;380;7;70;0
So today, I’ll let everyone else rave about Big Guy’s 2nd, 3rd, or 10th visit with America’s most ill-humored comedian (where he explained, among many other things, why it’s harder to campaign as an incumbent “You’ve got two jobs.” - in case you were worried that he’d forgotten about his first one).
And they’re all talking BO’s fundraiser at Jay-Z’s 40/40 club in Manhattan where 100 lucky 1 percenters paid $40k to hear Big Guy tell them how Lady M is just like co-host BeyoncĂ© (voted People’s Magazine “Most Beautiful Woman” this year! BeyoncĂ©, not Lady M, Beyonabitch!). Their will, of course, be no mention of the coarseness of the Jay-Z’s hip-hop lyrics nor the raunchiness of B’s “music” videos.  
Beyonce-SingsThe most beautiful woman in the world gets bodied for Obama
No, I don’t feel like talking about any of that.
Instead, I’d like to spend a little time on something not getting the amount of media play that it deserves. No, not the secret video of Romney made by Grandpa Carter’s progeny. And no, not the Islamists around the world torchings of all things Western either. Something more important - coverage of the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street which has nearly passed unnoticed due to lack of interest.
Butt I find it interesting…the whole concept. Here we have a grass roots mob of ne’er do wells spontaneously erupting into protest against Capitalism, Big Business and Big Banks. Interesting, because 99% of these 99 percenters have no working knowledge of what the  basic economy is let alone how it functions, no comprehension of what capitalism is, or how it works, and whose only experience with Big Banks and Big Business involves using their credit card (or Mommy’s) to buy a new iPhone.
And now, since they don’t have jobs, the bank (or Mommy) cut off their credit card, they need to get more free stuff from the government (that’s you) to supplement the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to. They may be part of that “entitlement” group that Romney was referring too.
Well, see for yourself:

occupy crowdsMounted police prepare for the huge crowd of Owies at opening bell. It’s still early, they’ll be here to occupy Wall Street when they wake up.

no you wake upIf only the could afford a real alarm clock: BTW, nice hammer and sickle tat.

This week’s first OWS “anniversary” looked a lot like an aging rock group’s 40th reunion tour. A bit long in the tooth and definitely worse for the wear.
occupier in a cabIf the old joints can’t handle sleeping on pavement anymore, join the drive-by Owies.

occupy teachers exploiation of stewdentsPaging Kenisha: The Chicago Teachers Union called; they want you back on the picket line for their own “exploiation”

And of course, there was the usual batch of young dreamers:
occupy dreamersOccupy your dreams

occupy the 60'sYoung Skyler channels her grandma’s protest days: combat boots and all. She’s repelling the cops with her good thoughts, butt still unclear on what she’s protesting; I blame her teachers.

waiting for occupy carnivale to beginThe Al Gore contingency had a bit more trouble drumming up support for their cause. I think it’s because they’re overdressed. Zelda (top right) brought her “free” Obamacare birth control device. Just in case.
It’s only the first anniversary of OWS, butt the Owies are showing signs of accelerated aging. In fact, they seem to be exhibiting a lot of Alzheimer-like symptoms. They don’t really remember how they got here, or why they’re here, butt they’re mad at everybody. Because they want more “stuff.”
The ones who do have their wits about them are perfectly clear however: they are seeking social justice by tearing down Big Businesses, Big Banks and Big Wall Street firms in order to clear the way for Big Government to give them all the free stuff they so richly deserve – just by virtue of living in the most prosperous country in the world.
Butt for now, they’re going to take a break: back to the drugs, sex and rock and roll that brought us together at OWS in the first place.

         occupy weedoccupy love ins
occupy music
Or, in the words of Nancy Pelosi, “God bless them for their spontaneity. It’s young,

making a difference
it’s spontaneous,
occupy kumbuyaWeed break!
it’s focused,
what's a girl got to do to get arrested around hereWhat’s a focused, shameless roller-skating snake charmer gotta do to get noticed around here?

and it’s going to be effective.” 
Occupy paradiseOK, I’ll take Paradise for $200, Alex

occupy depends on the question dudePhoenix believes Money is NOT the Answer. Right. The answer is “free stuff” i.e., other people’s money.

