WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Saturday, March 30, 2013
“It’s Up to the Women the Family and The Physician Whether They are Going to Kill a Viable Human Being or Not ” – Planned Parenthood
"You have to watch this entire video to believe it. This vile, thoughtless, heartless, cold, cruel, sick, Planned Parenthood Spokeswoman says it is up to the woman, the family, and the abortionist to decide whether a baby that is born alive as a result of a botched abortion should live or die? This can't be real. You have to listen to the answers she gives to the questions she's asked. Even the committee members asking the questions can't believe it. I am still shaking my head over this. It's beyond evil. Beyond comprehension. I mean she was talking about deciding whether to kill a baby like she was deciding what kind of dressing to put on a salad. And the part where she is asked if she would support transporting the baby, a living human being, to the hospital, and her answer is a 45 minute ride to the hospital is "too long"? So her alternative is to leave the baby on the table die, or drown him/her, or stab the baby in the head, or whatever other diabolical thing
they do to murder this human being? Well, as long as they don’t use a gun to kill the baby then it’s OK I guess. A thrust of a ‘medical instrument’ into the back of the skull seems gentle enough from an ethics standpoint. After all, they care about "the children". This woman, and the entire Planned parenthood Organization is evil. The fact that she wouldn't answer most of the questions is also telling. Wow, I am still stunned. While my stance on abortion is clearly evident, I am against it, once a baby is born during a botched abortion, the process should change to saving, or at least attempting to save, that baby's life, by any means possible. The mother's, the family, and the abortionist, no longer have "a say". Their murderous opinion no longer matters. This is now a living and breathing human being, and it's life trumps all other actions except to save it. After you watch the video, you'll see that this vile POS, first tried to sidestep the issue of getting the newborn off the table and to the hospital (which would confirm the original idea of letting the mother, family and doctor make the decision to abort the baby live on the table murder, and second, .she then turned to rationalizing with the idea that the hospital may be some distance, thus endangering the child with possible complications that may leave the child less than whole if the child survives, which, again, resorts back to the earlier idea of it’s “up to those involved at the clinic.” And yes, everyone in that room understood that this heartless slime, didn’t even bother to prepare her case for debate because of her determination to simply shove in the committee’s faces the demands of what abortion clinics want. Make no mistake who this person is. This is a libtard member of the Democrap party. The party that believes in this type of action. Their leader, the Baby Killer in Chief is also a supporter of this genocide. Perhaps the libtard's Messiah will invite this monster to the White House for lunch. After all he supported the legislation. She could hook up with Sandra Fluke. These same libtard whack jobs who called returning vets from Vietnam "baby killers" are really the true baby killers, right John "Traitor" Kerry? And did you notice the audience. Little attention is being payed to what this monster is saying. Thats because you can bet they are all libtard, Planned Parenthood supporters. None of them with a conscious. I actually heard this on the Mark Levin show. Levin asked, "If the woman and the practioner decide to throw the baby out the window, is that OK too"? That about puts it in perspective. This video perfectly illustrates how evil has taken over our society. Look how that vile bitch simply insulates herself from the inconvenient horror of what she is logically advocating. “We believe that’s up to the doctor and the mother…” “We believe it’s up to the doctor and the mother…” What is up to them, jackass? That the doctor can put his hand around the baby’s neck and throttle it to death? Is that what you’re advocating here you f**king souless piece of shit. Sorry. Evil will keep making ground as long as people have to feel like they need to apologize for believing that killing a viable fetus is wrong. Screw you democrap libtards.
Murdering a helpless newborn baby is a much more insanely perverse and gruesome a crime than murdering an adult victim who might be able to protect themselves. Is there anything that could possibly anger the Creator of all little babies more than what these people are promoting with their abortion agenda? Planned Parenthood should have a very special place reserved for them in the very hottest parts of hell. I'm sure their founder, Margret Sanger is smiling and keeping a place warm for them." MC
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