The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Remember Which Democrats Supported The Iraq War?

"Hey what can I say. Leftist's are dumb, and they're excellent liars. Thanks to the video below for proving my point. But  after all, it's ten years later, and really, "what difference at this point does it make?". This is not that much different from those today who suddenly have deep feelings in favor of redefining marriage, despite whatever deeply-held convictions they once had on the matter. They are nothing more than a bunch of opportunists, forever checking the wind's direction. Not the sort you'd ever want at your side during a battle (much less leading). So, "what difference at this point does it make?". The point is that the Democrats were for the war when it
was politically popular to be for it, and against it when public opinion turned against it.
That's simple enough. You see, the problem with you libtards is that you wish to have us believe that the reason the most brilliant liberal minds of the Democrap party gave full support to the Iraq War was because they were lied to by George Bush. But it was John "Traitor" Kerry and Hillary "What difference at this point does it make?" Clinton, past and future Democrap Presidential nominees, who were even more gung-ho than many of their libtard members for invading Iraq and stopping Saddam's WMDs, but the moment that  the intel was discovered faulty, these "brave", spineless warriors suddenly changed their stories to being hapless victims of a war-monger president "lying us into war", and thanks to the Nazi-like propagandist media and lying libtard politicians, the Big Lie that Democraps were just innocent victims of the war that they too wanted was started. Sorry libtards, we're not stupid or short-memoried enough for your scheme to work. Stop being the spineless pricks that you are for once and own it. As far as their lie that Bush made up the evidence of the WMD's,  well here's how insane the liberal liars are. They expect us to believe that Bush was such an evil genius, that he fabricated all this evidence to fool the whole world and the poor, decieved Democraps that Saddam had WMDs, but once we got in there he didn't have the smarts to plant some WMDs, like the Deomocraps would have done, to prove he was right. Bush fooled the whole world into invading, but then allowed himself to look like a fool and be smeared as a liar by the Left. The truth is, Kerry, Clinton, and all the other "Not my fault" libtards, saw the same intel that other nations had as well. Everyone believed Saddam had WMDs, and I wouldn't be surprised if they turn up when used in Syria, but because they were snuck out, the Dems have flipped on their Big Lie machine to exonerate themselves and shift blame to scapegoats. You know these lying scum would be yelling "Toldjaso!" if it was proven that these weapons were in fact moved to Syria. The fact is, the libtards voted for the war based on the same intel everybody had. But, as the saying goes: facts to leftists are like sunlight to a vampire." MC

Here's a hint.
They were the same Democrats who later used the Iraq War as a political weapon against Republicans.
John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton…
On the tenth anniversary of the Iraq War, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough took a look back at the war’s most vocal critics who were once its most ardent supporters, including John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, and Carl Levin.
I never watch Morning Joe, hell I never watch MSNBC but this video is a very good reminder.

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