The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick. White House Blames Republicans & Defense Sequester for Shrinking Economy …(Sequester Was Team O’s Idea)

"More pathological lies from the pathological liar Barry Hussein. At some point you’d think people would get tired of listening to this guy blatantly lie about everything. His solution and the Democrat solution to everything economic, is to cut the military. The Ministry of Propaganda ( ABS, CBS, NBS, NPR. CNN) will never acknowledge how bad things really are. These tools are so invested in the Hussein vision. We must continue to resist the bullshit they are peddling. Reality is all around us. Everything Hussein has done has lost money for our economy. From Green BS to Health Care if he touches or even thinks of it, he will bankrupt us further. It is insanity that he has not been impeached.What do you expect from people who think food stamps stimulate the economy. They are a bunch of morons trying to pass their bullshit off as great for the growing of the economy. They won’t take blame for anything, because they are ignorant and a bunch of morons.Obama believes if he gets caught lying, it’s the Republicans fault, because they failed to use the same facts that he and the media make up and use.I am waiting for the American people to see them for the tyrants that they are.I hope it's soon." MC

The Obama White House reacted to the horrible news today that the economy is shrinking by blaming the decline on Hurricane Sandy and the defense spending cuts. White House Spokesman Jay Carney had the gall to blame Republicans for the GDP number and defense cuts.
The Hill reported:
“Our economy is facing a major headwinds, and that’s Republicans in Congress,” Carney said.

MSNBC Finally Addresses Deceptively Edited Video of Sandy Hook Dad

 "Ok. Caught us. So what? What are you going to do to us? Not a f**king thing. Obviously, falsifying video is grounds for termination. But not in the libtard media. it's a badge of honor. Just a pat on the back, and a nice try. Go get 'em next time. It’s BSNBC, what did you expect, integrity, honesty? Not a chance in hell. So Martin Bashit was out on Wednesday with health issues related to a brain tumor? Don’t you have to have a brain in order to have a brain tumor? That was my first thought, Martin Bashit has a brain? How sick can a tumor, in a brain the size of his, actually make you? There’s obviously an epidemic of brain tumors at BSNBC. I honestly think they should screen the entire staff at MSNBC for tumors. It would explain everything. This guy and his tumor needs to be shipped back to the 3rd world shit hole he came from. The main audience of Bashit and BSNBC are the occupy wall street crowd and the owners of the free phones. No surprise then why the cartoon network has a bigger audience than this loser. They could care less." MC  

On Monday, MSNBC aired a deceptively edited video on “Bashir Live” of testimony given by the father of a Sandy Hook victim. On Tuesday, several outlets called out MSNBC for the obvious discrepancy in the video. And on Wednesday, MSNBC finally addressed the controversy — but issued no apology or correction. Watch and compare both videos:
“On Monday on our program, we aired a portion of a hearing where we heard from Neil Heslin, whose

Jay Carney Had Absolutely No Idea How to Answer This Question

"Funny, his question made perfect sense to me. Further proof, as if we needed any the spokesman for the anti-Christ would pretend not to know what he was talking about. Carney must have been thinking, “God? Who’s God, but the government? Churches will all be gone in 4 years so get out of here. Have him thrown to the lions!” I can’t watch these clowns any more, with all the double talk working around the shit load of lies.Chicken Con Carney says: “I would tell you that the President, as a man of faith...".A man of faith? Give me a f**king break. Hussein is a man of ‘faith’ my ass. He only has faith in the terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood. Arm our enemies while trying to disarm American Citizens that he’s sworn by oath to protect. I wonder where Obama, as a man of “faith”, goes five times a day. What room in the Shite House has the best direction to Mecca? How can Carney live with himself lying for the POS all day long, day in and day out? OK let's give Jay bird a break. It’s hard to cover for liars and their ever changing stories. The fact is that he covers for more asses then a donkey rancher. Chicken Con Carney is a complete tool, only a puppet. He has no mind of his own. He lies, and tell lies about the lies he lied about. It sickens me to see the smug look of his. He’s the kind of guy you would just love to punch in the face. He just hasn’t figured it out that Hussein is not a god. Poor Jay bird, such a confused, sad little troll, although I can understand your confusion on this issue since the only person your boss worships is himself. Barry is a Marxist so he thinks our rights come from man that’s why he’s so eager to take our rights away. Ask someone from Hussein's administration a serious question of substance and throw in anything to do with moral values, religious faith or respect of life, and what you get is that deer in the headlights look. This shows you just how morally shallow they really are. Hussein is as a man of faith whose faith is in Marx, Stalin and Mao. In his own words, those are the men that he idolizes. Despicable. Once again, the Bible warns us about people like this:
Proverbs 6:16 – 19 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

I think Hussein and his administration have pretty much all of these covered. A man of faith, my ass." MC

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Fields Complex Question About Religion
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney fielded a seriously loaded question on Wednesday about the moral decline of America, religious liberties that come from Jesus and the Declaration of Independence. Honestly, even if the White House really wanted to answer the long-winded question, it would likely require a very lengthy discussion due to the complexity of the issue.

Watch the video of the interaction below (video will start at relevant mark):

When Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News got his chance to ask Carney his question, this is what he went with:
“Regarding religious liberty faith issues, a lot of Christian churches want to know about how this

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Senate Overwhelmingly Confirms John Kerry as Secretary of State

" Is John "Traitor" Kerry’s appointment really a surprise to anyone? I don’t think so.A stab in the back to every American Soldier. We have traitors and communists leading this nation now. Great. Now Herman Munster as Secretary of State. Actually, with Barry Hussein as President, John "Traitor" Kerry, “Vietnam Hero”, Jane Fonda sidekick and former fake antiwar protester makes a fine choice for the job at State. If John "Traitor" Kerry had a daughter, she would look like Jane Fonda. He’s a pompous empty suit with a talent for marrying rich, lonely women. Perfect. Disgusting. It's seems as if Hussein has a list called "STICK IT TO ‘EM". Methodically he is checking off one insult after another. He’s killed our Ambassador; He’s attacked the reputation of our Military, he’s divided our Nation, he’s wrecked our economy and that was just his first term. This time, the Anti Christ is going to work on demoralizing us. That SOB who was a traitor in the Viet Nam war would have, at any other time in our history, been shot at sunrise for being a traitor, gets a free ride, gets elected to the senate, marries rich old broads until he’s wealthy now, hides his yacht in Ct. to avoid taxes, and lied about his medals of honor; This piece of filth hates America and the freedom's we love so much. He is just another libtard freak who worships money. He picked John Edwards as his running mate and we all know who John Edwards turned out to be. OF all the American Patriots in this country, of all those who have wonderful knowledge of our history, understands our people, our goals, and believe in our Constitution and rule of law, he is the last person to have ever been chosen as Sec. of State. Maybe make that idiot, that sad-sack sell-out of our military an Ambassador to Cuba or something. But SEC of STATE? I swear they are going out of their way to make us angry. Voting against Kerry were three Republicans – Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma and John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas. As far as I’m concerned the rest can go to Hell ! Well, that about rounds out a completely moronic, socialist, anti-American administration; just like Hussein wanted." MC

