The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick. White House Blames Republicans & Defense Sequester for Shrinking Economy …(Sequester Was Team O’s Idea)

"More pathological lies from the pathological liar Barry Hussein. At some point you’d think people would get tired of listening to this guy blatantly lie about everything. His solution and the Democrat solution to everything economic, is to cut the military. The Ministry of Propaganda ( ABS, CBS, NBS, NPR. CNN) will never acknowledge how bad things really are. These tools are so invested in the Hussein vision. We must continue to resist the bullshit they are peddling. Reality is all around us. Everything Hussein has done has lost money for our economy. From Green BS to Health Care if he touches or even thinks of it, he will bankrupt us further. It is insanity that he has not been impeached.What do you expect from people who think food stamps stimulate the economy. They are a bunch of morons trying to pass their bullshit off as great for the growing of the economy. They won’t take blame for anything, because they are ignorant and a bunch of morons.Obama believes if he gets caught lying, it’s the Republicans fault, because they failed to use the same facts that he and the media make up and use.I am waiting for the American people to see them for the tyrants that they are.I hope it's soon." MC

The Obama White House reacted to the horrible news today that the economy is shrinking by blaming the decline on Hurricane Sandy and the defense spending cuts. White House Spokesman Jay Carney had the gall to blame Republicans for the GDP number and defense cuts.
The Hill reported:
“Our economy is facing a major headwinds, and that’s Republicans in Congress,” Carney said.
Of course, the sequester idea came from inside the Obama White House.
The Politico reported, via GOP.com:
“In fact, the idea may have come in part from Obama’s current chief of staff, Jack Lew.” “In fact, the idea may have come in part from Obama’s current chief of staff, Jack Lew. The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward reported in his book ‘The Price of Politics’ that Lew, then-Office of Management and Budget director, and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors broached the idea of a defense sequester as a threat to Republicans during negotiations over raising the debt ceiling.”

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