The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jay Carney Had Absolutely No Idea How to Answer This Question

"Funny, his question made perfect sense to me. Further proof, as if we needed any the spokesman for the anti-Christ would pretend not to know what he was talking about. Carney must have been thinking, “God? Who’s God, but the government? Churches will all be gone in 4 years so get out of here. Have him thrown to the lions!” I can’t watch these clowns any more, with all the double talk working around the shit load of lies.Chicken Con Carney says: “I would tell you that the President, as a man of faith...".A man of faith? Give me a f**king break. Hussein is a man of ‘faith’ my ass. He only has faith in the terrorist organization called the Muslim Brotherhood. Arm our enemies while trying to disarm American Citizens that he’s sworn by oath to protect. I wonder where Obama, as a man of “faith”, goes five times a day. What room in the Shite House has the best direction to Mecca? How can Carney live with himself lying for the POS all day long, day in and day out? OK let's give Jay bird a break. It’s hard to cover for liars and their ever changing stories. The fact is that he covers for more asses then a donkey rancher. Chicken Con Carney is a complete tool, only a puppet. He has no mind of his own. He lies, and tell lies about the lies he lied about. It sickens me to see the smug look of his. He’s the kind of guy you would just love to punch in the face. He just hasn’t figured it out that Hussein is not a god. Poor Jay bird, such a confused, sad little troll, although I can understand your confusion on this issue since the only person your boss worships is himself. Barry is a Marxist so he thinks our rights come from man that’s why he’s so eager to take our rights away. Ask someone from Hussein's administration a serious question of substance and throw in anything to do with moral values, religious faith or respect of life, and what you get is that deer in the headlights look. This shows you just how morally shallow they really are. Hussein is as a man of faith whose faith is in Marx, Stalin and Mao. In his own words, those are the men that he idolizes. Despicable. Once again, the Bible warns us about people like this:
Proverbs 6:16 – 19 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

I think Hussein and his administration have pretty much all of these covered. A man of faith, my ass." MC

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Fields Complex Question About Religion
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney fielded a seriously loaded question on Wednesday about the moral decline of America, religious liberties that come from Jesus and the Declaration of Independence. Honestly, even if the White House really wanted to answer the long-winded question, it would likely require a very lengthy discussion due to the complexity of the issue.

Watch the video of the interaction below (video will start at relevant mark):

When Dr. Anthony Harper of the InterMountain Christian News got his chance to ask Carney his question, this is what he went with:
“Regarding religious liberty faith issues, a lot of Christian churches want to know about how this
relates to the problems we’re going through as a nation economically and otherwise, that would believe that our religious faith liberties — faith and religious liberties and life come from Jesus, not man.”
“I’m sorry, is — I didn’t get the question,” Carney replied, a little perplexed.
“Oh, I’ll rephrase that,” the reporter said. “Basically, the Christian churches in our nation are concerned about the moral decline in our nation and how faith and religious liberty issues and life are crucial, from the Declaration of Independence, and how that they would believe that our rights come from Jesus, not men. How would the administration respond to that?”
Carney didn’t provide and official “administration response” to the question, but he did humor the InterMountain Christian News reporter.

“I would tell you that the President, as a man of faith, believes very deeply in the importance that it plays in his life and understands clearly the importance it plays in the lives of so many millions of Americans,” he said.

Harper is apparently a regular member of the White House Media Pool.
“As a member of the White House Media Pool, I am thankful to GOD for the opportunity to attend White House conferences,” Harper writes on the InterMountain Christian News website. “Christians need a prominent voice with our president and other national leadership.”
IMCN is a faith-based bi-monthly publication available throughout the “Intermountain region” of Colorado, southern Idaho, Montana, northern Nevada, eastern Oregon, Utah and Wyoming, according to the publication’s website. It relies on both paid advertising and donations to cover operation costs.

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Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3