WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.
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Thursday, February 28, 2013
New York Liberal Lashes Out at Second Amendment Supporters as “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotards”
"Well, well, the infamous Libtard tolerance raising its intolerant head for all to see. Somewhere down the road there is a nice post waiting for you in Andy Cuono's Reich.Yes sir, give a leftist just a little nudge, and they'll show you what petty, would-be tyrants most of them are, seething with contempt for us common, patriotic, regular people. They are bitter they don't have the power to
What Hypocrisy?… Team Obama Slams Rich Jet Owners in Latest Campaign Stunt After Taking Their Own Luxury Jets on Vacation Last Week
"Oh I get it, it's the rich jet owners that are the problem except when it relates to Barry, Moohelle, and Uncle Joe Joe. The rich jet owners created this mess. Why not? Does the Government not have enough money to waste? Welfare cheats need more bammyphones? Barry needs to funnel more tax dollars to bogus "green" companies so he can get his kick-backs? The Liar-in-Chief
DEFEND THE KING! Liberal Claws Come Out To Rip Bob Woodward
"Oh goodie, now the freedom of the press is being threatened. It really is amazing what Hussein is doing to this country. What's really remarkable is that we have a liberal journalist finally saying something critical of the Fuehrer. This could get interesting. Woodward may have given some of the MSM lap dogs the idea that they can actually investigate the POS, and tell the truth. Wouldn't that be fun? Hopefully Woodward's controversy with Hussein and the Democraps is the beginning of a corrupt media transition toward honesty and transparency in dealing with this traitor, and
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
She Feels Your Pain… Queen Michelle Obama’s Oscar Dress Cost $8,990
"Never, in the history of our country, have we had such a classless first lady. I cringe every time I look at her, for more reasons than one. I remember all the libtards screaming over Ann Romney wearing an expensive sweater that cost 1/10 of that. I remember the media saying how out of touch she was. Where are these hypocritical bastards now? Can I assume Kris Tingles is
*Barf Alert* …Obama Says: I’m More Humble Than 4 Years Ago (Video)
"What is scary, a whole lot of ignorant imbeciles believe him. That's how this arrogant, destructive, narcissistic socialist, POS got elected, not once, but twice. It may be hard to believe,
Eva Longoria’s Nightclub Flops, Again
"Another feel good story of another Hussein ass kisser who , like her messiah, has failed. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving socialist. I can just imagine this moron sitting back in a chair, arms crossed and in a huff complaining about those damned conservatives that ruined her
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Who Else Besides Me Is Getting Tired Of Seeing The Obama's
" I believe the next four years are going to be hell. It’s absolutely no accident that the Hussein's are everywhere all the time. It’s what Communists do. It’s what dictator's do. They did it in World War II. Remember, when every citizen of Germany had to have a picture or portrait of Adolf Hitler in their home. When some Nazi official who would come by door-to-door to make sure your home had the ever present face of the Führer. The Hussein's are kind of like that. Only difference is that now, in these times, there is no need for their pictures to hang on the walls so we can pledge
Chris Matthews Promises to Help Hillary Clinton Get Elected (Video)
"This is odd. In 2008, he hated her and said this country had enough of the Clintons and their drama. Said they should just go away, no one wanted them around anymore, the world was tired if
Monday, February 25, 2013
OBAMA to Bus In People for NRA Protest in Albany… Is This Even Legal?
"Does it f**king matter if its legal. "What difference, at this point, does it make?" It's says FREE bus trip with breakfast and lunch. The free breakfast and lunch are interesting aren't they? The only thing these people know is using someone else's money to stir up phony responses by people
Oh, Good Grief… Nanny Bloomberg Bans 2-Liter Soda With Pizza Order
"You know, I am really curious as to how many New Yorkers approve of Bloomturd's attempt to manage their lives. I think we'd find a large number of submissive libtards for sure, happy to be told what to do and when and how to do it. That's the only logical explanation for why New Yorkers consistently elect leftists. I'll bet Bloomturd doesn't even realize he is a tyrant. Is there
Crazyland… Back from Aspen, Michelle Obama Makes Oscar’s Appearance
"Gag me with a spoon. The libtard world just cant seem to stop polluting America with these vile people. The people in Hollywood, the actors, writers and media are among the sickest, most detached and self centered the world has ever known, so it is no surprise the Hussein's believe they belong there. Thank God I don't watch the Libtard fest. Well, no surprise here. The annual Narcissist's on Parade event with one of the biggest narcissist (next to her husband) presenting an award. Seems fitting. She was a presenter? I thought that was a screen test for Aunt Esther in a remake of Sanford and Son. The great uninformed eat this shit up, you know. The affection over
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Sandra Fluke: “We Still Don’t Let Transgender Folks Join the Military, That Needs to Change”
Let us pray, "Please GOD help my country! Hussein talking to Sharpnuts about economics, Fluke is suddenly an expert in birth control, and now our military allowing transies. Please help." This would be funny if were not true! Libtards are proud of their stupidity, just look at how morons like Fluke display it. I guess we should let them talk. It puts their ignorance out there for all to see.
