The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, March 15, 2013

Dianne Feinstein not happy with Ted Cruz’s question on the Second Amendment

"Will someone please tell me what better example for term limits exists than this hag? Her self comparison to a 6th grader is an insult to real 6th graders all over the country. C'mon Diane, aren't you over stating your intelligence a we bit. You know you have none. And Diane, I don't think it's a good idea to be sniffing glue before appearing on TV. You looked rugged as hell. Just sayin. Anyway, "Just know I’ve been here for a long time." And there lies a major part of the problem, you disgusting, horrible looking, corrupt political whore. Not only is that the problem, but in FrankenFeinstein's way too long time being up there on the Hill, she hasn't learned that the purpose of the Constitution is to limit what power you have to infringe on the right's of "We The People". FrankenFeinstein knows, just like all the rest of the liberal scum sitting in that
hearing, that what they are doing is what they choose to do, and what they choose to do is ignore our Constitution. The longer this sleazy piece of garbage and the rest of her libtard associates are there the more our freedoms will be taken away. "I've been here a long time?" Hey, guess what jackass, the Constitution has been here longer. If length of existence determines relevance, it still wins. Normal people, people with some smarts, usually learn a lot after they have been on the job for a long period of time to make it a little easier on themselves. Poor old FrankenFeinstein, she is still stuck somewhere in the political world of corruption and denial. Normal for dumb asses on the left. Oh I'm sure you know a lot of things. Too bad they are all wrong. And what about that libtard idiot, Dickie Durbin, who puts in his worthless two cents and states that none of the rights in the Constitution are "absolute." What a moron. Dickiehead pisses me off every time I see his lame, self-righteous face. No sir Dickiehead, your not a 6th grader, your still in pre-school. Cruz should have told Dickiehead "Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me” The both of you may have read the Constitution, but it seems perhaps that you have not learned much nor absorbed much. It says what it says, plain and simple. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand? Yeah, you have been in the Senate a long time, and you both have a long history of being on the wrong side of most issues. Why do you persist with such flagrant lies and distortions when discussing on gun control? I know lying is in a libtards DNA, but the truth is most murders in America are not committed with “weapons of war”, they are committed with simple handguns. But you know that already. You pathetic political hacks are way off base in this discussion and as a result, wasting taxpayers time and money. But what else is new? It's what you do best. And can somebody tell me what keep LaLaLahey vertical. He sounds like there is somebody in back of him telling him when to breathe. I think we should replace these three relics with the three 6th graders. The nation would be better off. All I can say is thank God for people like Senator Cruz. Funny how when he backed her into a corner, out come the libtard, gun-control buzzwords like “Sandy Hook”, “bazooka”, “weapons of war”, “bodies”, etc. Then she acts all high and mighty and insulted that anyone would dare to question her motives, and Cruz, he just stared at her politely and waited for her to finish her bullshit. Then he jumped right back into her face; ‘You didn’t answer the question.’ Fearless! Hussein sent an ugly drone, but we sent a Cruz Missle. I wonder how long it's gonna take before McShame and Grahme Crackers come to her defense and scold Cruz for asking such a question? Not long I'm thinking. FrankenFeinstein is a "legend in her own mind," or what's left of it. It's time to put this old nag out to pasture. I'd like to close with a prayer, "Dear Lord, I know you are busy with other things. Please, grant me a bit of serenity so I may stay healthy long enough to see these anti-American socialists get thrown out of office. Also, remember the thing we talked about after the meteor over Russia and where the next one should land? Thank you. Amen"." MC

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