The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed President Barack Obama’s choice of five-term Sen. John Kerry to be secretary of state, with Republicans and Democrats praising him as the ideal successor to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The vote Tuesday was 94-3. One senator – Kerry – voted present and accepted congratulations from

Barack Obama : If Congress Won’t Pass Immigration Plan I’ll Make Them Vote on Mine (Video)

"Look out, Congress. You are keeping His Majesty waiting. What an arrogant asshole.Umm, is he aware he is the Executive Branch of our government? And not the Legislative Branch anymore? He doesn’t write bills or send them up. What he is supposed to do is enforce the laws that Congress passes. I hope Comrade Skeeter sends “his” bill up to Congress, and when he does, the Congress must refuse to pass it. Make him wait, hes got some “skeet” to shoot. What a Commie punk. It is a travesty that he stands in front of the American flag with his shitty smirk, it shames the American flag. America, "We have a problem" (again). Hussein, STFU and pass a budget and stop flying around the world killing the environment for a stupid ass speech and wasting millions of our tax dollars. Walk outside and give your propaganda speech on tv, jackass. No, you can't because you need you minion's chanting  Sieg heilSieg heilSieg heil, to you. You need that Nazi Germany back drop.What a pathetic POS you are." MC

Barack Obama held a campaign rally today at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada. The president warned Congress that if they won’t pass a plan,
“I will send up a bill based on my proposal and insist that they vote on it right away.”

Former SEIU union local president convicted of embezzlement

"Corrupt Union bosses? No way. Say it ain't so. What the hell will happen next? There must be some kind of misunderstanding. And in Califpornia no less. Must be true. It was in with the other headlines of the day, scientists discover that water is wet, the sun is hot, the sky is blue, Chris Matthews is a racist, and Rachel Maddow is really a man. But there must be some logical, libtard explanation for this? Oh, there is. What am I thinking? Its not embezzlement to Hussein's  people, its redistribution. That's it. Knew there was an explanation. Yeah, they will want us to believe that bullshit. So Freeman is accused of billing the union for “elaborate personal expenses". Hmmm...sound familiar. The Hussein's are doing the same thing to the American tax payer's, having us pay for their extravagant life style. Mr. Freeman must have Moochelle's book. And whats this, a polygamist, too? Wow! That’s one helluva rap sheet, er, resume. No need to use those code words. Don't want to be labeled a racist. I don't think Mr. Freeman will be a free-man much longer. Oh, but then again, in Holder's world of justice, who knows"? MC

The former president of California’s largest union local was found guilty by a federal jury in Los Angeles on Monday of stealing from the low-wage workers he represented.

Tyrone Freeman, who led Local 6434 of the Service Employees International Union, was convicted on 14

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Listen to NFL Coach’s Witty Rebuttal to Comments Made by President Obama

"As football goes, all you need to know about Barry and football is in Barry’s high school yearbook he dedicated his time there to his drug dealer. Not the kind of person that’s going to make it in football. He was too busy with other high school and college activities to worry about football. There was dope to be smoked, coke to be snorted, cigs to puff on. You see, the difference between Jim Harbaugh and Barry Hussein is that Jim Harbaugh has a set of balls, they are in his pants. You see, Hussein is a skinny little shit with no balls for football, and it seems that he just doesn’t have what it would take to make a football player, and with that smart ass bullshit he throws around, he would more than likely get his ass kicked every day. He was nothing more than a street punk and he has never changed. Barry would only play football if someone else took the hit for him and he wasn't held responsible for his individual performance,unless they want to give him credit for the win. Barry can’t play a mans sport because he is not a man. So if Barry can't do it, by God, nobody will. The President of the United States has time for this BS? This nation is set to come apart at the seams, and Hussein spends time thinking about how to dismantle football? Hey Barry, leave football alone. It's a man's game and you wouldn't understand it." MC

In a recent interview with The New Republic, President Barack Obama told one of his former staffers that he wasn’t sure whether he would let his fictional son play football due to his safety concerns.
When asked by a reporter about the remarks on Monday, San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh issued a witty response to the president, saying if Obama feels that way, “then there will be a little less competition” for his own son.
San Francisco 49ers Coach Jim Harbaugh Issues Witty Response to President Obama 

“If President Obama feels that way, then there will be a little less competition for Jack Harbaugh when he gets older,” Harbaugh said, prompting laughter. ”That’s the first thing that jumps into my mind, if other parents are thinking that way.”
A reporter later asked Harbaugh jokingly what his 4-month-old son’s 40 time was.
“We don’t have a time on him yet, but his wingspan is a plus one,” he said. “As soon as he grows into that head he’s going to be something. It’s early, but expectations are high for young Jack.”
Watch the video via the Washington Free Beacon:

Sick. Facebook Group Calling for Assassination of Sarah Palin Now Has 3,300 Likes

"To all you Palin bashers, your hatred stems from nothing more than fear and jealousy. You hate Sarah Palin because she represents everything you are not, honest, decent, moral, hard working, patriotic, you know, all the character traits that the anti-American leftist filth in this country find revolting and/or unattainable. Sarah Palin is like holy water to these scumbags, because she makes them feel dirty and inadequate. It’s as simple as that. All they can do is smear her and

Jason Mattera Harassed By Armed Security For Asking Bloomberg About Gun Control

"So Bloomturd and his goon clan are the "privileged" class. Remember that people. They are above the law. Why do the ignorant keep voting fools like this back into office? Because they are fools also. Isn't it ironic that we can't ask voters for their photo i.d., but tough questions from the conservative media, okay. Maybe he should have said he didn't have an ID as he was on his way to go vote. As a journalist he should know that you never ask a dictator a serious question. F**k these libtard assholes. Every last filthy, rotten to the core two-faced, double standard hypocritical one of them. Let the stupid, mindless sheep who keep putting these POS Nazis in power and positions of authority that they abuse day in and day out from the top down follow their asses. I won't and I will refuse to comply to any of their Constitutional-raping mandates, actions, and policies that will destroy my freedom and liberty in America. Interesting the amount of hypocrisy and utter contempt for the freedoms of others billions of dollars buys Bloomturd. I loved his "I'll get back to you" comment. What a first rate asshole you New York libtard idiots elected.Are you anti gun libtards paying any attention to this double standard elitist bullshit? Protection for them, not for you. Some people just think that their shit don't stink. I've said it before and I'll say it again, liberals most closely held belief is "Do as I say, not as I do." Do you need more proof this is true? Nope, me either." MC

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is typical of many liberal elitists. He doesn’t want anyone to have guns, except for the people who are protecting him.

Watch Jason Mattera’s video below, it’s quite enlightening.

Monday, January 28, 2013

CBS's Charles Osgood: 'Is Constitution Truly Worthy of Reverence in Which Most Americans Hold It?'