 Owies: funny, even in America inauthenticity only fools some of the people all of the time.

Barack Obama? Arrogant and Way the Heck Out of Touch? The Deuce You Say!

I’m not going to say our President thinks he’s more important than the country. I’m not. I’ll let this $35 poster recently added to Barack Obama’s campaign store do it for me.

Because nothing quite says America like the Obama for President emblem where the 50 states used to be. Or 57 states. Whichever.
I know. You think I’m grasping at straws here. It’s a political gew gaw, yes? A trifle. Surely Barack Obama doesn’t think so much of himself that he’d put petty partisan politics above the flag of the United States of America. Surely!

Ooooookay then. This all could be a coincidence, though. Your heart is a handy place to put your hand if you want it seen in a picture. It’s probably an accident that all these filthy rich celebrities and nearly every one of these eager Obama voters happened to pick the very same place to put their hand. There’s no way he could be asking you to pledge your allegiance. That would be unpatriotic. More, it would be creepy. Our President’s campaign wouldn’t go directly to Jame Gumb-level creepy, would it?

Oh my dear sweet Zombie Reagan! What the hell is that?! What’s he hiding behind those eerily-posed hands?? WHY IS HE SMILING AT ME LIKE THAT??
Umm…maybe I should pay less attention to the pictures and more attention to what’s on the Obama for America site. It’s easy to get the wrong idea from a picture. I’m sure this whole “pledge to Obama” thing isn’t really happening. I’m sure the President wouldn’t ask for something like that.
There’s a new way to show that you’re voting for someone who represents us all. Choose one of your reasons for voting and write it on your hand, then pledge to vote.
Okay, I give up. At least we know the President spent his time on important issues today, like our ambassador murdered by Islamists last week. I bet he worked the heck out of the phones today, rallying our allies and putting all our enemies on notice. Let’s check the President’s Twitter feed.

Well, at least he’s not eating the parrot, so that’s something.
Okay, let me give this one last try. It’s possible this was a little moment of levity on National Talk Like a Pirate Day before he went back to work on the economic woes that beset the country — our 43 straight months of unemployment over 8 percent, the labor market that’s as low as it’s been since Jimmy Carter was President, the national debt that’s…that’s…crud. You know, I can’t remember how big our national debt is. I bet the President has a pretty good estimate of how many trillions of dollars we owe and is very concerned, since that’s a huge part of his job and caring about America is pretty much his campaign go-to these days.
In his interview with David Letterman last night, President Obama admitted that he didn’t know the amount of the national debt.
“Now, do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?” asked Letterman.
“I don’t remember what the number was precisely,” responded Obama.
“We don’t have to worry about it short term,” added Obama. “Right now interest rates are low, because people still consider the United States the safest and greatest country on earth, rightfully so.”
I give up. He’s beyond redemption. Folks, let’s just get rid of this guy before he can put any more gaping holes in the hull of our ship of state, okay?

Illinois Ground Report: It is now safe to walk around Chicago in a Mitt Romney tee shirt. No one will scream at you, spit at you, or call you a racist…I swear!

My friend Penny Arcade and I designed the above Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan shirt based on a photograph she liked of the two of them; we’re going to wear these as our campaign 2012 uniforms.  I made a few of them so I could wear one every day, and one for Justin too. I plan on wearing it everywhere I go through November 6th. Remember that I live in Chicago…and let me remind you what happened in 2008 when I’d wear anything with Hillary Clinton on it (and then later John McCain or Sarah Palin) when I’d go out and about in Chicago.

