WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013
My take on Benghazi
Let's not get all confused with details, OK? After all, “what’s the difference”? What difference does it make? Now we know she uses her head to just keep her ears apart. The difference you pathetic bitch, is that you and Ob-allah lied to the victims families and the American people for four months, and the truth still isn't being told. This stupid self-righteous bitch has the nerve to ask, "what difference does it make"? The difference is if this were her precious daughter who was murdered, then she and her liberal adored rapist husband would ensure that those who did this were held accountable and quick. She probably would have taken it upon herself to lead the hunt for the killers, no doubt would have found them, and appointed herself judge, jury and
executioner and put an end to the whole thing, while Cigar Bill stayed at home probably getting a BJ from some call girl. In the mean time, those that killed these four Americans have still not been brought to justice as promised. Maybe Barry Hussein and his band of incompetents will be on golf courses all over the world looking for the Benghazi murderers and while they’re at it, helping OJ find the real killer of his wife. This woman obviously has no conscience. She reminds me a spoiled brat child who has gotten away with shit her whole life and how dare anyone question her on anything, let alone her integrity. The Democrats who “questioned” her spent more time kissing her gigantic ass than actually trying to find out what happened. It was the classic politician show of pretending they were doing something to get to the bottom of her lies and neglect of protecting the ambassador and the others killed while she party hearty. Nice of you worthless politicians to just write off those lives lost due to the incompetence of this administration. "Because guys out for a walk decided to go kill some Americans”. Guys out for a walk? I mean seriously? That is what came out of her mouth? Guys out for a walk killed 4 Americans, no biggy? How dare we question the who-what-when-why of 4 Americans slaughtered in Benghazi? Just how dare we? And yet she is still admired by the stupid among us. It was criminal watching Hillary dodging the Senate instead of sniper fire. There is a total lack of "morality" among the Libtard Party. When one lie doesn't isn’t adequate, just tell another one. Shillary has never told the people the truth. NEVER. She never intends to, either. In the real world, Hillary would be home watching the Kardashians. Maybe that’s what she was doing when those requests from Amb. Steven’s were coming in. Anyway. She lied and so did Barry Hussein. They lied about 4 Americans being murdered. They have been a total failure. They were so incompetent they got peopled killed, and their response, "What does it matter?" When in doubt, lie. It is in the liberal DNA. Professional liars, Axelrod, Cutter, Barry Hussein, Jarret, Shill Clinton, Cigar Bill Clinton, Matthews, Gregory, Scarbourough, Todd, Scuhulz, O'Donnell and that Maddow fellow. All of them. But in a way, she’s right. What does it matter? It doesn’t matter to the low information American people who don’t care about anything, as long as they're kept stupid, voting liberal, and getting free stuff. God help this country.
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