The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

UNREAL! Obama Girls Take Second Vacation in One Week – From Bahamas to Sun Valley

I hope Sushi and Malaria, or whatever their names are, have a lovely time. As future moochers, I'm sure they are especially fond of their parents complete disregard for the feelings of the citizens of this nation. Can't allow real American children to tour the Shite House, but, we can send Saki and Malaysia off on their third vacation of the year. Well, now you know what they want the tax hikes for. Yes sir, makes sense to me. Gotta free a couple thousand illegals because you can't afford to house them, then go on several vacations. Geez, is no one in the Shite House worried about how this appears? Of course not. Why should they be? Worried? Why should they be worried if they plain don't give a shit how it looks? Why would an arrogant, commie, muslim dicktator worry about how something looks? After dire warnings of catastrophic government shutdowns,

“It’s Up to the Women the Family and The Physician Whether They are Going to Kill a Viable Human Being or Not ” – Planned Parenthood

"You have to watch this entire video to believe it. This vile, thoughtless, heartless, cold, cruel, sick, Planned Parenthood Spokeswoman says it is up to the woman, the family, and the abortionist to decide whether a baby that is born alive as a result of a botched abortion should live or die? This can't be real. You have to listen to the answers she gives to the questions she's asked. Even the committee members asking the questions can't believe it. I am still shaking my head over this. It's beyond evil. Beyond comprehension. I mean she was talking about deciding whether to kill a baby like she was deciding what kind of dressing to put on a salad. And the part where she is asked if she would support transporting the baby, a living human being, to the hospital, and her answer is a 45 minute ride to the hospital is "too long"? So her alternative is to leave the baby on the table die, or drown him/her, or stab the baby in the head, or whatever other diabolical thing

Friday, March 29, 2013

Obama: “Shame On Us” if We Forget Newtown …But Let’s Not Dwell on Benghazi

"No, it's shame on us for allowing commies to slither into power. When The Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp  speaks of shame, we know he is lying independently of the fact that he never seeks to tell the truth. He is the most shameless fraud to appear in public life in modern times. For him, "shame" is a word without meaning, one he can only use meaninglessly. We all know he could give a rat's ass about what happened in Newtown, but he does care about how it can be politicized in order to take American's rights and weapons. Young blacks are killed daily, but since they are not all gunned down at once the progs can ignore those killings. Because it is never about

NY Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Make Obama President For Life

"I love you more than Reggie ever will, Barry! I will make you president for life, you'll see. What a moron. Goes to prove that this guys family was among those that received a Presidential pardon. Had to be. This Hugo Chavez lover asshole Serrano does this all the time and it never goes anywhere so I'm not going to get my shorts in a knot over it. He is nothing. He is just another radical libtard who loves Hussein and would love nothing more than to see him become Dicktator and get a job in his Riech. For this to happen, it would have to be ratified by 3/4 of the states. That will never happen. But then again, you never know. I really didn't think there were so many

Al Sharpton Educates Pope Francis

"I just had to post this. I love it when The Daily Rash post's Sharpton stuff like this. The scary part? This is completely feasible. This was brilliant so enjoy." MC

VATICAN CITY – In a somewhat startling turn of events today, Reverend Al Sharpton managed to obtain approval from the Vatican to interview Pope Francis for PoliticsNation, the news show he hosts on MSNBC. Mr. Sharpton spoke with the new pope for several minutes inside the Papal Palace. Following is a transcript of their conversation:
AL SHARPTON: Welcome to my news show on MSNBC where I host, Mr. Pope.
POPE FRANCIS: Thank you, sir.
AL SHARPTON: You may call me Reverend.
POPE: Oh, you are a servant of the Lord?
AL SHARPTON: No defense, Mr. Pope, but in America it’s not polite to call an African American a servant.
POPE: People from all over the world serve Jesus Christ, my son.
AL SHARPTON: Well I can assure you, African Americans are paid a lot less for it than everyone else.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

St. Louis Post-Dispatch House Liberal: Let’s End Military Funeral Honors For Veterans… “Most Veterans Did Nothing Heroic”