Just four years ago, black people would come up to me, try to spit in my face, and would scream that I was a racist because I was not supporting Barack Obama and DARED to wear anything backing Hillary and then later McCain/Palin.  They would go completely UNHINGED at anything that wasn’t praising “The One”.  Leftie loons of the privileged, young, white variety would also scream expletives, push me on the train, and shout that “Anyone who doesn’t vote for Obama is racist!” garbage.  Though no one was sitting at Obama command centers specifically telling each individual to do this, the general vibe in Obama supporter ranks was to “get in their faces!” and to essentially bully and otherwise intimidate people who weren’t supporting Obama to become completely invisible.  Anyone backing Hillary in the primaries or McCain/Palin in the general election was targeted with the full-on Alinsky Death Star.  It was actually kind of scary to go out in Chicago in my Democrats for McCain tee shirt because the laser-focused hatred emanating from the eyes of Obama supporters did make me feel afraid for my personal safety at times.

Things are 100% different in 2012.  That fervor to elect Obama is long gone and his supporters no longer even bat at eye at someone supporting Mitt Romney.  Even in Chicago, his formerly zealous voters feel no compunction to berate Republicans, bully Romney supporters, or call anyone a racist who isn’t drinking the hopeychange Kool-Aid.

Obama is going to lose, folks…and lose BIG.

I’ve spent the last week or so going to all sorts of places in Romney/Ryan gear and while I have received a few looks from people who are surprised to see a Romney shirt on someone in Chicago, I’ve had no bad experiences while in 2008 I couldn’t walk to the end of my block without being screamed or spit at by Obama lunatics.  I even get a lot of thumbs-up and questions about “where (I) got that”.
This is something the media doesn’t report, or even acknowledge exists, but the reality is that 2008 was a massive fluke and was powered largely by raw emotion: Americans thought it was time to “make history” and elect a magical black man to be President because they thought the color of this guy’s skin was going to “change the world”.  Well, they were right about that…but in a very Twilight Zone kind of way people were not at all careful with what they wished for and the change that resulted over the last four years isn’t what they wanted.

Record unemployment, with between 25-30 million Americans either out of work or underemployed. $16 Trillion in national debt (and exploding with more daily). Islamic radicals conquering the Middle East, raping and murdering male ambassadors, and the White House ignoring clear security warnings and even considering releasing the “Blind Sheik” 1993 World Trade Center bomber.  Obama’s watching the world burn and is enjoying it.  Meanwhile, Obamacare’s terrified small businesses, forced many of them to shutter, and has frozen most hiring.  We’re in an economic Depression caused by the wasteful 2009 “stimulus” (that went mostly into union coffers) and the uncertainty and zealous regulations of Obamacare.
People know Obama has failed and made a giant mess in Washington.  Many are still uncomfortable admitting the first black man in the job was not as magical as they thought he’d be. These people not only won’t turn out for him in numbers he needs them to in November, but here in Chicago at least they have no interest at all in physically accosting, screaming at, or otherwise trying to bully anyone who doesn’t support Obama.

What happens when a would-be dictator loses his unpaid goon squads on the street?
I think we’re going to find out come November 6th, folks.


Is Barack Obama America’s Most Dishonest Politician?

A lot of politicians are dishonest, but Barack Obama may be in a league by himself. He appeared on the David Letterman show, and Letterman asked him about the national debt (somewhat surprisingly). Obama’s answer was a masterpiece of prevarication. He described how the debt originated, and claimed, falsely, that he inherited a $1 trillion deficit. In fact, this country had never run a deficit anywhere near $1 trillion until FY 2009, the first year of the Obama administration. (And, no, Bush isn’t to blame for it; the Democratic Congress waited until Obama was in office to pass the vast majority of the bloated spending for that fiscal year.) Letterman, to his credit, went on to ask Obama how much the national debt actually is. Obama evidently knew that if he said $16 trillion his audience would be horrified, so, incredibly, he pretended not to know! You have to see it to believe it:

He keeps saying we had a "surplus" under Clinton when speaking about the national debt. we actually never had a surplus. Check out http://www.craigsteiner.us/articles/16 and you'll see that our debt went UP every year under Clinton. But politicians tell lies corporate heads would go to jail for.

Barack Obama is a world-class liar. At least, we’d better hope he is a world class liar, because if he really has no idea what the national debt is, we are in even worse trouble.

