"Instead of writing 'Jesus' on a piece of paper then stomping on it, the student should have written 'Obama' on it and stated, "You stomp on my Jesus and I'll stomp on yours." Let's see a suspension for that! Better yet, let's write Mohammed on a sheet of paper and stomp on that the next time he does his circus act. I would pay to see that liberal commie's reaction to that. Deandre Poole is typical of the leftists in our education system today. He needs to be removed from the university and from future educating jobs, permanently. This asshole is also active in democrap politics. No surprise, he loves Hussein. It seems in the libtard world, offending a christian believer
has become fashionable today. Libtards are anti-Christian because they're afraid to live the kind of life that Jesus instructed us to live. In short, they don't want to accept Christians because it's a threat to the lifestyles they enjoy. It's impossible to have a decent debate with a liberal. They are narrow minded, vicious, brainwashed insane commies. Just disagree with a libtard and watch how quickly you are completely dismissed and disliked. It's like showing a crucifix to a vampire. Suspending this student for sticking to his moral/religious beliefs is an outrage. The anti-Christian efforts of the Democrap Party speaks for itself. What propels the university to suspend the student from the class and not the professor is hardly a mystery either. 90% of professors and administrators are liberal hacks and propagandists.Wouldn't this kind of treatment of the student be in violation of the school's policy not to discriminate against a student based on their religious beliefs? I am disappointed in the other sheep...er students who actually did stomp on Jesus. Grow some backbone and stand up for what's right. The liberals, the democraps, the progressives, the universities of supposed higher education are being over-run with extreme left wing advocates filled with hate. Is it any wonder why our country is in the condition it is in?" MC
A South Florida college professor’s bizarre classroom antics have made waves for their shocking display of religious intolerance. But they were even more instructive in educating the rest of us on the alarming thought process of yet another Palm Beach County Democratic leader.
Florida Atlantic University professor Deandre Poole instructed his intercultural communications class earlier this month to write the name “Jesus” on a piece of paper, then drop it on the floor and stomp on it.
One student, a devout Mormon, was so so disturbed by the exercise that he complained to school officials, saying Poole had offended his religious convictions. The school responded by suspending the student from the class.
While the incident has made the news, the media has failed to report a key component of Poole’s resume: He is vice-chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party. His recent actions add fire to an already-disturbing pattern of hate coming out of the local party.
Mark Siegel, the former chairman of the county Democratic Party, was forced to resign in September under a barrage of criticism over an anti-Christian tirade at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.
Siegel, who is Jewish, told an interviewer at the convention that pro-Israel Christians want to see Jews “slaughtered.”
“Oh no, the Christians just want us to be there so we can all be slaughtered and converted and bring on the second coming of Jesus Christ,” he said at the time.
Just two months earlier, in a series of emails, Evelyn Garcia, a Democratic Executive Committee member from Palm Beach County and one of the local party’s Democratic National Committee representatives, accused Israel of “crimes against humanity” and running “mass concentration prison camps.”
Garcia also quit her post in the wake of the public response to her comments.
It is inconceivable that so much religious intolerance can be originating from one locale. The public has no choice but to question whether these party leaders are simply echoing the sentiments of the entire Democratic Party.
One thing is certain: There is little doubt that the secular progressive mentality has taken hold in the Democratic Party and has come to dominate its leadership’s thinking.
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