"I would post what I am really thinking, but I would probably be arrested. What amazes me is not that someone should hold such dangerous and twisted views, but that this someone is actually a professor of Constitutional Law at one of our premier universities! How did this happen? I question NOgood's loyalty to this Nation. No true American would make such an assinine statement. There was a time when slime like NOgood would be tossed off the air. The embossed CBS logo on Charles NOgood's business card obviously now stands for "Constitution Bashing Shithead". Chuck, you are now officially, a libtard idiot. These are disturbing times. The libtards, headed by their Marxist leader Hussein, are trying to destroy the America I grew up in. But be rest assured that "WE THE PEOPLE" are not surrendering this country and will without doubt end this traitorous episode." MC

Imagine you're getting ready to head to church one fine Sunday morning and on your television you hear a man say, "Let's give up on the Constitution."
Such actually happened when CBS News Sunday Morning aired a rather inflammatory commentary by a Georgetown University law professor teased by host Charles Osgood asking, "Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most Americans hold it?" (video follows with transcript and commentary): 

CHARLES OSGOOD, HOST: Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most Americans hold it? A view on that from Lewis Michael Seidman, Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University.
LOUIS MICHAEL SEIDMAN, PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AT GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it's really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie.
For example, most of our greatest Presidents -- Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts -- had doubts about the Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way.
To be clear, I don't think we should give up on everything in the Constitution. The Constitution

Unreal… ABC’s “This Week” Has Sen. Menendez On For Entire Segment – Forgets to Ask About Underage Hooker Scandal

"ABC= All Barack’s Children. So, Martha Ratsass forgot to ask Child Rapist Bob about the hooker scandal. She did not forget. She is just a whore for the Democrap party. Should we be surprised. Obviously, the deal was that he would only appear if they didn’t ask anything about it. Why give ABC grief when they’re just doing their job? That is, covering up for a corrupt, Marxist regime. “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” Now you know the answer, Islamo-Nazi trash are running the country now. Journalism is dead. Their ability to be objective has vanished. Lets just go ahead and admit that the Alphabet media is really an arm of the Democratic Party and be done with the charade." MC

It’s an Obama world.
ABC’s This Week invited Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) on the show this weekend to discuss current issues.

On Friday the news broke that the FBI has been investigating top Democratic Senator Bob Menendez for

Barack Obama: Hey, We Do Skeet Shooting All the Time at Camp David

"This idiot even lies about what he does when he’s not at the SHite House. This sissy hasn’t shot at anything, even clay, his whole life. The only thing he shoots is the bullshit coming out of his mouth. All he knows is how to lie, which he does exceedingly well. Where’s the photo op? If Obama is always "skeet shooting", where are the pics? He would never let such an opportunity go to waste. He’s a good little commie. He’s a good little liar. The image of Obama "skeet shooting" is as silly as the one of him hanging lace curtains or riding a girlie bike w/ a straw basket and pink flowers. Give me a break. And by the way moron, you don’t “do skeet shooting” you shoot skeet, or trap. It’s like saying you “golfed a birdie on the last hole.” He is such a fake and now he’s proving, as if he hadn’t already, to be a liar.  Does anyone really believe this? I for one would love to see video proof of him handling a firearm. I would be willing to bet he has never touched a gun and has no idea how. Most likely he is afraid of them. Just another pathetic attempt to sound manly and relevant. Calling the village that lost its idiot, we just found him for you." MC

Maybe he meant squirt fights?

A photo of President Obama with a water gun, from Vice President Joe Biden’s Twitter feed.
Barack Obama told reporters he went skeet shooting at Camp David all the time.
The AP reported:
President Barack Obama says gun-control advocates should be better listeners in the debate

Democrats Petition White House For a Clinton Nobel Peace Prize

"If the Nobel Prize people will give this worthless award thing to a known Communist, Muslim street agitator, Islamist excuse maker, and Jew hater from childhood, lover of the death of Capitalism, killer of the U.S. Constitution, and destroyer of the greatest nation ever known to mankind, Barry Hussein, they’ll give that piece of crap to anyone. While we are nominating pathetic libtards for this award, how about a shout out to  Sen. Bob "child molester" Menendez to be rewarded for his outreach efforts toward the underprivileged youth of the Dominican Republic, many of whom either already were, or became as a result of his outreach, single mothers. Congratulations to Sen. Menendez. No need to mention his party; Bob’s modest that way.
Rather fitting I think, when you consider all the other liars, cheats, terrorists and their sympathisers who have been ‘bestowed’ with this left wing, insignificant award. The Nobel Prize is an award given for ‘Outstanding Socialist Behavior’, and I believe that Hillary, like Hussein, deserves it. But then again I also believe they deserve a prison cell to. Ah, but "What difference does it make", at this point in time, if Hillary was given the Nobel Peace Prize? It can’t be degraded much further than when it was given to Barry just for getting elected. Only Leftists can be proud of this farce." MC

The attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi came in two waves on the night of 9-11.
Four Americans were murdered in a coordinated attack by reportedly 400 Islamists.
It was a highly coordinated attack.
The bloodstained walls reveal that the US officials were dragged to their death.

There will be blood: A Libyan man explains that the bloodstains on the column are from one the American staff members who grabbed the edge of the column while he was evacuated, after an attack that killed four Americans on September 11tt. (Daily Mail)
Ambassador Stevens asked for more security in Benghazi but his requests were denied.
Now this…
Democrats are petitioning the White House for a Nobel Peace Prize for Hillary and Bill Clinton for their

McCain – “Republicans Must Become More Like Progressives To Win Elections”

"VOTES, VOTES, VOTES! It's all about VOTES! The Democrats have never cared about the country. They have bought votes for years with taxpayer dollars/handouts. Now the Republicans are starting. McCain and the rest of the Rhinos can go to hell. He's always been a sellout. The one that disgusts me the most was someone I had hopes for, Paul Ryan, but he's turned out to be an Amnesty Rhino as well. Paul Ryan is far better at talking the talk than walking the walk. Republicans are all pandering to the fact that if they give amnesty to the illegals, they will turn and vote Republican. They are sadly mistaken. This shows how stupid McCain and the rest of the Rhinos are. Prior to the 2008 election, McCain had done everything for the illegal aliens except kiss their illegal ass. The bill he and Car Splashin Teddy pushed was pitiful as far as a sell out. So who did most of the illegal people vote for in the 2008 election? Not him. Most voted for Hussein who had never done anything to further the cause of the undocumented criminals. Why? Because Barr offered more freebies. If the stupid Republicans think they are going to gain the Hispanic vote by legalizing the illegals, they are bigger morons than I thought. All they are going to do is legalize the illegal vote that is going against them now. What a bunch of jackasses. And, in 2012 Hussein was saying he deported more people than George Bush did. How did that get him the big Hispanic vote, I wonder.? So its not about the Constitution or the country or the rule of law. It's about your party. Your job security and your ego. John McCain you are a dirtbag. We don't have to accept amnesty ever. Come in legally or not at all. Follow the laws that are on the books already. We, the people, demand enforcement of our federal laws against illegal immigration, nothing more, nothing less. And that does not include amnesty, John McCain. How many f**king times are they going to run an amnesty program before they finally realize it only encourages more criminal immigration, and saps our economy. Hey John, you fought and sacrificed for this country, you were a war hero. You did all that because you believed in the Constitution and all it stands for. Why you would want to trample on it now, is very disturbing to me." MC

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the Republican Party has to accept a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as part of an immigration-reform package.