"I am not even going to try to be nice during this comment. Go to hell Bill McClellan, you worthless piece of shit. Notice the first thing libtards want to cut usually has to do with our military. And believe me, this writer speaks for all the libtards in office and in the country. They hate them. Yep, lets cut our military spending for military funeral honors for our hero's.And they are heros, not matter what libtard assholes like this writer says. Sure, but let's just continue to

The Left’s Plan For a Blue Banana Republic

"And who was it that thought they want to grant amnesty because they care about the illegals? Immigration “reform” is all about countries without borders. It has nothing to do with political parties. Bullshit! There they are again, actually admitting it. Whoever doesn't believe that this was the ultimate goal all along is an idiot. They honestly think they have tipped the scales and there is no more need to lie about their intentions. Big Cyst saying Arizona will be blue because of the influx of immigrants into the state. She means ILLEGAL immigrants. When you come here legally you don’t necessarily end up in border states. The left needs to be burned with fire. And while the fire is still hot, throw that Rhino fossil John McLame and his butt buddy Lyndsey Grahme Crackers in there to burn too. They are both lap dogs for this administration. Yes sir, you socialists would like it if all political parties would just become another version of your degenerate Democrap Party and create the one party government you always wanted. You f**king

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lap Dog Media Blackout: No Coverage on Massive ‘March for Marriage’ in Washington DC

"Of course the propaganda press would ignore the pro One Man One Woman Marriage supporters. It doesn't contribute to the collective progressive cause. Now, if there happens to be some white folks there who have Bibles or verses, they may get a nod from the lap dog media as white supremest homophobic bigots. Move along folks. Nothing to see here. Only lap dog media

Magic Johnson: ‘ObamaCare is working’

"Another low information voter. Your too dumb to know how dumb you are. Add one more dumb idiot celebrity opinion. I did not know that HIV affects ones mental capacity. Considering Johnson got his degree in basketball, I'm impressed at his knowledge of medicine. So its working Johnson, that's interesting, considering it doesn't really get fully implemented until next year. I am sure that, as a rich man, your totally in tune with what the poor, uninsured folks are going through. I'm sure they would gladly exchange their current plan for the one the NBA gave you. Stick with what you know Johnson, there is no magic here, it’s all bullshit. There are people out there who think next year they're getting free healthcare. I mean it, they actually do! Wait until they can't afford the stuff and they get the penalty on their taxes. Wait until the doctors close shop and quit. Wait until the elderly find out they were lied to by Hussein's party and when their durable medical bill taxes hit, they'll be out another 3 to 4 hundred bucks. And remember, the

Dem bill would expand school lunch program to weekends, holidays

"Well isn't this just great. I guess we the tax payer don't pay enough for these mooching SOB's to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week, we need to feed them on the weekends too? WTF! Two to three meals five days a week including in the summer isn't enough? We gonna bus them in just for lunch too? BRILLIANT! What about the “warm milk and cookies” at bedtime? Who’s handling that? Just more vote buying from the democrap party. It is not the federal government's job to feed children in schools. To those oh-so-compassionate libtards, I don't give a rats ass what you say, people are given the choice of having babies, and in order to feed them, you need to get a

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

NY Gov. Cuomo: People Who Oppose Gun Control Laws Are Paranoid Extremists (Video)

"Thus speaketh King Cuomo's son, Prince Andrew the moron. No, we are not 'dangerous extremists' you asshole, we are American Citizens whose right to bear arms is written into the Constitution, you know, that document you Leftists, Socialists, Communists (i.e., Democrats) are trying to tear apart. Hey Andy boy, your father was a jackass and the apple didn't fall far from the tree. You should be hiding your head in shame after being one of the chief architects of the housing collapse. Nice job there you moron. You know it's not about guns, it's about control. All you libtards with your delusional fantasies of power know this. It's a essential to being a democrap. Yep, I'm a paranoid extremist. Thank you for the compliment. I'd rather be in the paranoid camp of such patriots as Jefferson, Madison, Washington, etc., than in the camp of

Bloomberg: Lawmakers Who Vote Against Gun Control Will ‘Pay a Price’

