"No, it's shame on us for allowing commies to slither into power. When The Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp speaks of shame, we know he is lying independently of the fact that he never seeks to tell the truth. He is the most shameless fraud to appear in public life in modern times. For him, "shame" is a word without meaning, one he can only use meaninglessly. We all know he could give a rat's ass about what happened in Newtown, but he does care about how it can be politicized in order to take American's rights and weapons. Young blacks are killed daily, but since they are not all gunned down at once the progs can ignore those killings. Because it is never about
anything but power and control over the masses. I won't be holding my breath waiting for President PitchingWedge to comment on the 13 month old baby killed in Georgia by being shot in the face by 2 teen thugs. This man is shameless. With Benghazi still not fully explained yet, he totally disregards the events that led up to that tragedy, wants us to forget that ever happened. Sure he does. Because when (if) we ever find out, he will be grabbed by his f**king ears and asked how can anyone be such an incompetent fraud? Very selective memory by Dear Leader. Sign of a true Prog. Libtard. We, the people, have not forgotten Benghazi jackass. Just so you know." MC
Barack Obama held a stump speech today where he said,
“Shame on us’ if we forget Newtown… Speeches aren’t enough.”
But don’t ask him about Benghazi.
Or, what he was doing that night when he went AWOL.
He wants you to forget about Benghazi – when four American heroes were slaughtered by jihadists at the US consulate.
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