WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Dem bill would expand school lunch program to weekends, holidays
"Well isn't this just great. I guess we the tax payer don't pay enough for these mooching SOB's to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week, we need to feed them on the weekends too? WTF! Two to three meals five days a week including in the summer isn't enough? We gonna bus them in just for lunch too? BRILLIANT! What about the “warm milk and cookies” at bedtime? Who’s handling that? Just more vote buying from the democrap party. It is not the federal government's job to feed children in schools. To those oh-so-compassionate libtards, I don't give a rats ass what you say, people are given the choice of having babies, and in order to feed them, you need to get a
job to support them like every tax paying American needs to do. Tax paying American's don't work to support your kids. work and paid for the food that kept my kids fed. If you can't afford to take care of your little urchins, don't have them. You libtards must be proud of the people that support you. Low lifes that do nothing but look for handouts morning, noon, and night. One more time, it's the parent's responsibility to feed the children they bring into this world. Difficult concept for you libtards to grasp I know. What's next, are we going to clothe them too? If they are going to feed the kids at school, then they just need to totally eliminate all food stamps and EBT cards for families who have children. What do they need to buy if their kids are being fed at the schools, booze? I know, why don’t they just give them all a cot and let them live at the school. Parents would love that. Let the tax payers pay to raise your little urchins too. You can bet you'll see these sob stories about how hard it is to feed kids on food stamps, but they won’t mention that they get the free breakfast, lunch, and in some districts dinner (along with free after school care). It must make hard working American parents who actually work to support their families feel like a fools after enduring all those years of true hardship that went to providing for their children when they didn’t have much money. Well I guess that leaves more for the low life, democrap voting parent(s) steak, or to sell the food for drugs. One thing is certain, the GOP will have a hard time competing with the RATS for votes." MC
Four House Democrats have proposed legislation that would expand school lunch programs to weekends and holidays.
Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nev.) proposed the bill, which would amend the Richard Russell National School Lunch Act to set up weekend and holiday "feeding programs." The proposal is meant to help ensure that at-risk school children meet their nutritional needs, but it would only extend this help during the school year, not during the summer.
Her bill, H.R. 1395, is co-sponsored by Reps. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Terri Sewell (D-Ala.).
The bill is the latest entry to the list of legislation meant to tweak the national school lunch program. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), for example, has proposed the Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention America Act, S. 39, which would broaden the federal nutrition program, including by expanding it to childcare centers.
Other proposals have been made by members looking to limit school lunch guidance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Last year, the USDA proposed calorie caps on school lunches, along with caps on grains and proteins that children can eat in meals served by schools.
The agency has since waived the cap on grains and proteins for two years. But last week, Rep. Rick Crawford (R-Ark.) proposed the Sensible School Lunch Act, which would permanently eliminate those caps.
Crawford's bill, H.R. 1244, keeps in place the calorie caps that the USDA recommended. But Crawford says that repealing the grains and protein caps would give schools the flexibility to feed children properly.
"USDA's new school nutrition regulations are not working and are leaving students hungry," Crawford said last week. "In October, I hosted a Nutrition Summit in my district where I listened to school administrators, parents, nutritionists and teachers tell me how the nutrition guidelines are affecting their students."
Sens. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) have proposed the Sensible School Lunch Act in the Senate.
Also last week, Reps. Fudge and Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) and proposed the bipartisan School Nutrition Flexibility Act, which also removes the protein and grain limit in school meals.
That bill, H.R. 1303, also lets local school authorities set prices for school meals. That would counteract the USDA's rule that set school lunch prices for the first time since 1946.
Last year, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) proposed the No Hungry Kids Act, which would repeal the department's calorie caps on meals served by schools.
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