"Correction, Douchberg needs to pay a price. He’s another active cultural changing, tradition destroying, I want to rule your life, libtard progressive. Has anyone told this useless piece of human waste that he lives in AMERICA and not North Korea, Cuba, China, Venezuela, or some other dictatorship? Where the Constitution is concerned, guns are not only for hunting, they are to ensure all of our rights and to allow "We the People" the ability to protect ourselves against  a tyrannical, overbearing, government and asshole politician like you. To have the ability to meet fire with fire. We need “Left-Wing Nut-Job” control, not gun control. Hey Douchberg, we live in a democracy and who the hell elected you to dictate to us what we can have, eat, drink, and

Sasha, Malia Obama Vacation at Bahamas' 'Atlantis' Resort

"I guess sequestration is for the little people. Face it they are just "better than us". We are just the people, the tax payers that allow them to enjoy themselves at our expense. I mean here we, the peons, are struggling to make ends meet and they use our money to send Mooche 1 and Mooche 2 and who knows who else, on an all expense, paid for by us the citizens, spring break vacation. Unreal, isn't it? Just when you think it can't get any worse it does.And the media finds nothing

Monday, March 25, 2013

Retired Army Officer: DHS Must Surrender Their War Weapons to Dept. of Defense

"This letter should be published in every American newspaper now! DHS has a lot to answer for. Yoo,hoo, Janet, you POS,  anyone home? How can these people be given these offices, when they apparently have no idea how to do their jobs and know nothing of what is going on in their own departments? Capt. Hestilow is a great man who isn't blind, but sees the truth. Does anyone notice that it seems to be the retired servicemen that are standing up and speaking out! God Bless him and others who have the courage to shout from the roof tops! There is only one way to take back America - those who are not blind know this. It is really hard to believe that Hussein, a

Jim Carrey on Gun Control Opponents: ‘Heartless Motherf**kers Unwilling 2 Bend 4 the Safety of Our Kids’

"The sign of a washed up no longer funny actor. Hey Jimbo, I don't know if you noticed or not, but you are no longer relevant. Probably better to be heartless than brainless, Jimbo. Can you show us how gun control would save the lives of children already in a gun-free zone? I can show you how to save children that aren’t in one. You’ve already proven yourself brainless. Let’s look at heartless. One of us wants children to be defenseless, the other wants them defended. Do you have defenses? I know Congress does. I know the President does. How about you, Jimbo? Should children have the same right to defense as you? So not only are you brainless, you are heartless.

Senate Votes to Stop US from Joining UN Arms treaty

"You mean to tell me something GOOD happened today in the hallowed halls of DC? They voted in an amendment saying the Constitution trumps all treaties, and that particular route is denied in the future. Well, not all did. All the Nay votes, save two from independents, were, you guessed it, Democraps. That's right, all 46 were democraps by my count. I see two democrap senators from Washington State that apparently do not believe in the U.S. Constitution. Murray is up for reelection in 2014 I believe. Come on Washington, purge a plague. And also as expected, both liberals in MA voted nay to this. I hope MA residents will do something right in their libtard lives for once by voting both of them out of office when election comes. Just to be clear, the Constitution has always trumped treaties, and those that voted NAY, violate the Constitution and need to be voted out or thrown out. I’m deadly serious, we have to vote these oath breakers out of office! You want to know which assholes voted against the Constitution supremacy amendment. I list the voting roll below. All of these worthless Nay voting, commie bastards should be tried for

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Scandal Central: When Scandals Embroil Their Own, Democrats Go Silent

"Oh how quiet it is. Won't be for long. This scandal may come out in drips, but it will come out." MC
As the scandal surrounding Senator Bob Menendez, D-N.J., grows into a steady drip, drip, drip of increasingly damaging stories for Senate Democrats (following an FBI raid of a top Democratic donor's offices), we learn that this sordid story extends far beyond the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  In an extensively-reported story, Politico broke the news that the Democratic donor at the heart of the scandal, Dr. Salomon Melgen, also extensively courted other top Democrats, including President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.,  who flew on Melgen's private jet at least once last year.  Melgen also donated $700,000 last year to Majority PAC, a Democratic Super PAC that ran TV ads in support of many Democratic Senate candidates in 2012.  The Democrat response to all this? Deafening silence.

