The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

James Taylor Has Obviously Never Heard Of Ben Franklin

"To start with, I do like this guy's music. That being said, he is a typical, constitutional hating, libtard that hates the ideals this country stands for. Perfect choice for Barry Husein to have sing at his coronation. Don't you just love getting free advice from formerly institutionalized libtards who talk in the third person? Taylor admits to a rather significant lack of knowledge on what was asked of him, like all libtards, that lack of knowledge does not stop him from opening his mouth. Why should it? Hasn’t stopped his educators at BSNBC, CNNuts, ABS, CBS, NBS or Pierce Organ at all either. Taylor is an ObamaBot. Period. End of story. When not singing, these fools should just keep their damned mouths shut.When Ben Franklin said, "They who can give up essential liberty to receive some temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety", it's almost like old Ben saw fools like Barry Husein and James Taylor coming. Hey Sweet Baby Brained James, in case libtards like you don't know, and it's obvious you don't, there’s actually a process for eliminating, or as you put it “sacrificing” our freedoms. It’s called amending the Constitution.The problem is that libtard Demorats like you know that people won’t give the government explicit license to steal those liberties from us. So they undermine, discriminate, and weaken our Constitution through other despicable and disgraceful means. We call that tyranny asshole and long ago patriots fought a war against it and the control that comes with it. The problem with sacrificing liberty for safety is that you wind-up being neither safe or free." MC

America then…
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin – 1755
America now…
Americans need to make some sacrifices to our freedoms in order to keep children safe.
James Taylor – 2013
The fact that this dolt, this hippie leftover from the 1960′s would say such a thing to a reporter no less, just proves once again that the progressive leftists who are running the Democratic Party and America have no knowledge or respect for the country’s foundations. None.

Bear in mind, when James Taylor uttered the words above, he had just finished performing at Barack Obama’s second inauguration. How fitting.
Being a good sport, Taylor provides an answer — which won’t exactly endear him to anyone outside of Obama’s orbit

Oh, it’s fun to pick on celebrities who don’t know much about the issues on which they’re asked to
pontificate — and at least James Taylor has the honesty to preface his answer to The Daily Caller’s Nicholas Ballasy with an admission of ignorance. In fact, he does so twice, when Nicholas asks him about Obama’s continuation of George Bush’s drone policy and on the “executive orders” Obama promised on gun control (actually executive actions, most or all of which don’t require actual EOs). At some point, it’s easy to feel a little sympathy for Taylor, who must be thinking that he’d rather follow Laura Ingraham’s advise to just “shut up and sing.”
 Anyway, perhaps we should give Taylor a little time to educate himself, and check back in later.

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Teleprompter Fail 3