The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Newt Gingrich Smacks Around Piers Morgan On Gun Control

"Don’t you just love it when a commie British exile, who can’t go home again, and be employed anyway, comes to America and works so hard for the loss of one of our prime freedoms? Anyone would think he had some relevant opinion on this issue. He sure does have a limited audience to spout his views. Whatever happened to the idea when you go to a country, whether for work or pleasure, you respect the laws of that country and keep your f**king mouth shut if  you don’t agree. A lot of countries would put him in prison if he voiced a call to overturn their constitution. And in the long run, that is exactly what he is doing. Just listen to him, "I want, we should", who the hell does this limey bastard think he is telling the citizen's of this country what "HE" says we should do? And he does it on a network, CNN, (Communist News Network), every night. And Pierce Organ, a journalist? There are no journalists anymore. Propagandists, novelists, political operatives, political hacks, but no journalists. Journalists the storytellers of the left. I also call what the media reports as media fiction. Trying to discuss anything with Organ is an exercise in futility. One would get more intelligible responses from a brick wall. At least the brick wall would shut up every now and then. Every question Newt asked, he would answer with a question of his own. The argument from these libtards is always the same: “why does anybody need this or that?” Perhaps I don’t “need” an AR-15, but where does the government obtain the authority to determine the “needs” of the citizens? I don’t recall ever voting for any candidate so that he could tell me what the might think I “need”. But in the libtards world, they know what all our needs are. Are needs is to drive these wanna be dictators out of office. So Organ, go and clean the litter box of your 67 cats, do something useful, and stay out of our lives." MC

What better way to end the work week than Newt beating up on an journalist, I mean Piers Morgan.
Video via Allahpundit who offers this excellent intro:
Twelve minutes long but worth watching in full, partly because Gingrich is in fine form and partly because it’s a nice demonstration of how futile and bad-faith the “debate” over guns is. Morgan’s point is straightforward: If gun-rights fans think it’s okay to ban machine guns because rapid-fire weapons are too dangerous for the public to own, why not ban assault rifles? Granted, automatics fire much more rapidly than semiautomatics, but you can still get off an awful lot of shots quickly with an AR-15 if you’re pulling the trigger fast enough. Gingrich comes at that logic from the other direction: If semiautomatic rifles are banworthy because you can fire rapidly in volume with them, why aren’t semiautomatic pistols also banworthy?
This is good. Watch it all.

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