Mitt Romney’s Remarks are Another Chick-Fil-A Moment

Just a few months ago, Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A, gave an interview to a Christian publication that asked him about the Chick-Fil-A Foundation’s support of marriage. Cathy defending his position and spoke about his family’s faith. CNN.com picked it up and ran a story that Cathy had come out against gay marriage.
In fact, Cathy hadn’t been asked directly about gay marriage, but it was implicit in what he said. The CNN.com story swirled around the internet. Leftwingers and media mouthpieces across the country condemned Chick-Fil-A for serving bigotry on a bun. Suddenly the most controversial thing in America was two buttered buns and a pickle. Mayors were demanding Chick-Fil-A not come to their cities. Liberals were screaming about intolerance and bigotry.

Then Mike Huckabee and others declared a Chick-Fil-A Day. On the appointed day, lines of cars stretched around city blocks. Lines of people stretched across parking lots. Turns out a lot of people agreed with Dan Cathy. But it also turned out a lot of people who did not agree, but were not offended and showed up to support Chick-Fil-A.
 A counter protest was held — a so called “kiss in.” Few people showed up.

The Chick-Fil-A controversy animated a whole lot of people. It just turned out that the people it most animated were the people who agreed with Dan Cathy.
So it is, I think, with Mitt Romney’s comments. I think the media and the left have badly misread the American mood on this. On CNN yesterday, I spent a fair amount of time with Kate Bolduan and Joe Johns, two of my favorite people. They kept focusing on Mitt Romney’s characterization of the word “victims.”
What I explained to them and what I think the media misses is that many of the people the media would claim Mitt Romney described as “victims’ weren’t who Mitt Romney was speaking about. And those people intrinsically know it. They may technically fall into the category Mitt Romney described as government dependent victims, but they know he’s not talking about them. He’s talking about the people they also are talking about.

But more than that, and this is really what the left and media miss, a fair number of those people in the 47% are not there by choice. They are there by Barack Obama’s economic policies. And they absolutely understand that Barack Obama’s policies got them there. All they need to hear from Mitt Romney is that he really does get it and really will fix the problem, not just manage the decline of the nation as his primary opponents claimed he would.

That off the cuff, off the record talk was what they needed to hear. Mitt Romney recognizes we have a problem with government dependency, as do a majority of Americans. But more importantly, Mitt Romney will improve the lives of that 47% by growing the private sector, not redistributing pieces of the economic pie.

Remember folks, if you listen to the media and watch the public opinion polls, gay marriage wins everywhere. But if you actually pay attention to the voters at the polls, it has lost in every state in which it’s been put to a public vote. That issue doesn’t actually animate and motivate enough gay marriage supporters to offset how it motivates actual marriage supporters. Mitt Romney’s comments may rile up the left, but I think it’ll rile up a whole lot of people who agree with him.

As a bonus, it puts the left and the media in the very awkward position of telling key segments of the population that they’re the victims Romney was talking about when those people don’t view themselves as victims and think a whole lot of people are actually living off the system. You ever try telling someone they aren’t doing as well as they think they are? Good luck with that. It didn’t work convincing people they were better off than they knew, might as well try it! Oh, and in the process, you might as well accuse them of bitterly clinging to their guns and religion.

One caveat here — Mitt Romney must be prepared to fight on this ground now. He should let Paul Ryan do a lot of the talking. This is Paul Ryan’s turf and there are few, if any, more articulate people on the issue of government dependency.

One final point as well — this episode epitomizes how the media is an enemy collaborator with Barack Obama’s campaign. When conservatives accurately quoted Barack Obama’s “you didn’t build that” line including the context in which he meant it, the press immediately folded when Obama claimed conservatives were taking him out of context. In Romney’s press conference after the revelation of the tape he said he was speaking off the cuff and maybe was not as articulate as he could have been without a prepared text. Nonetheless, unlike Obama’s “you didn’t build that” remark, the press demands that we all take Mitt Romney literally in his remarks.

MSNBC Won’t Show Obama’s Redistribution Video Because It Hasn’t Been Vetted

Kind of like…. Obama.
The liberal media’s lies are only eclipsed by the credit they give our intelligence.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3