McCain said on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday that a group of bipartisan senators would be announcing

Sunday, January 27, 2013

MSNBC's Host Thanks God For Abortion. Guess who?

"I honestly cannot believe that someone actually said this.  What was most sickening is that he seems to be very proud of it! It was the most selfish thing that anyone has ever said.  He is living proof of how degenerate, disgraceful and immoral the Democrat party of today has become.  Pure evil. He still is not the man he thinks he is!  A real man would look at his living children and feel remorse!  The only freedom that liberals want us to have is the freedom to kill our unborn children. Toure would definitely make a great Nazi. I wonder if Toure looks into the eyes of his two children and really believes what he said.  If so he is a soul-less POS with a heart of ice. Poor little Toure, whose own fetus was allowed to grow to term and be born, now considers other fetuses mere medical waste. How "progressive". Has anyone ever heard this guy say anything socially responsible? Toure is nothing but an absolute despicable, self centered, vain,  irresponsible, murdering POS. MSNBC continues it's quest to be the most unwatchable network in the country. They are trying very hard to claim the distinction of the lowest rated network on the air. They only need to pass CNN, so how hard can it be. And by the way you pathetic baby killer, don't thank God that we allow abortions. You have no concept of God. God says:  "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5. But again, "What does it matter" to a POS atheist like you. No, its just that your god's name is apparently Obama. You know him, the one who has no problem with abortion, even after delivery. And we know that his god is Lucifer. Isn't it amazing that the same ones who love the idea of slaughtering the innocent for their convenience while calling it a choice are the same ones who want to ban guns to protect the children. Liberals are so stuffed full of  hate that it squirts out of them sometimes. Cold blooded, selfish slime. Genocide agrees with them. Welcome to Obamanation. When are we going to wake up!"  MC

 Today MSNBC's Touré had his turn at The Cycle's end-of-show commentary in which he chose to make the argument that America is a stronger nation without the millions of babies lost to abortion, even going so far as to thank God for the procedure.Watch:

Biden: Shotguns are more accurate than assault weapons

"Does this moron ever listen to the the words coming out of his mouth? He is the poster child for the five second tape delay. I mean calling this idiot stupid is an insult to stupid people. Hey asshole, I wonder if we should take away his Secret Service detail's "assault weapons" and replace them with shotguns. After all, according to shit for brains, they are more accurate. The security world should be proud to have a guy like Crazy Joe bring to our attention that they should be using shot guns instead of assault weapons to protect the incredibly stupid. Just how stupid can one person be? This man has some hopes to be president, that alone tells you how far this country has fallen. I guess he figures that if the people are stupid enough to elect Barry Hussein twice, then he's a shoe in. It's so reassuring to know that this mentally ill wack job is only a heartbeat away from the keys to the nukes. God help us. Tell me Joe, have you ever shot any thing off except your mouth? I mean do you have a license for that assault mouth of yours, It's more dangerous than any weapon I know of, and that's a fact. And to think this clueless idiot was assigned by Hussein to head up his gun advisory committee. To be fair, let's give Forrest Biden a chance to prove his point. Let's see Joe try to shoot an apple off someone's head with a shotgun. And better yet, let's put the apple on Barry's head. I keep asking myself, “How did someone this stupid become VP of the United States?” Answer, the same way someone that stupid became President, because voters are even more stupid than they." MC

Vice President Joe Biden said it’s easier to hit a target with shotgun than an assault weapon during his first-ever “Fireside Hangout” on gun violence Thursday, hosted on the White House’s Google Plus page.
Biden made the remark to defend his position that banning assault weapons will not impede the safety of American gun owners.
“A shotgun will keep you a lot safer — a double-barreled shotgun — than an assault weapon in somebody’s

Stephen King: NRA Should ‘Clean Up Blood, Brains and Chunks of Intestine’ After Next Massacre

"Perfect. Another clueless f**king liberal flake. One would hope that an author as accomplished as King would do some research before spouting liberal horseshit. Screw him. He’s been repeating the same shit for years. He writes this mind you as he sits in his guarded protected castle, like the rest of his rich, elite, hypocritical libtards. King must have ran out of ideas, so he’s spewing libshit to try to keep his name known, like most Hollywood jackasses do. I seem to recall he writes a lot of violent stuff that could cause some nut job to go off the deep end. Hey I have an idea for a horror story Mr. King. Let me give you the outline and see what you think. A famous writer worth millions is at a book signing when soldiers of the government  show up and arrest him as an enemy of the state. As the clueless, kool-ade drinking f**k gets arrested and is walked out of the bookstore, it finally dawns on him that once citizens gave up their weapons it was only a matter of time before the authorities came for him.What do you think Mr. King, its got a nice Twilight Zone kind of ending doesn’t it? Moral of the story, gun free zones never work just like your brain and that of you libtard friends doesn’t work. Maybe you should consider taking some of the titles of your previous books and writing new stories. For instance, "MISERY", that could be the title of a new story about Barry Husseins presidency. How about "TALES FROM THE CRYPT", that could be about the Democratic women, ie. Hillery, Feinstien, Boxer, Pelosi, Albright, you get the idea. And, "THE GREEN MILE", that could be about Solyndra and all the other failed green projects. And as a side note, Mr. King also gave money to the Clinton Defense Fund when the first real black, rapist President got caught having that chubby chick do what Hillary never would. Just goes to show you the kind of causes he likes to aid." MC

“One only wishes Wayne LaPierre and his NRA board of directors could be drafted to some of these [violent] scenes, where they would be required to put on booties and rubber gloves and help clean up the blood, the brains, and the chunks of intestine still containing the poor wads of half-digested food that were some innocent bystander’s last meal.”

So wrote horror writer Stephen King in a Kindle essay Friday entitled “Guns.”

For the record, here are some other crazy statements by King:
Stephen King Publishes Vulgar Attack on Conservatives: 'Tax Me, for F@%&’s Sake!'
Stephen King: Right-Wing 'Hate' of Obama Is Like Anger That Led to JFK's Murder
Stephen King on NBC: Obama Like JFK, People 'Hateful' Toward Both
Stephen King Bashes Reagan and Republicans For Making His Taxes Too Low
Stephen King Mocks 'Patronizing' Rush Limbaugh, 'Crazy' 'Nutcase' Glenn Beck
Stephen King Knocks ‘Hollow,’ ‘Dark’ American Dream, Praises ‘Pretty' Rachel Maddow
E-mail Instructions: 'Hi, Noel—Stephen King Says to Shut Up and I Agree'
Stephen King: If You Can't Read, You'll End Up in the Army or Iraq
"[P]lenty of gun advocates cling to their semi-automatics the way Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson clung to the shit that was killing them," King wrote in his 25-page essay.

