The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Friday, March 22, 2013

I’ve Flipped on the “Assault Weapons” Ban says the guy in an ol’ timey suit with three pet caterpillars on his face.

And we should believe him, why....

"OK, let me try and say this in best why I can. Charlie Rangel is full of shit. “Automatic Military rifles” are not available to the public. He knows it. He just a lying, pandering, corrupt, tax cheating, bullshit artist. “Millions of children” killed because of the NRA? That’s another outright lie. The millions of NRA members are law abiding citizens who love their country and their freedom caterpillar eyes. And they WORK for a living asshole. Unlike the majority of the people you represent. You want some truthful facts, how about the literally MILLIONS of black
babies murdered/aborted by the libtard supported Planned Parenthood? Those are truthful facts jackass. The fact that this douche nozzle has been in office answers the question on why this country is going down the tubes quicker than Monica on Bill. Was this low information voter congressman challenged on his numbers,of course not. These libtards can spew anything they want and the media doesn't dare call them on it. Rangel, like all the libtards, don't know or care about anything factual coming out of their pie hole. They just ramble on for the entertainment of the masses and MSM. Rangel’s just another blithering idiot politician that lost his mind a long time ago. It seems to be a trait among democraps. The more you lose your mind, the higher the position of power you reach. Pelosi, Reed & Biden come to mind. We have come to the point in the democrap political system where senile fools as these are put in positions of leadership. It's what they do best." MC

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