"Funny, ain't it? Tell me this isn't another example of the Administration conspiring with the Media to hold news back from the American People.Where were the reports prior to the Election, when Progressive Bob "the Baby-Boffing child molester" Menendez, Pervert Extraordinaire, was running for another six year term. Something tells me that, "We the People", have been deceived again. Oh, I know, he cares about the children. In the words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?" Let's just see that it does not happen again, and if it does, make sure the girl is of legal age. Isn't that the way the Democraps take care of their problems? Bad enough this POS has sex with little girls, but then he stiffs the little ladies their fee, and uses political funds for his playtime. Truly sickening, isn't it? Almost as sickening as another libtard pervert. Remember the gay brothel, operating out of Barney Frank's basement. Oh, and now that I think of it, Charles Rangel has a house there. Um. Just saying. Some group you libs have there. Conservatives do it to you say, so whats the difference? The difference is that conservatives boot out the bad boys; liberals embrace and protect their perverts. At least your hero Ted Kennedy was cheating with a girl that was of age before he drove his car of a bridge and let her drown let her drown. Give him a pass. Yes sir, what a group. And don't forget Harry Reid, who is supposed to uphold the ethics issue
within his Senate body. Guaranteed they won't finger Menendez, no matter who he fingered. Menacing Menendez likely fingered a whole lot of teens. Sad thing is if he ever runs for gov in NJ. he will probably be elected. Let's be honest, NJ already elected him knowing this. See, you underestimate the liberal
animals in NJ who will ironically vote for a pedophile simply because he
throws government scraps at them. Most of these liberal voters are a step
above below-average intelligence or graduate degree holding whites who feel bad they
inherited lots of money. There are a lot of God fearing, freedom loving residents in NJ. Just
not enough to get rid of these unworthy douche bags. And if they do kick this pedophile out of office, does he still get his
full salary for the rest of his life as a pension? Time to end that. Tax
payers should not have to fund this pervert's life. Oh well, another democrat, another liar and cheat. Ah yes, the democrat party; home to sexual predator, alleged rapist and serial
liar Bill Clinton, Leave 'em for Dead Ted Kennedy, Tawana Brawley, Al "resist we much" Sharpnut, Jesse
Jackass, Harry "show me your taxes" Reid, Hillary"What does it matter" Clinton and Barry Hussein. Damn, it must feel good and proud to be a democrat, where character is not a requirement." MC
Documents published online for the first time Thursday
indicate that the FBI opened an inquiry into New Jersey Democratic Sen.
Bob Menendez on August 1, 2012, focusing on repeated trips he took to
the Dominican Republic with longtime campaign contributor and Miami eye doctor
Salomon Melgen. TheDC reported in November that Menendez purchased the
service of prostitutes in that Caribbean nation at a series of
alcohol-fueled sex parties.
The documents, which The Daily Caller had obtained hours earlier from
an anonymous source, also indicate that Carrie Levine, research
director at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW),
alerted on April 9, 2012 to Menendez’s habit of paying for sex
while outside the United States.
ABC News senior investigative producer Rhonda Schwartz was aware as
early as May 2, 2012, the documents show, when Levine wrote a source in
the Dominican Republic to say that she had “shared your allegations, but
not your identities, with a respected, trusted journalist with whom we
have worked on other stories.”
In another email two days later, Levine identified that journalist as
one who “works for ABC News.” By May 16, Schwartz was emailing Levine’s
original source with questions.
Information made available to Schwartz and Levine at that time
included allegations that some of Menendez’s prostitutes were as young
as 16. The source also alleged that Sen. Menendez was taking
“non-authorized trips” to the Dominican Republic, suggesting that he may
have been evading Senate Ethics committee rules covering disclosures when third parties pay for a senator’s travel.
Those rules require senators to secure approval from the committee
before allowing a private person or company to provide transportation or
lodging related to official business. But the Senate’s “gift rule
database,” available online, contains nothing related to a Menendez
visit to the Dominican Republic.
The rules also allow senators to accept free lodging or travel as
gifts from friends. Those transactions must also be documented on an
annual financial disclosure report, and approved in advance by the
Senate Ethics committee if the value is more than $335. Menendez’s
disclosures since the mid-1990s, when he was a member of the House of
Representatives, include no mention of such gifts.
On Sept. 11, 2012, the documents indicate, the same source who
provided information to Levine and Schwartz also sent an FBI Special
Agent in Miami what he described as “the testimony of one of the girls.”
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