Not surprisingly, there was a lot of hypocrisy in King's piece noting "to claim that America’s 'culture of

Emails show FBI investigating Sen. Bob Menendez for sleeping with underage Dominican prostitutes

"Funny, ain't it? Tell me this isn't another example of the Administration conspiring with the Media to hold news back from the American People.Where were the reports prior to the Election, when Progressive  Bob "the Baby-Boffing child molester" Menendez, Pervert Extraordinaire, was running for another six year term. Something tells me that, "We the People", have been deceived again. Oh, I know, he cares about the children. In the words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?" Let's just see that it does not happen again, and if it does, make sure the girl is of legal age. Isn't that the way the Democraps take care of their problems? Bad enough this POS has sex with little girls, but then he stiffs the little ladies their fee, and uses political funds for his playtime. Truly sickening, isn't it? Almost as sickening as another libtard pervert. Remember the gay brothel, operating out of Barney Frank's basement. Oh, and now that I think of it, Charles Rangel has a house there. Um. Just saying. Some group you libs have there. Conservatives do it to you say, so whats the difference? The difference is that conservatives boot out the bad boys; liberals embrace and protect their perverts. At least your hero Ted Kennedy was cheating with a girl that was of age before he drove his car of a bridge and let her drown let her drown. Give him a pass. Yes sir, what a group. And don't forget Harry Reid, who is supposed to uphold the ethics issue within his Senate body. Guaranteed they won't finger Menendez, no matter who he fingered. Menacing Menendez likely fingered a whole lot of teens. Sad thing is if he ever runs for gov in NJ. he will probably be elected. Let's be honest, NJ already elected him knowing this. See, you underestimate the liberal animals in NJ who will ironically vote for a pedophile simply because he throws government scraps at them. Most of these liberal voters are a step above below-average intelligence or graduate degree holding whites who feel bad they inherited lots of money. There are a lot of God fearing, freedom loving residents in NJ. Just not enough to get rid of these unworthy douche bags. And if they do kick this pedophile out of office, does he still get his full salary for the rest of his life as a pension? Time to end that. Tax payers should not have to fund this pervert's life. Oh well, another democrat, another liar and cheat. Ah yes, the democrat party; home to sexual predator, alleged rapist and serial liar Bill Clinton, Leave 'em for Dead Ted Kennedy, Tawana Brawley, Al "resist we much" Sharpnut, Jesse Jackass, Harry "show me your taxes" Reid, Hillary"What does it matter" Clinton and Barry Hussein. Damn, it must feel good and proud to be a democrat, where character is not a requirement." MC

Documents published online for the first time Thursday indicate that the FBI opened an inquiry into New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez on August 1, 2012, focusing on repeated trips he took to the Dominican Republic with longtime campaign contributor and Miami eye doctor Salomon Melgen. TheDC reported in November that Menendez purchased the service of prostitutes in that Caribbean nation at a series of alcohol-fueled sex parties.

The documents, which The Daily Caller had obtained hours earlier from an anonymous source, also indicate that Carrie Levine, research director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), was

Saturday, January 26, 2013

US Court Rules Obama’s Recess Appointments Were Unconstitutional

" He was a constitutional law professor. How the hell could he be wrong? About time someone smacked this tyrannical, liar, moron, imbecile, uneducated, communist idiot down. Well, this is a total shock, a court that actually still follows the constitution. His entire presidency is UN-constitutional. He’s UN-constitutional, and he’s a traitor to his oath. So why would you expect him to adhere to the Constitution? “What difference does it make?” How many more constitutional violations before somebody has the balls to start impeachment proceedings?" MC

US Court Ruled Today That Obama’s Recess Appointments Were Unconstitutional

The court overturned President Obama’s controversial recess appointments from last year.
The Washington Times reported:

Sandy Victim Blasts Obama: “Shame on You! You Went Away to Hawaii While My Famiy Was Freezing” (Video)

"Well, I feel your pain, but I only have one question, who did you vote for? If it was Barry Hussein, then you only have yourself to blame. I can certainly understand the frustration though, nothing like false promises and blatant arrogance to ruin your opinion of a politician, whether you voted for him or not. New York City went for Obama 82% to 17%! There will be plenty of more photo ops to come, don't you worry. The millions of taxpayer dollars the Hussein’s blew going to Hawaii sure would have gone a long way toward helping you people wouldn’t it? Hey Scott, in case you haven’t noticed, Barry has been screwing the entire country for going on five years now. Welcome to the party, pal. Why should you be any different? I find it ironic when blue states start griping about their president. Obviously Mr. McGrath is a racist. Ah, but what difference does it make? Who cares. Hurricanes come, hurricanes go. Political POS come for photo-op, political POS go. Next election, people vote for same POS who screwed them over. It’s a never-ending cycle. I don’t know which way the political winds blow on Staten Island, but if they vote lib, they should not be surprised at their situation. Amazing isn’t it that the people affected by the storm actually bought into the lies and promises made by our dear leader. What, they thought he really cared? Did you and your family miss Obama’s 2nd inauguration Mr. McGrath? If so, I’m sure that Barry Hussein will be proud to send you a DVD that highlights the 100+ million taxpayer dollar extravaganza. While I didn't watch the puke fest myself, I’m told that it was quite a show that included an Hussein youth dancing troupe, numerous Hollywood celebs (many of which now benefit from Obama’s recent tax exemption “gift”) and even a 1.8 million dollar earring wearing lip syncing hip hop star. With all that said, what most people don't know, Staten island did NOT go for Hussein. They are middle class blue collar. Could this be part of the reason no concern was voiced for the despicable way they were treated. You are the very people Obama despises. No surprise you are being ignored, you were needed for the election, Hussein got what he wanted and thus he has wiped his hands of the situation. Another Hus lie of getting the tape cut for these people. They didn’t vote for him, and like Jarrett said, paybacks are going to be hell." MC


Hurricane Sandy victim Scott McGrath from Staten Island blasted Barack Obama today on FOX News.
Shame on you. You went away to Hawaii while I, my neighbors and the middle class were

Feinstein Flashback: 'I Understand the Urge to Arm Yourself... That's What I Did'


"Everything these libtards say is bullshit. They are too ignorant to pull it off.  Their only hope is to appeal to those just as uninformed who may fall for they're crap. I'm glad Sen. Crypt Keeper has the right to own a firearm. Apparently the rest of us aren't trustworthy enough. As for Mr. Feinstein, oh sorry, Sen. Feinstein, if ever there was a poster child for term limits, she'd be it. Hey CA., you voted for her. Embarrassed yet? She is a war profiteering bitch. Did no bids contracts when she was chair of Military Appropriations using her husbands lawyer telling her which pals get contracts. Look it up libtards. And look at that picture. Looks like it is out of the Capone era. As a matter of fact, I think she dated Capone's uncle. She might be Capone's uncle. Looks more like Ma barker. She, of all people, doesn't need a gun. All she needs to do is say "BOO". So I guess guns are OK for big shots like her, but not for us commoners.  We  get your message load and clear sir, I mean ma'am. From the bottom of my heart Mr. Feinstein, and I mean this sincerely, blow it out your ass. The reason people need to arm themselves, is because people like you liberal jerkoff's have allowed the law's already on the books to be weakened and law enforcement hampered to a point where they are actually not able to do their job to uphold those laws. And when they do, it's slimy, disgusting, and immoral lawyers that get the criminal's released before the paper work is even done. It's easy to point fingers you disgraceful libtard, when in fact you, and those like you are the real problem. With the exception of those that voted for you, you must think the American People are stupid, but then that is what you would get for thinking.  You will not now or ever take guns away.  It is our right as guaranteed by the Constitution.  There is nothing that you can legally do.  Do you think your family or life is more important than mine or other family's in America?  What the hell is in the water in California that you and your kind, Maxi-pad Waters and Nasty-Ass Pelosi, makes you think you are better than the average American?  Do you forget who pays your salary? Except for the bribes and insider trading that you are permitted to do, which for the normal citizen is illegal, we do. Politicians like you are traitors and should give up your government jobs because you no longer represent the people and our Constitution. You politicians are drunk on corruption and power. We need term limits now." MC

In 1995, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) went on the record about the fact that she had a concealed carry permit and carried a concealed handgun when she walked back and forth to the hospital to see her ailing husband.

