The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, March 18, 2013

One Third Of Rhode Island Town Depends Entirely On Food Stamps

"Learning to be poor keeps you what? RIGHT. POOR, the best you can be. Democraps are dumbfounded that the proof of their failed economic policies is put on the front page. Typical blue-state ghetto, people wasted on meth and alcohol, waiting for food stamps at the end of each month, and honestly believing the lies they have been fed by the libtard political hacks and union thugs. While these marked chumps of the  Pennsylvania Avenue Pimp are living in the food stamp ghetto, their limousine libtard gated community politicians are feasting at the public trough. It's
the same old shit. The socialist government we have now says the TBTF banks are too big to prosecute. Hussein says our budget is too far gone to balance. This is the shit we elected in 2012. But it's never the fault of the corrupt Democrap, union politicians. Of course not. It's those greedy, profit seeking business owners. You know, those people that are expected to run their company and provide jobs even when the costs imposed by this business destroying government are excessive. So before you listen to that greed rant bullshit so common with the libtards, just know its the greed of the vile democraps that are responsible. By the way. You libtard assholes are welcome to restart one of the businesses in any of these democrap run cities at any time. There are plenty of empty buildings waiting thanks to your policies that can be had for a song. Don't hold your breath. That would mean providing jobs. And why would any of these government handout taking moochers want a job. And let's say a couple makes $20,000/yr before food stamps, $26,000/yr when you add the $500 monthly benefit. Does anyone really think they would accept a job that paid them $27,000k/yr if it disqualified them for foodstamps? I doubt it. My point is that people on welfare have no incentive to strive to pull themselve's out of the mess they're in as long as the government provides with hard working tax payer money. It's simple human nature. They have it all covered. And why do you think most of these families now just don't get married. That's easy, because that way baby momma can collect food stamps, WIC coupons, LIHEAP, etc while baby daddy's $27,000 can be used for new cars, drugs and alcohol. Its a great system the libtards have built. And then with the liberal NEA union run school districts that are failing, our students now rank 17th in the world. So now we can have even more on food stamps in the future. Another libtard success story. So congrats to Rhode Island. You may have the second most worst city, but just keep electing those democraps and you will be numero uno in no time." MC

This is scary.

The town of Woonsocket in Rhode Island now depends on the federal government not only to feed one third of its citizens but the money that comes with the assistance to keep the town’s economy going.
Where does this end?
At precisely one second after midnight, on March 1, Woonsocket would experience its monthly financial windfall — nearly $2 million from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps. Federal money would be electronically transferred to the broke residents of a nearly bankrupt town, where it would flow first into grocery stores and then on to food companies, employees and banks, beginning the monthly cycle that has helped Woonsocket survive.
Three years into an economic recovery, this is the lasting scar of collapse: a federal program that began as a last resort for a few million hungry people has grown into an economic lifeline for entire towns. Spending on SNAP has doubled in the past four years and tripled in the past decade, surpassing $78 billion last year. A record 47 million Americans receive the benefit — including 13,752 in Woonsocket, one-third of the town’s population, where the first of each month now reveals twin shortcomings of the U.S. economy:
Then there’s this…
SNAP enrollment in Rhode Island had been rising for six years, up from 73,000 people to nearly 180,000, and now three-quarters of purchases at International Meat Market are paid for with Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards. Government money had in effect funded the truckloads of food at Pichardo’s dock . . . and the three part-time employees he had hired to unload it . . . and the walk-in freezer he had installed to store surplus product . . . and the electric bills he paid to run that freezer, at nearly $2,000 each month.
William Jacobson has chronicled the downward spiral of Rhode Island.
What happens when the Ocean State hits the bottom?

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