As the scandal surrounding Senator Bob Menendez, D-N.J., grows into a steady drip, drip, drip of

Shameless… Obama’s Celebratory Obamacare Statement Is Chock Full of Lies

"What did he say, "The wealthiest nation on Earth"? Not after 5 years of you, asshole. This only serves as a reminder how far we've fallen when horseshit is shoveled out a second time without a challenge in the socialist media outlets. "it will protect every American from the worst insurance company abuses" you have to remember this is lawyer speak. Low information voters think they'll be finally getting even and get free health care. Informed voters know that it means the abuse will be worse because it will be at the hands of the federal government and they'll have to pay twice as much for half the service. What sheep. What a shock they have coming. Damn the Liar in Chief's nose grew 10" in one speech and they can't see it. He lies so much he actually believes what he

Meanwhile, The Left’s Enemy is Anyone Trying To Keep This Culture From Spreading

"Ah a Obamaphone mother teaching her children manners. In any event, this "family" is lost to civilization. I’d almost be willing to bet cash money that dad is an ex-con, mom is on some sort of government insurance and the kids will end up in jail or popping out kids for that check because you can be pretty sure that they aren’t being taught how to be humans at home or outside. Her actions are deplorable. And ain't it great to hear the kids calling the guard gay and show no respect for authority? Great job you worthless POS mothers. Did you count how many times she said nigga? I thought that word was banned. Guess the low information voters didn't get the memo. She probably calls her own kids that everyday when she’s punching and screaming at them,

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Florida Atlantic Student Suspended For Refusing to Step on Jesus …Update: Prof Is Dem Party Leader

"Instead of writing 'Jesus' on a piece of paper then stomping on it, the student should have written 'Obama' on it and stated, "You stomp on my Jesus and I'll stomp on yours." Let's see a suspension for that! Better yet, let's write Mohammed on a sheet of paper and stomp on that the next time he does his circus act. I would pay to see that liberal commie's reaction to that. Deandre Poole is typical of the leftists in our education system today. He needs to be removed from the university and from future educating jobs, permanently. This asshole is also active in democrap politics. No surprise, he loves Hussein. It seems in the libtard world, offending a christian believer

Jessa Jackass protests plan the would help Detroit

"The Poverty Pimp Jessa Jackass has entered the building. If this offends Jesse Jackass, then it must be the right thing to do. Poor Jesse, a has-been trying to stay relevant. I guess there is not enough people keeping racism alive and well apparently. I’m wondering what his alternative is. Is it to allow the current city government to continue, which will just mean a faster ride to a painful end? Or is it that somehow the state gives Detroit lots of money, confident that since they have done such a fantastic job so far the current city government will fix things? Can I ask where were you "Reverend" Jackass these past 40-years as the incompetent leadership of Detroit was busy

Friday, March 22, 2013


Jung Un
Jung Un had NO military experience 
whatsoever before Daddy made him a
  four-star general. This snot-nosed twerp had 
never accomplished anything in his life that would 
even come close to military leadership. 
He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, 
coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon. 
So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea.


Oh crap!

Perhaps the U.S. Should Pull Out of Chicago?

Body count: In the last 12 months 500 killed (murdered) 
in Chicago AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws 
in the entire US.

Representing Chicago:
President: Barrack Hussein Obama
Senator: Dick Durbin
House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
Governor: Pat Quinn
House leader: Mike Madigan
Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
Mayor: Rahm Emanuel

The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.
Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
Of course, they're all blaming each other.
Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

Ipswich Principal Cancels Honors Night – Holds All-Inclusive Night Instead

"As usual, libtards show their hatred for excellence and their inbred love of mediocrity. According to them, why aspire to anything? Marxism 101. Why work hard? Why strive to be the best? What's the point of even going to public school anymore? And the teachers unions, Democraps, and ass kissing marxist Media still scratch their backside and wonder why people home school. This principal is a libtard lunatic. No other possible explanation. When he plays Monopoly with his

I’ve Flipped on the “Assault Weapons” Ban says the guy in an ol’ timey suit with three pet caterpillars on his face.

And we should believe him, why....