She was also dealing with threats from a terror group, the World Liberation Front. The group had tried to bomb her house on one occasion and had shot out her windows on another.
Reflecting on those moments, Feinstein said: 
I know the sense of helplessness that people feel, I know the urge to arm yourself, because that's what

Newt Gingrich Smacks Around Piers Morgan On Gun Control

"Don’t you just love it when a commie British exile, who can’t go home again, and be employed anyway, comes to America and works so hard for the loss of one of our prime freedoms? Anyone would think he had some relevant opinion on this issue. He sure does have a limited audience to spout his views. Whatever happened to the idea when you go to a country, whether for work or pleasure, you respect the laws of that country and keep your f**king mouth shut if  you don’t agree. A lot of countries would put him in prison if he voiced a call to overturn their constitution. And in the long run, that is exactly what he is doing. Just listen to him, "I want, we should", who the hell does this limey bastard think he is telling the citizen's of this country what "HE" says we should do? And he does it on a network, CNN, (Communist News Network), every night. And Pierce Organ, a journalist? There are no journalists anymore. Propagandists, novelists, political operatives, political hacks, but no journalists. Journalists the storytellers of the left. I also call what the media reports as media fiction. Trying to discuss anything with Organ is an exercise in futility. One would get more intelligible responses from a brick wall. At least the brick wall would shut up every now and then. Every question Newt asked, he would answer with a question of his own. The argument from these libtards is always the same: “why does anybody need this or that?” Perhaps I don’t “need” an AR-15, but where does the government obtain the authority to determine the “needs” of the citizens? I don’t recall ever voting for any candidate so that he could tell me what the might think I “need”. But in the libtards world, they know what all our needs are. Are needs is to drive these wanna be dictators out of office. So Organ, go and clean the litter box of your 67 cats, do something useful, and stay out of our lives." MC

What better way to end the work week than Newt beating up on an journalist, I mean Piers Morgan.
Video via Allahpundit who offers this excellent intro:
Twelve minutes long but worth watching in full, partly because Gingrich is in fine form and partly because it’s a nice demonstration of how futile and bad-faith the “debate” over guns is. Morgan’s point is straightforward: If gun-rights fans think it’s okay to ban machine guns because rapid-fire weapons are too dangerous for the public to own, why not ban assault rifles? Granted, automatics fire much more rapidly than semiautomatics, but you can still get off an awful lot of shots quickly with an AR-15 if you’re pulling the trigger fast enough. Gingrich comes at that logic from the other direction: If semiautomatic rifles are banworthy because you can fire rapidly in volume with them, why aren’t semiautomatic pistols also banworthy?
This is good. Watch it all.

Friday, January 25, 2013

‘Infuriated’ Boxer stormed out of Benghazi hearing

"Hey Barbwire, I wouldn't expect you to do anything else, you sure as hell weren't going to sit there and listen to the truth. In a liberals mind shes the greatest because she came to work. What a touchy little egotistical bitch. Infuriated? Oh, I forgot. Liberal lunatics should not have to answer appropriate questions. This is the same thin-skinned libtard who objected to being addressed as "Ma'am" by a general in one of her hearings, and obnoxiously lectured him how about hard she's worked, as if this general knew nothing of hard work, by being addressed at all times as "Senator". It is courtesy for Military people to address a woman of higher rank as Ma'am. Boxer doesn't know anything about the military other than she hates them. Maybe he should have said "skank". Better? Rand Paul and Ron Johnson were the only ones who even asked a serious question of Hillary. The rest of them acted like she was royalty or something. Four brave Americans dead because of State Dept incompetence and not one question from democraps about it. That was a pathetic display of indifference to our dead Ambassador. Mrs. Boxer, next time you leave a hearing please keep going and don't come back. Hillary cries and pounds the table and Boxer huff and puffs and walks out of the room. How old are these wrinkled old prunes anyway? At least once Boxer left the room the rest of the representatives could go back to acting like adults. She storms out, but stopped to listen to it from behind the curtain? And then she goes on one of the foolish, lowest intelligent, shows on TV to explain this strange behavior One more reason why she disgusts the American People. Yet another grandstanding gesture by a fellow commie to take attention away from the real inept and criminal SOS. If only Boxer knew what the rest of us are saying about the biggest disaster the State Dept. has ever seen. Do her a favor and allow her to accept a plea to four counts of manslaughter, four counts of hindering aid and four counts of aiding the enemy. A 20 year sentence should return her to the level of respect Americans have for her and she can have Babs Boxer join her if she wants to protect the most incompetent State dept appointee in our Nation's history. I wonder if Boxer would feel differently had she been the ambassador to Libya or a relative of one of the four whose pleas fell on deaf ears. Oh, that's right, she is the lowest bottom feeder on the planet, a political hack who desires only power and prestige. Boxer is a ass kissing democrat whore. My apologies to prostitutes everywhere." MC

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., told MSNBC’s Al Sharpton Wednesday night she was “infuriated” during Sen. Rand Paul’s questioning of Sec. Hillary Clinton and even left the hearing room.

“When I heard him say those words, I walked out of the hearing room, and listened to him from behind the

Hah! Sen. Rand Paul Busts John Kerry: Do You Believe in Candidate or President Obama on War Powers Clause? (Video)

"Rand Paul has been very impressive since he came into the senate. I do like what he is doing lately. The libs hate him which is a good thing. Kerry should have been thrown in jail for treason years ago. He was a liar when he was “enlisted,” injuring himself and claiming it was enemy fire, and he got a Purple Heart for his self-inflicted wound. This POS is a traitor, and that is a fact as far as I am concerned. He's one of the biggest scumbags in the senate. He has never had integrity, character, ethics nor his he comfortable with truth and facts. He lost all integrity when he desecrated the medals given to him, when he called his fellow soldiers rapists and baby killers while they were still on the battle field, not once, but twice, and when he teamed up with Hanoi Jane. No, he never had integrity to begin with so how could he throw it down the toilet? The only thing he has ever thrown were his fake Vietnam medals over the White House fence and the grenade that gave him the tiny scratches that he received a purple heart for. The guy is a complete douche bag and fraud just like his boss. He's just the kind Barry Hussein wants in his administration. They're both America hating, military hating libtard traitors. The fact is that Kerry is going to cruise through his confirmation, and these hearings are nothing but another dog and pony show as was The Hag’s testimony on Benghazi. I bet you there's going to be at least 20 GOP Senators who think their Buddy has enough integrity to approve his nomination.  Remember that there is no honor among thieves. "Kerry: I Will Implement 'President Obama's Vision For The World' ". Yep, the complete and utter destruction of America as we know it.  Finally Obama has his Goering". MC

Senator Rand Paul thumped Secretary of State nominee John Kerry today at his hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today. Right out of the blocks, Senator Paul stumped Genghis John with a question on the War Powers Clause of the US Constitution,
“I believe in candidate Barack Obama who said in 2007 that the president doesn’t have the power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack. I’d like to know if you agree with me candidate Barack Obama or if you agree with President Barack Obama who took us to war in Libya without Congressional authority unilaterally?”
Rand Paul then went to bust Kerry for double-standard on Libya and Cambodia.

