The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Progressive Professor Blames Mass Shootings on the TEA Party and “White Privilege”

"Yup. That’s me. Crazy, white Mike. Feeling all entitled to defend myself. Sense of entitlement? I have no free phone, welfare, or food stamps you stupid prick. So, this progger says white guys are pissed because as white guys they should get more, and when they don’t get more they kill a bunch of white kids proving his racist theory, do I have that right? My God, Liberalism is a mental disorder. This explains why liberals are so quick to use racial and homosexual hatred against those they disagree with. They are the most pathetic, ugly, stupid and cowardly people on earth. And that’s what makes them so capable of so much evil. I try not to cuss, but the only reasonable response I can come up with for this fellow is, F**k You. These proggers have to be the biggest narcissistic assholes the world has ever allowed to breed. They know how to heal the world, you people just need to listen. Well we’ve listened and we see how screwed up the world is because of these self proclaimed morons. Ignore him you say? Let him spew his bullshit. This POS ain't dangerous.While this guy can be shown to be a jackass just remember that he spent years worming his way into his position and he’s the one that teaches kids out of high school that it’s all right to “shape” news rather then report it. He’s the reason that over the years the MSM has become as leftist an organization for the Democrat party itself. The kids are bent by bastards like this one and aren't even aware it’s happening. That is why he is dangerous. Oh, and just an observation, why do all these professors look like Rick Maddow?" MC

Imagine, if you will, that you are a liberal regressive, and want to keep your client classes on the government plantation. You don’t want them to become independent, as they would then no longer need you. If they don’t need you, you can’t control them, you can’t manipulate them, and they won’t vote for you or the candidate of your choice. Your adversary is then Western Culture, and the idea that one can better themselves with work and that everyone has opportunity. To combat that, you need to negate those ideas, and tell your client classes that no matter what they do, they cannot succeed. So, you create an non-existent construct that negates the narrative of self sufficiency. A perfect example of such a construct is the fallacy of “White Privilege.” This intellectual poison pill explains away failure, and kills initiative by suggesting the all of society is built exclusively for white people, and people of other races cannot succeed. To combat this mythical issue, whites must be systematically discriminated against, and be blamed for every single problem that exists in society. It’s the perfect liberal boogie man. You get to keep your people in intellectual chains, while keeping pressure and hate focused on those that live in reality. When liberal policies decimate minorities, it’s “White Privilege!” When union run regressive schools systematically undereducate, if educates at all, it’s really “White Privilege!” When welfare policies destroy families, leading to increased crime and poverty, it’s “White Privilege!”

And, while we’re at it, why not blame mass murder on “White Privilege?”
Robert Jensen, who is a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin, also
suggested race-based alienation is a motivating factor behind some parts of the conservative Tea Party movement.
“Why are the men who commit mass murder disproportionately white?” Jensen asked rhetorically. “My guess is that it has something to do with the sense of entitlement that most white people feel.”
“When the world doesn’t deliver what those men feel they deserve, violence is seen as a reasonable response,” continued Jensen.
OK, let’s take this apart. Frankly, it’s frightfully easy. First, let’s take a look at one of my favorite terms-”sense of entitlement.”

en·ti·tle·ment [en-tahy-tl-muh?nt]

1. the act of entitling.
2. the state of being entitled.
3. the right to guaranteed benefits under a government program, as Social Security or unemployment compensation.
OK, what do Conservatives and Libertarians want? Do they claim a right to other people’s labor? Do they demand ownership of what belongs to others? OR, do they want to be left alone? Do they just want to keep what it theirs, and live in peace? And, is demanding to be left alone exercising a sense of entitlement? You see, Mr. Jensen is engaging in that great liberal/regressive tradition of projection. Since liberals do have a well developed and hypersensitive sense of entitlement, they see the world through “entitlement colored glasses.” So, they see their own tendencies in others. In other words, Jensen is painfully twisting reality in order to accuse Conservatives and Libertarians of having liberal thought processes.

The fact of the matter is that all of the mass killers had significant psychiatric problems, and the laws did not allow anyone to intervene prior to the events. But, let’s forget that, and blame it all on an fabricated reality used to keep the client classes on the plantation.

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