"OK, let me try and say this in best why I can. Charlie Rangel is full of shit. “Automatic Military rifles” are not available to the public. He knows it. He just a lying, pandering, corrupt, tax cheating, bullshit artist. “Millions of children” killed because of the NRA? That’s another outright lie. The millions of NRA members are law abiding citizens who love their country and their freedom caterpillar eyes. And they WORK for a living asshole. Unlike the majority of the people you represent. You want some truthful facts, how about the literally MILLIONS of black

Biden Gaffe #972,873: Gabby Giffords “Was Shot And Mortally Wounded”…

"Biden is the laughingstock of any logical sane person. He's a disgrace to this nation, as is his boss. The last time I checked, Gabrielle Giffords survived the attack on her life. Just another stupid, simple-mindedness, slip of the tongue, from the second biggest embarrassment to the US. The sad part is a large part of the people in the USA do not know what an embarrassment Joe Biden really is. It's just old double barrel Joe being as dumb as possible. Good Lord, I am so sick of this non-sense by the useless idiot crowd. I used to think this was funny, now it is just pissing me off to see what really dumb ass idiots have been voted into office by such moronic voters. And

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Go to Hell Harry!!!

"Anyone surprise here? You don’t let a good tragedy go to waste. What a despicable piece of shit this guy is. This snake is one heck of a leader for the Democrap party. A true professional bullshit artist. Honestly, how many libtards can actually tell me that they are proud of this scum? Harry Reid is the biggest scumbag in politics.  Pelosi is the stupidest, but Harry is the biggest scumbag. The man has no honor whatsoever. No likeness of old Harry should ever be seen except from behind bars, which is where this corrupt POS belongs. Reid says so many vile things, twists so many truths, no doubt he is as corrupt as the day is long, and is assisting in the destruction of

Obama pumps wrong gas in "The Beast"

"It has to be either Bush’s fault or the sequester’s. What a joke America is becoming. Everything to do with Hussein is a bad joke and a disgrace to the United States  and its people. Everything Hussein touches turns to S***, Socialism. Bet you thought I was gonna say shit.You know, every government in the middle east is having a laugh fit over this one. Hope his Auto Club Membership was still active. The Secret Service should have of put a bike rack on top of the limo to carry Hussein’s pink streamer, girly bike in case of an mishap like this. He could have pedaled over the Palestinian border and caught a few high-flying, jihad rockets in his lying teeth. Better yet, they could have picked him up with a Chevy Volt. Wishful thinking on my part. People

Horror… Abortion Doctor Slaughtered Babies By Snipping Their Necks

"Just awful for words, truly, truly evil. Things like this are really unspeakable and make you ill. But the more people become aware the better chance there is end this horror in our nation. All abortions are shocking but this is just incomprehensible. So far, I have seen zero reports on this barbarity from CNN, CBS, NBS, ABS, or other cable networks. Guess this guy was a tad too "pro-choice" for their tastes? I would love to see these two have their necks broken. But that is a horrible thing for me to say as I have morals, but if our judicial system does it's job, I hope it's the

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Harry Reid said the sequester caused the six soldiers death. I will respond.

Celebration at O'bama's Irish Pub.

"As with everything this Reich does, celebrate St. Patricks Day on the 19th seems in step. And, of course, the Hussein ass kissers in the leftie media still see no problem with their Fuehrer throwing another party at the Shite Hosue but our kids can't visit the White House because of the

Remember Which Democrats Supported The Iraq War?

"Hey what can I say. Leftist's are dumb, and they're excellent liars. Thanks to the video below for proving my point. But  after all, it's ten years later, and really, "what difference at this point does it make?". This is not that much different from those today who suddenly have deep feelings in favor of redefining marriage, despite whatever deeply-held convictions they once had on the matter. They are nothing more than a bunch of opportunists, forever checking the wind's direction. Not the sort you'd ever want at your side during a battle (much less leading). So, "what difference at this point does it make?". The point is that the Democrats were for the war when it

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Senator Elizabeth Wampum Says That Raising the Minimum Wage to 22 bucks and hour would Only Raise McDonald’s Menu Item #11 by 4 cents

 What you mean I stupid Kimosabbe?