Paul was ready for the hearing unlike most of the other senators with the exception of Senator Marco Rubio.

The Most Disgusting Video to Date

"I’d bet $100 that each one of those libtard ass kissers has committed at least one undiscovered felony. They laid it on so thick, a child could tell you they’re all lying sacks of shit. Didn’t their scripts specify that after delivering their bullshit, each one was supposed to pass before Hillary and kiss her ass? What the hell has that bitch ever done for America? She obviously attracts the mentally ill. Disgusting, vile, putrid, traitorous, lying sacks of  boot licking assholes. And that glory seeking POS with the wicked grin on her mouth sits there selfishly sucks it all up. Considering the reason she was there, the smug grin on her face was an absolute disgrace. It took 19 seconds for me to realize that these congress-scum were just there to suck Hillary’s, never mind. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe we should look at her objectively, and give her the benefit of the doubt. Think about it. Mrs. C has shown exemplary strength and poise. She showed extraordinary leadership, especially when confronted with the fact that her husband Cigar Bill was getting BJ"s in the Oval Office. She handled that with poise and dignity. All she did was hit him with a f**king lamp. Any other wife would have stabbed him to death while he slept. But no other wife has class like Hillary. No other wife has patience like Hillary. No sir, not one. Ya know, we had a Republic and we lost it. Hillary is deceiving the entire country. The Democrap libtards at the hearing on Benghazi are not Americans. They don’t give a flying shit about America. It is so obvious it makes me want to puke. I can’t believe how far and how fast we as a nation have fallen. I think we are spiraling out of control, and when we hit bottom it will not be pretty. I'm afraid our republic is lost, gone." MC

Please don't watch this video....

…if you want to keep your meal down.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My take on Benghazi

 Let's not get all confused with details, OK? After all, “what’s the difference”? What difference does it make? Now we know she uses her head to just keep her ears apart. The difference you pathetic bitch, is that you and Ob-allah lied to the victims families and the American people for four months, and the truth still isn't being told. This stupid self-righteous bitch has the nerve to ask, "what difference does it make"? The difference is if this were her precious daughter who was murdered, then she and her liberal adored rapist husband would ensure that those who did this were held accountable and quick. She probably would have taken it upon herself to lead the hunt for the killers, no doubt would have found them, and appointed herself judge, jury and

Hillary Clinton: Al-Qaeda in Africa Has No Interest to Attack Our Homeland (Video)

"SCARY ! I’ll bet all the leaders of these ‘groups’ are laughing their turbans off. Arrogant bitch. Mind numbingly stupid. Just beyond description how utterly ridiculous such a statement is. Can you  believe these jackasses are in charge of our country's safety? She didn’t think they were going to attack in Benghazi either. What the hell, no wonder why the boy wonder thinks the war on Al Qaeda is over. Besides, how the hell would she know? She still doesn’t know what happened on Sept.11th, 2012 to her own people. But, of course she’s right. They couldn’t possibly show-up in Mexico and walk across the border looking like a Mexican. It couldn’t happen. No way. But really, no need to attack us now, not with four more years of U.S. self destruction coming. In four years we will not be able to respond to any attack. “What difference does it make?’ I had to start drinking before five o’clock today because of her. Damn, she’s dumb. Really dumb and an eye sore on high-def to boot. I think I now understand why Cigar Bill treated her as a doormat and was banging whoever, whenever he could.I mean honestly, can you believe this garbage? Al-Qaeda wants world-wide domination. And yes, that includes America you stupid bitch. Boy, we can sure breathe a huge sigh of relief that this incompetent, is going to be replaced by a traitor named John Kerry. Right? Only one conclusion for saying such stupid things, she’s lying to try to cover up the gross failures of her true agenda. Wait, a Clinton lying? Say it ain’t so, Joe." MC

We’re in the best of hands…
During the Benghazi hearings this afternoon with a House committee Hillary Clinton told told the audience


"It is about time someone called this administration out on the weapons running that the rest of us have known about for months. I know it is premature, however, I have already picked my candidate for president in 2016 and it is Rand Paul. It certainly isn’t Rubio, Christie, etc. or anyone else as yet unnamed who does not have the balls to call out this administration. Finally someone to give the Communist elites a reason to crawl back under their rocks. It's too bad other spineless Republicans let her off easy. They could have clobbered her ass a good one, but they didn’t. So, what’s the difference? Hillary and Barry Hussein both have their  limousines and their lush pay-checks. They are still around but Ambassador Stevens is not. And, they are living high on the hog, not to infer that Shillery is a hog. I am sure she is proud that not one Freedom fighter was killed, only Ambassador Stevens and a few Americans. To the Shill, it's called job preservation. We need more Rand Paul's. Unfortunately, we don't have them." MC

This afternoon Senator Rand Paul blasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her ineptness during the Benghazi massacre. Paul said he would have fired her for not reading her emails from the Benghazi Ambassador before he was slaughtered by Islamists.
Tonight Rand Paul doubled down and accused the Obama Administration of a cover-up for running guns to terrorist groups in the region.
Via Hannity:

In October, Malta Today reported that a Libyan-flagged vessel was used by a Malta-based humanitarian

Progressive Professor Blames Mass Shootings on the TEA Party and “White Privilege”

"Yup. That’s me. Crazy, white Mike. Feeling all entitled to defend myself. Sense of entitlement? I have no free phone, welfare, or food stamps you stupid prick. So, this progger says white guys are pissed because as white guys they should get more, and when they don’t get more they kill a bunch of white kids proving his racist theory, do I have that right? My God, Liberalism is a mental disorder. This explains why liberals are so quick to use racial and homosexual hatred against those they disagree with. They are the most pathetic, ugly, stupid and cowardly people on earth. And that’s what makes them so capable of so much evil. I try not to cuss, but the only reasonable response I can come up with for this fellow is, F**k You. These proggers have to be the biggest narcissistic assholes the world has ever allowed to breed. They know how to heal the world, you people just need to listen. Well we’ve listened and we see how screwed up the world is because of these self proclaimed morons. Ignore him you say? Let him spew his bullshit. This POS ain't dangerous.While this guy can be shown to be a jackass just remember that he spent years worming his way into his position and he’s the one that teaches kids out of high school that it’s all right to “shape” news rather then report it. He’s the reason that over the years the MSM has become as leftist an organization for the Democrat party itself. The kids are bent by bastards like this one and aren't even aware it’s happening. That is why he is dangerous. Oh, and just an observation, why do all these professors look like Rick Maddow?" MC

