The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

St. Louis Post-Dispatch House Liberal: Let’s End Military Funeral Honors For Veterans… “Most Veterans Did Nothing Heroic”

"I am not even going to try to be nice during this comment. Go to hell Bill McClellan, you worthless piece of shit. Notice the first thing libtards want to cut usually has to do with our military. And believe me, this writer speaks for all the libtards in office and in the country. They hate them. Yep, lets cut our military spending for military funeral honors for our hero's.And they are heros, not matter what libtard assholes like this writer says. Sure, but let's just continue to
fund abortions for irresponsible sexual activities , lifestyles for the lazy, criminal illegal aliens, Hussein's criminal relatives, studies about Duck penises, the First Daughters' lavish spring breaks, $300+K for limo services, $500K a night hotel rooms, golfing with Tiger Woods, 250 million to the muslim brotherhood, 50 million to the Palestinians, free cell phones, monthly vacation, paying welfare rats to breed, meddling in health insurance, Solyndra, $4 million Hawaii vacation, purchases of 2.1 billion rounds of ammo, dollars to second and third generation welfare leeches who are constantly pumping out kids on the public dime, etc. You get the point? Let's just keep spending money on people who have done nothing, heroic or otherwise? So there's nothing heroic about a willingness to lay down your life for your country? But then again what should we really expect from these commie scum sucking pigs.What would a Democrat know about honor?" MC

Columnist Bill McClellan has been spewing his liberal worldview in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch for decades now. Today McClellan espoused ending military funeral honors.
“Most veterans did nothing heroic.”
From McClellan’s column in the St. Louis Post-Disgrace:
According to the program’s website, it is funded by the federal government and the Missouri National Guard Trust Fund.
Both the federal government and the state government are broke. So why are we providing military funeral honors for all veterans? It is a nice gesture we can’t afford.
Certainly, men and women killed in combat deserve full military honors. It’s a way for the country to say, “We honor the memory of those who died in our service.” These military honors — and the thought behind them — are intended to provide some solace for the families of the fallen.
But what about the guy who spends a couple of years in the military and then gets on with his life? Bear in mind that most veterans did nothing heroic. They served, and that’s laudable, but it hardly seems necessary to provide them all with military honors after they have died. In fact, it seems generous enough to provide veterans and their spouses with free space and headstones at a national cemetery.
Why not let the veterans organizations provide military honors at the funerals of their members? If a person gets out of the Marine Corps and wants to stay connected, he can join the Marine Corps League. I’m sure the 101st Airborne has an association. In a more general vein, we have the American Legion and the VFW.
Providing military honor funerals for their members would be a boon to these organizations. Membership would presumably climb, and veterans who want the military funerals could still get them.
Everybody knows government needs to cut costs.
This is exactly how you do it.

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