"Breaking News: Crazy Squaw wants more wampum! The lunacy of liberalism knows no bounds! I think she's in a four way race to see who is the bigger imbecile; herself, Pelosi, Feinstein or Biden. We should of never let her off the reservation. Dumb as a bag full of tomahawks. What a moron! She has no clue. But then what libtard does? Chief Sitting Bullshit is why God created sinkholes. Liawatha is one big mound of stupid. After having the opportunity to witness her impressive grasp of economics, I'm beginning to believe her claims of Native-American heritage. I'm willing to bet one of her ancestors was on the Indian side of the negotiation table during the sale of Manhattan. This honestly just made my head hurt. I wouldn’t even know where to start.

CNN Poll: Obama’s Net Approval Rating Tanks 15 Points…

"Uh oh. He'll probably have a pissy fit and shut down the National Parks system. Because, you know, sequestration. "Some 47 percent of respondents approve of the job he’s doing," - 47%, where did I hear that number? I know I've heard it before. The same slug parasites who don't pay income tax. How the hell can so many people approve of this POS? "Underwater" sounds like the

Predictable… Obama May Cancel 135th Annual Easter Egg Roll Due to Sequester

You got ears like mine.

"But don't expect him to cancel any golf outings. Or 20 million dollar vacations. The POS must have his priorities. I say let him cancel it. If it shows Hussein for the pathetic man child he is, I say so be it. He is just exposing himself for the loser he is. It's what narcissists do when they can't have their way. Besides, the first Muslim President wants nothing to do with Easter if he can avoid it. It wouldn't bother him. Let him double-down on stupid. The fact that he needs a food taster at a GOP lunch, maybe he is scared of the eggs. Ya know, one might have a explosive device

Dr. Ben Carson: The President Is Trying to Cut in Places That Hurt the Most In Order to Prove a Point (Video)

"It's refreshing to hear that someone is saying what we all know already, well, those of us who know exactly what Hussein is up too. Demean and attack the opponent and try to make it stick. The good doctor is right. All this media reporting is putting blame on everyone but Hussein's country killing policies. The good doctor has more faith in the MSM than I do. I believe that they

Crazed libtard dressed as a vagina disrupted a pro-life campus speech

"Truth in advertising. Most male liberals are pussies. That's most likely the closest this libtard can get to the real thing. I'll bet his mother is proud. If she is a libtard, she probably is. Ah yes, the tolerant left. I guess freedom of speech only applies to them. Libtards are sick people. They

Monday, March 18, 2013

Unreal… Obama Tells US Muslim Leaders He’s Not Bringing Mideast Peace Plan Because Israel Not Interested

"The Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp is not bringing a plan because the jackass doesn't have one. He has one. Just not one he can advertise. The destruction of Israel. Hussein has no more of an interest in peace in the Middle East than he does in bringing the American people together. He is a divider, he needs turmoil to appear like a moderate leader. This is just another Photo-Op since

One Third Of Rhode Island Town Depends Entirely On Food Stamps

"Learning to be poor keeps you what? RIGHT. POOR, the best you can be. Democraps are dumbfounded that the proof of their failed economic policies is put on the front page. Typical blue-state ghetto, people wasted on meth and alcohol, waiting for food stamps at the end of each month, and honestly believing the lies they have been fed by the libtard political hacks and union thugs. While these marked chumps of the  Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp are living in the food stamp ghetto, their limousine libtard gated community politicians are feasting at the public trough. It's

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Now They Tell Us… Media Finally Reports on How Obamacare Will Raise Your Taxes

"Remember when Hussein assured us that his health care program would not cost us a dime. How is that working out for you now? And now you know why those of us who could read, think, and knew he was lying were opposed to this shit Act. Yep, Ovomit said free healthcare and all the

Obama’s Latest Job-Killing Regulations Have Businesses “Freaked Out”

"More regulations on manufacturing and the economy because of global warming. And your freaked out? I'm still trying to figure out why people are so surprised by this! The moron told you what he was going to do the first 4 years. He told you he was going to destroy this country, and you still voted for him! Some of us who never voted for the asshole, are standing here, shaking our heads and wondering exactly when it dawned on your pathetic little brains that when this Marxist

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reports: Grand jury investigating Senator Menendez

"Come on. This guy's a good, standup, dem senator kinda guy from NJ. None of that hanky panky kinda stuff, no sir. All's good. Nothing to see here. He's just being slandered by the feds. I'm sure Christie will vouch for him as a standup guy. The thought of a pig like, Bob Menendez satisfying himself on some young third world girl's body should set a persons hair on fire. Politician's have no shame. And where is the outcry from those that scream WAR ON WOMEN? Not a peep. Seems he is completely immune to any and all actions against him.  He is one of Hussein's political far

Barack Obama Wouldn’t Touch Food at GOP Luncheon… He Didn’t Bring Royal Taster!