Imagine, if you will, that you are a liberal regressive, and want to keep your client classes on the government plantation. You don’t want them to become independent, as they would then no longer need you. If they don’t need you, you can’t control them, you can’t manipulate them, and they won’t vote for you or the candidate of your choice. Your adversary is then Western Culture, and the idea that one can better themselves with work and that everyone has opportunity. To combat that, you need to negate those ideas, and tell your client classes that no matter what they do, they cannot succeed. So, you create an non-existent construct that negates the narrative of self sufficiency. A perfect example of such a construct is the fallacy of “White Privilege.” This intellectual poison pill explains away failure, and kills initiative by suggesting the all of society is built exclusively for white people, and people of other races cannot succeed. To combat this mythical issue, whites must be systematically discriminated against, and be blamed for every single problem that exists in society. It’s the perfect liberal boogie man. You get to keep your people in intellectual chains, while keeping pressure and hate focused on those that live in reality. When liberal policies decimate minorities, it’s “White Privilege!” When union run regressive schools systematically undereducate, if educates at all, it’s really “White Privilege!” When welfare policies destroy families, leading to increased crime and poverty, it’s “White Privilege!”

And, while we’re at it, why not blame mass murder on “White Privilege?”
Robert Jensen, who is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, also

A Patriot Stands Up To Leftist A'hole Gun Grabber

"Sound familiar. So the little bald libtard decided he was the self appointed asshole to make the determination of whether the second amendment is relevant any more? Ain’t he special. That little POS was out numbered by 30-1. That is good to see. With the rise of these sorts of idiots plus a Communist in the White House, the 2nd Amendment has never been more relevant. I’m very proud of our service men and women who speak out so courteously and yet so firmly. I think it’s the truth that makes it so, compared to liars who must shout and wave their arms, trying to shout down and bully in order to have their way. Liberals are a minority in this country and will be vanquished eventually. The day is coming when these cockroaches are going to push too far and they are going to have to be dealt with like the vermin they are. True patriots have had just about all they can take from this scum. Liberals are Bullies, but they are also like a herd a pigs. Make one squeal, and it’s over. Somebody should tell the GOP this. Spot on young veteran. 240,000,000 more adults like him please." MC

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Have You Noticed Liberals Always Compare Obama To Republican Presidents?

"He’s Lincoln? He’s Reagan? He's shit. He's pathetic. He's, well you get the idea. It's amazing how these libtards worship this guy. Chris "Tingles" Matthews claims his speech was equal to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. I think think it's comparable to any of Hitler's addresses to the German people. Comparing him to any great American is a joke. Lincoln and Reagan were true Americans. Not America hating, socialist cult figures." MC

From the AG:

He’s Lincoln! He’s Reagan! He’s Lincoln! He’s Reagan! He’s Lincoln! He’s Reagan!
Guess what folks… he’s neither.
Lincoln united a divided country, Obama has done everything in his power to further polarize Americans

Obama Celebrates 40 Years of Roe v. Wade – Releases Statement

"54 million dead babies as of a few days ago, and this evil bastard celebrates. This “man” sickens me. Never in my 55 years of  life have I despised another person as I do him. He is despicable. This creep has no soul or if he does, it's one that Satan covets. Really, Barry Husein, so hypocritical but when standing at the Gates of Heaven, God will be your judge.You think Barry Husein's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, would have aborted Barry Husein if Roe v. Wade had been decided in 1960? Considering what a "great" mother she was, I think we know the answer. And so should Barry Husein. If a person is capable of this unspeakable evil, then they are capable of any evil. America, pray to God for forgiveness." MC

In 2008 abortion survivor Gianna Jessen joined Born Alive Truth in a campaign to shine light on Barack Obama’s horrific record in support of infanticide. Gianna, who had survived as a baby after being aborted, pointed out that–
Obama voted 4 times in support of infanticide:

In his first year as president, Barack Obama signed several pieces of abortion legislation including

‘Benjamin Netanyahu will be the next prime minister of Israel’

"Wow. A country where the voters have brains. Must be nice to have a real leader. At least there is one example of a great leader willing to protect his people during our time to look up to, in the world today. Benjamin Netanyahu is a man and leader that Barry Husein could only wish he could be. Good for Bibi. Stand strong for Israel. Too bad we couldn’t get our dictator out and put someone in office that would stand strong for the United States. Bibi is a real statesman. We on the other hand have a freak in the White House. Israel is lucky to have a President, who loves it and its people. America once shared that good fortune; here’s hoping that she will again." MC

Exit polls give Prime Minister 31 Knesset seats • Biggest surprise of the elections is Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid, with 19 seats • Difference between political blocs very small, with left bloc garnering 58 and right wing bloc 62.
The Netanyahu family cast their votes Tuesday morning (from left to right): Sara, Benjamin, Yair and Avner.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud-Beytenu list won 31 Knesset mandates, followed by Yesh Atid

James Taylor Has Obviously Never Heard Of Ben Franklin

"To start with, I do like this guy's music. That being said, he is a typical, constitutional hating, libtard that hates the ideals this country stands for. Perfect choice for Barry Husein to have sing at his coronation. Don't you just love getting free advice from formerly institutionalized libtards who talk in the third person? Taylor admits to a rather significant lack of knowledge on what was asked of him, like all libtards, that lack of knowledge does not stop him from opening his mouth. Why should it? Hasn’t stopped his educators at BSNBC, CNNuts, ABS, CBS, NBS or Pierce Organ at all either. Taylor is an ObamaBot. Period. End of story. When not singing, these fools should just keep their damned mouths shut.When Ben Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to receive some temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety", it's almost like old Ben saw fools like Barry Husein and James Taylor coming. Hey Sweet Baby Brained James, in case libtards like you don't know, and it's obvious you don't, there’s actually a process for eliminating, or as you put it “sacrificing” our freedoms. It’s called amending the Constitution.The problem is that libtard Demorats like you know that people won’t give the government explicit license to steal those liberties from us. So they undermine, discriminate, and weaken our Constitution through other despicable and disgraceful means. We call that tyranny asshole and long ago patriots fought a war against it and the control that comes with it. The problem with sacrificing liberty for safety is that you wind-up being neither safe or free." MC

America then…
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin – 1755
America now…
Americans need to make some sacrifices to our freedoms in order to keep children safe.
James Taylor – 2013
The fact that this dolt, this hippie leftover from the 1960′s would say such a thing to a reporter no less, just proves once again that the progressive leftists who are running the Democratic Party and America have no knowledge or respect for the country’s foundations. None.

Bear in mind, when James Taylor uttered the words above, he had just finished performing at Barack Obama’s second inauguration. How fitting.
Being a good sport, Taylor provides an answer — which won’t exactly endear him to anyone outside of Obama’s orbit

Oh, it’s fun to pick on celebrities who don’t know much about the issues on which they’re asked to


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3