The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Feinstein Flashback: 'I Understand the Urge to Arm Yourself... That's What I Did'


"Everything these libtards say is bullshit. They are too ignorant to pull it off.  Their only hope is to appeal to those just as uninformed who may fall for they're crap. I'm glad Sen. Crypt Keeper has the right to own a firearm. Apparently the rest of us aren't trustworthy enough. As for Mr. Feinstein, oh sorry, Sen. Feinstein, if ever there was a poster child for term limits, she'd be it. Hey CA., you voted for her. Embarrassed yet? She is a war profiteering bitch. Did no bids contracts when she was chair of Military Appropriations using her husbands lawyer telling her which pals get contracts. Look it up libtards. And look at that picture. Looks like it is out of the Capone era. As a matter of fact, I think she dated Capone's uncle. She might be Capone's uncle. Looks more like Ma barker. She, of all people, doesn't need a gun. All she needs to do is say "BOO". So I guess guns are OK for big shots like her, but not for us commoners.  We  get your message load and clear sir, I mean ma'am. From the bottom of my heart Mr. Feinstein, and I mean this sincerely, blow it out your ass. The reason people need to arm themselves, is because people like you liberal jerkoff's have allowed the law's already on the books to be weakened and law enforcement hampered to a point where they are actually not able to do their job to uphold those laws. And when they do, it's slimy, disgusting, and immoral lawyers that get the criminal's released before the paper work is even done. It's easy to point fingers you disgraceful libtard, when in fact you, and those like you are the real problem. With the exception of those that voted for you, you must think the American People are stupid, but then that is what you would get for thinking.  You will not now or ever take guns away.  It is our right as guaranteed by the Constitution.  There is nothing that you can legally do.  Do you think your family or life is more important than mine or other family's in America?  What the hell is in the water in California that you and your kind, Maxi-pad Waters and Nasty-Ass Pelosi, makes you think you are better than the average American?  Do you forget who pays your salary? Except for the bribes and insider trading that you are permitted to do, which for the normal citizen is illegal, we do. Politicians like you are traitors and should give up your government jobs because you no longer represent the people and our Constitution. You politicians are drunk on corruption and power. We need term limits now." MC

In 1995, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) went on the record about the fact that she had a concealed carry permit and carried a concealed handgun when she walked back and forth to the hospital to see her ailing husband.

She was also dealing with threats from a terror group, the World Liberation Front. The group had tried to bomb her house on one occasion and had shot out her windows on another.
Reflecting on those moments, Feinstein said: 
I know the sense of helplessness that people feel, I know the urge to arm yourself, because that's what
I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband was sick, I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if someone was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.

Shame on Sen. Feinstein: even though she admits to knowing how it feels to know your life is in your own hands, even though she testified to the security she derived from having a gun on her person in those dark moments, Dianne Feinstein is now hell bent on banning every gun she can and to deny common citizens the same security she herself enjoyed.

This is elitism-gone-wild. And the message it communicates is that the lives of average Americans aren't worthy of the security a gun affords.

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