"Hey Maine, you happy that your Resident in Chief turned down your lobster because he thinks you may have put poison in his tail? I guess little fear creeps in when you realize you're justifiably the most hated man in any room. and the least qualified. Wow. This man has the nerve to refer to others as the 1% while he prances around with an official food taster? Starting to think all those quick stops at restaurants are more a photo op than food run. But then again everything and anything is a photo op, either for him or his mooching wife. But a food taster? Is this idiot for real? Guess it makes sense, this king-wannabe has a lot of 'court jesters' around him as well. Gotta believe this is the behavior of a mentally unbalanced individual. This is what a delusional

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dianne Feinstein not happy with Ted Cruz’s question on the Second Amendment

"Will someone please tell me what better example for term limits exists than this hag? Her self comparison to a 6th grader is an insult to real 6th graders all over the country. C'mon Diane, aren't you over stating your intelligence a we bit. You know you have none. And Diane, I don't think it's a good idea to be sniffing glue before appearing on TV. You looked rugged as hell. Just sayin. Anyway, "Just know I’ve been here for a long time." And there lies a major part of the problem, you disgusting, horrible looking, corrupt political whore. Not only is that the problem, but in FrankenFeinstein's way too long time being up there on the Hill, she hasn't learned that the purpose of the Constitution is to limit what power you have to infringe on the right's of "We The People". FrankenFeinstein knows, just like all the rest of the liberal scum sitting in that

Pope Francis Clear on Denying Communion to Politicians Who Facilitate Abortion

Finally, something to cheer!

"Excellent! He can start with Crazy Uncle Joe Bite me and the San Francisco Sea Hag Nancy Botox. Oh and let's not forget the phoney Catholic John Kerry and virtually the entire U.S. Congress who haven't met an abortionist they didn't love. I’d like to see a mass excommunication to politicians who support abortion. Hopefully he comes over and visits them personally then kicks them out of the church. The Church better prepare for the deluge of media criticism of the Church that media so despises. The Church won't obey the demands of the leftists and abortionists and thus earns this hatred. The libtards want the Church to conform to their despicable ideals and hate it when it won't. Notice the media REFUSES to call for the Muslim's

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Meet the Pope: Francis First Jesuit

"May the Lord GOD Almighty, Bless Pope Francis in all ways. God Bless our new Pope, he has a mountainous job ahead of him." MC

This morning, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, a Jesuit priest born in Argentina to parents of Italian ancestry, was elected leader of Roman Catholic Church, taking the name Francis.


MSNBC ending Ed Schultz's weekday show

"Wow. Say it ain't so. Ed "I know nuthink" Schultz, being deported to the weekend. All 5 viewers just pooped themselves. The funny thing is his spin that it's a great oppurtunity for him. Yeah, it's a promotion. AHhaHAhaHAhah. Ed's being replaced by a test pattern and he's excited! How the hell is dinnertime on the weekend a step up from weeknight primetime? If Mr. Ed really believes that going from weekday 8pm to weekend 5-7 is a better time slot, then now I know why he supports all the liberal’s and their crazy extremist positions that have never worked anywhere or

Obama: The "It Wasn't Me" President

"Did you ever hear the expression "This shit is getting old"? Well, this shit is getting old. When will this turd ever take responsibility for anything. These pathetic Reich members can't even get their story straight. You have Hussein saying "We didn't stop the Shite House tours. Uh, uh. It's the, it's the, it's the , the, the Secret service. Yeah, yeah, that's it. It's the Secret Service. Not me. Noo way. Wouldn't do that. It's the damn Republicans fault too. If they just did what I say, the Secret Service wouldn't have to lay off agents that protect me, Moochelle, my kids, grandma, and


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