WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013
Jessa Jackass protests plan the would help Detroit
"The Poverty Pimp Jessa Jackass has entered the building. If this offends Jesse Jackass, then it must be the right thing to do. Poor Jesse, a has-been trying to stay relevant. I guess there is not enough people keeping racism alive and well apparently. I’m wondering what his alternative is. Is it to allow the current city government to continue, which will just mean a faster ride to a painful end? Or is it that somehow the state gives Detroit lots of money, confident that since they have done such a fantastic job so far the current city government will fix things? Can I ask where were you "Reverend" Jackass these past 40-years as the incompetent leadership of Detroit was busy
running the city into the ground? Oh, I forgot, you were busy extorting businesses into making payoffs to your "Rainbow Coalition" scam (threatening to organize boycotts against businesses unless they "donated") so you could pay for your mistress, illegitimate child, $2000 suits, and $10,000 watches. Go back to that other shit hole you came from, Chicago. Get the hell out of Detroit. And take your racist, corrupt friend John Conyers with you. Conyers really has the balls to show up at this disgraceful dog and pony show? His wife just got out of prison for being a corrupt Detroit official, and is currently in a half way house. What a skunk. If Jessa wants to help, maybe Jessa should front Detroilet the dough from his shakedown funds? A city run by democrats for 50 years is now a piece of shit, go figure. Jackass is such a f**king idiot, I guess he would rather continue with the status quo and fall further into the toilet. Democrats in leadership have caused this and they are too ignorant to know the difference. Hey Jessa, you want to do something constructive, go make sure your corrupt “bipolar” son is getting his medical treatments in jail or something? Nobody revere's you anymore except maybe Al Sharpnuts and Danny Glover. Hey JJ, you insignificant piece of shit race baiter, would you please go away? Nobody gives a shit about your race baiting career anymore. It's getting old." MC
The Rev. Jesse Jackson joined the fight against Detroit’s emergency financial manager on Friday, calling for mass, nonviolent protest in the city to fend off what he called an attack on residents’ voting rights.
Jackson and several other opponents to an EFM pledged to file a lawsuit next week challenging the constitutionality of Michigan’s new emergency manager law. It takes effect Thursday and grants broad powers to the incoming emergency financial manager, Kevyn Orr, a Washington, D.C., bankruptcy lawyer.
“As opposed to having a city council that’s democratically elected and a mayor, you’ll have a plantocracy, a plantation-ocracy, replacing a democracy,” Jackson said.
Jackson was joined by Detroit City Councilwomen JoAnn Watson and Brenda Jones, U.S. Rep. John Conyers and a union representative at a rally inside city hall that drew about 100 people. He also called on the U.S. Department of Justice to intervene to protect Detroiters’ rights to vote.
“We marched too long and bled too much and died too young for the right to vote to have a governor … take away the impact of our vote,” said Jackson, president and founder of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.
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