"To all you Palin bashers, your hatred stems from nothing more than fear and jealousy. You hate Sarah Palin because she represents everything you are not, honest, decent, moral, hard working, patriotic, you know, all the character traits that the anti-American leftist filth in this country find revolting and/or unattainable. Sarah Palin is like holy water to these scumbags, because she makes them feel dirty and inadequate. It’s as simple as that. All they can do is smear her and
demean her in an attempt to knock her down to a level beneath themselves, which, of course, is impossible.And as for the libtards calling her trashy. To libtards trashy is not being on welfare, working hard, taking care of your kids, not taking drugs or being drunks, taking care of their homes and cars, being honest and having integrity. How utterly pathetic. This is how they live? Waking up hating someone and wishing them dead? This what Hussein has manufactured. These are his people.Great job." MC
After all these years – They still hate Sarah Palin.
The Facebook group calling for the assassination of Sarah Palin now has 3,325 likes.
The Facebook page has been around since January 2011 after the shootings in Tucson, Arizona. Leftists blamed Sarah Palin for these murders until they found out the killer was a young Bush-hating leftist.
The disgusting Facebook page now has 3,300 likes.
Via Pundit Press:
I hate it when I wake up and Sarah Palin is still alive
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