The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Magic Johnson: ‘ObamaCare is working’

"Another low information voter. Your too dumb to know how dumb you are. Add one more dumb idiot celebrity opinion. I did not know that HIV affects ones mental capacity. Considering Johnson got his degree in basketball, I'm impressed at his knowledge of medicine. So its working Johnson, that's interesting, considering it doesn't really get fully implemented until next year. I am sure that, as a rich man, your totally in tune with what the poor, uninsured folks are going through. I'm sure they would gladly exchange their current plan for the one the NBA gave you. Stick with what you know Johnson, there is no magic here, it’s all bullshit. There are people out there who think next year they're getting free healthcare. I mean it, they actually do! Wait until they can't afford the stuff and they get the penalty on their taxes. Wait until the doctors close shop and quit. Wait until the elderly find out they were lied to by Hussein's party and when their durable medical bill taxes hit, they'll be out another 3 to 4 hundred bucks. And remember, the
costs were supposed to go down? Yeah, the rates are spiking, and they expect the bill to go over 2 trillion and counting. This will be a disaster count on it. Anything the democraps create is always overbudget, a lie in the first place, and designed to make people more dependent on the government the dems fund by confiscating other people's money, taxing people and businesses to death, and borrowing 46 cents on every dollar. Wait until they layoffs and hour cuts start to happen this year. This just in, they are already happening. The only people who will have 40 hor weeks will be the feds, the public unions, and their buddies the private unions. The rest will be cut back so the employers won't have to pay what they cannot afford. Can't wait for this disaster. Pass the popcorn, it's going to be entertaining. I wonder if they run their households like that? Oh that's right, they're the welfare and food stamp party, they already live off the rest of us. So why anyone would care what this ignorant, libtard tool, basketball player is saying about anything is beyond me. Leave it to BSNBC to put on  another know nothing libtard sock puppet spouting non-sense. Yes sir, if I want to know how Husseinacare is working out, the first person that comes to mind to gather this information is, Magic Johnson. He's a close second to Kim Kasdashian. Husseinacare is working its magic, Johnson? It’s destroying our country." MC

Hall of Fame basketball player Earvin “Magic” Johnson spoke out on behalf of President Obama’s healthcare law on Monday.
“ObamaCare is working. I talk to a lot of CEOs of hospitals. It is working,” he said on MSNBC.
Johnson was speaking on “NOW with Alex Wagner” about the NCAA basketball tournament, but he veered into politics at the end of the segment, lauding conservative Florida Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) decision to accept the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
“I’m glad that Gov. Scott down in Florida accepted ObamaCare because it will work,” he said.
In the early ’90s, Johnson retired from the NBA after announcing he tested positive for HIV. He has since worked to raise awareness of the disease and partnered with a number of healthcare groups on the issue.

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