"Does this moron ever listen to the the words coming out of his mouth? He is the poster child for the five second tape delay. I mean calling this idiot stupid is an insult to stupid people. Hey asshole, I wonder if we should take away his Secret Service detail's "assault weapons" and replace them with shotguns. After all, according to shit for brains, they are more accurate. The security world should be proud to have a guy like Crazy Joe bring to our attention that they should be using shot guns instead of assault weapons to protect the incredibly stupid. Just how stupid can one person be? This man has some hopes to be president, that alone tells you how far this country has fallen. I guess he figures that if the people are stupid enough to elect Barry Hussein twice, then he's a shoe in. It's so reassuring to know that this mentally ill wack job is only a heartbeat away from the keys to the nukes. God help us. Tell me Joe, have you ever shot any thing off except your mouth? I mean do you have a license for that assault mouth of yours, It's more dangerous than any weapon I know of, and that's a fact. And to think this clueless idiot was assigned by Hussein to head up his gun advisory committee. To be fair, let's give Forrest Biden a chance to prove his point. Let's see Joe try to shoot an apple off someone's head with a shotgun. And better yet, let's put the apple on Barry's head. I keep asking myself, “How did someone this stupid become VP of the United States?” Answer, the same way someone that stupid became President, because voters are even more stupid than they." MC
Vice President Joe Biden said it’s easier to hit a target with shotgun than an assault weapon during his first-ever “Fireside Hangout” on gun violence Thursday, hosted on the White House’s Google Plus page.
Biden made the remark to defend his position that banning assault weapons will not impede the safety of American gun owners.
“A shotgun will keep you a lot safer — a double-barreled shotgun — than an assault weapon in somebody’s
hand who doesn’t know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it,” Biden said. “You know, it’s harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun.”
The vice president was responding to a question from prominent 27-year old video blogger Philip Defranco, who hosts a series of Web videos called “The Vloggity,” and also starred in a web series entitled “Hooking Up,” with various other Internet celebrities.
Defranco asked whether the Obama administration’s new gun control policy was infringing on the safety of California gun owners who wish to protect themselves during an earthquake or other natural disaster.
“You want to keep people away in an earthquake? Buy some shotgun shells,” Biden said.
Biden also fielded questions during the discussion from entrepreneur, blogger and Democratic donor Guy Kawasaki, who inquired as to how he could better support gun control measures. Other questioners were mental health practitioner Kimberly Blaine, who stressed that it was an “honor” to speak to Biden, and a woman from Hartford County, Conn. whose dog barked in the background throughout her segment.
Biden sought to invoke President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s famous “fireside chats” with his Google Plus forum.
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