Unbelieveable… Al Sharpton Gives Economic Advice to Obama
"It's disgusting that any President would be in the same room with as that racist POS. But what difference does it make, Hussein's just as bad. They are like 2 peas in a pod. So when will The Racist in Chief meet with White Leaders, I ask you? The economy is independent of race and to consult only with a racially identifiable group is inappropriate for the DOTUS who is supposed to
ObamaCare Protects People Who Snitch On Their Employers
"Here is the way "whistleblowing" works with Dicktator Hussein.You can only be a "whistleblower" if it benefits Hussein, kind of like the way the Hitler Youth were encouraged to turn in their parents.You can be prosecuted as a "whistleblower" if it does not benefit Hussein. Typical Alinsky tactics, make every group fight against another and then grab more power for himself and the government servant's. Happy now? Now that the libtards in Congress and the
Saturday, February 23, 2013
SHOCK REPORT — Veterans Receive Letters From VA Prohibiting Ownership or Purchase of Firearms
"The liberal loons are pecking away a little at a time to make anyone owning a gun, a criminal in the eyes of the law. The Constitution be damned. When will patriotic Americans say enough is ENOUGH ? If the president doesn't follow the law, and the current fool in the Shite House doesn't, how can we expect anyone else to follow it? Thanks Obama. Now we have to be afraid of
Unreal… John Kerry Gives First Speech as Secretary of State to Push Global Warming Tax (Video)
"These people are insane! They won’t stop until we’re all living in mud huts. Everyone except them of course! What did you expect from a traitor to America like John Kerry? Did you expect him to suddenly change his
stripes now that he's the Hussein Administration's official representative
to the whole world? Barry chose him because he has a long history of
Teddy Turner Jr. Says Jane Fonda Made Dad a Crazy Lib
"Ted Turner must have really been stupid in his old age to pay so much for a woman who sold out her country. Probably thinking with the wrong head. I guess this is what happens when you give
Friday, February 22, 2013
Mayor Bloomberg Wishes the Press Would Let Obama Golf in Peace
"Another lecture from The head libtard nazi of New York. America to Bloomberg: Shut the f**k up, you moronic fascist. Or is it fascistic moron? Either way works. What a joke this state has become. Mayor Bloomberg is, and I mean this with all respect, an asshole. Hey Bloomie, do you ever look at Hussein's schedule. There are days where he has two or three meetings: his morning
NBC To Finish 5th In Sweeps For First Time; Network Falls Behind Univision
"NBC sold its soul to the libtards, and now it is receiving the payback from its investment. NBC and BSNBC are no longer credible sources for anything. BSNBC never has been. They are guilty of massively editing footage to the point that they are lying by omission. Toss in CNN’s plagiarism, there is no longer an honest and ethical news outlet representing the left-center in this country. How can there be? They have to lie in order to have their agenda accepted. I mean
Columbine survivor to Obama: Start gun talks with Fast and Furious
"The entire nation is asking these questions Hussein. Why the hell don't you answer them. The Dicktator in Chief answering tough questions? Never going to happen. He's not going to answer any questions truthfully or take responsibility for any that goes wrong. Come to think of it, can anyone remember just one thing he said was "his" fault in the last 5 years? Good for Evan Todd.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Fox News’ Bob Beckel Makes Shocking Comments About Rape on College Campuses
"Hey Fox, before you start losing viewership, will you please shit can this libtard. Maybe they should start calling the show “The Four and a quarter”. Once again, Beckel opens mouth, and removes all doubt, libtards are brain dead. No one has ever accused Beckel of playing with a full deck. All that booze and drugs killed both his brain cells. Because he believes that it isn’t rape when libtards, leftees, democrat politicians and voters rape and sexually assault women, therefore there are very few real rapes at universities. That's libtards for ya. They will say their for Equal
Woods on Obama’s Golf Game: ‘He’s Got Amazing Touch’
"You can't imagine how much this pisses me off. So after four years, the only thing it appears he got better at is golf? Because, that’s exactly what he was elected for, right. F**k him. I hurled until I dry heaved but it did not deter the mental torture which took place when I read that quote. Why do I find myself wishing for a lightning bolt to strike when , The Dicktator of the Fairway is
Rioting Across the US During the Great Depression (Video) – This Explains Obama’s 1.6 Billion Bullet Buy
Jay "the clown" Carney stated today that the administration supported the 2nd amendment allowing Americans to possess guns for protection in their homes. Jaykass, we need guns to protect our country from our government, from tyranny. From the 2nd amendment? No, from this government that believes it should control our lives. Does this government think people will be throwing stones? You libtards delusional. So why the 1.6 million bullet buy? Your kind have
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Joe Salazar (D-CO): My Top 10 Lady Tips For Avoiding Rape
Yo, ladies! Joe Salazar here. As you can tell from my picture, I've never had any problems attracting members of the opposite sex.
But even though I'm a musk-scented magnet for women, I'm sad to say not all men have my skills. Certain men can have problems in the area of inter-gender ice-breaking. Their troubles may cause them to stalk, attack, even assault women.
But since I'm a progressive -- and therefore a big supporter of gun-control and chicks -- I'm here to dispense my special, ladies-only advice for protecting yourself without firearms. I care about you, but I also care about a misunderstood, less well-adjusted male who gets his willie shot off just because you, in your hysterical woman-panic, thought he was gonna attack you.
So listen up, chicas, here are my top ten ways to avoid getting raped:
Number 10. Stop dressing like a ho.
Number 9. Try to relate to the attacker’s feelings.
But even though I'm a musk-scented magnet for women, I'm sad to say not all men have my skills. Certain men can have problems in the area of inter-gender ice-breaking. Their troubles may cause them to stalk, attack, even assault women.
But since I'm a progressive -- and therefore a big supporter of gun-control and chicks -- I'm here to dispense my special, ladies-only advice for protecting yourself without firearms. I care about you, but I also care about a misunderstood, less well-adjusted male who gets his willie shot off just because you, in your hysterical woman-panic, thought he was gonna attack you.
So listen up, chicas, here are my top ten ways to avoid getting raped:
Number 10. Stop dressing like a ho.
Number 9. Try to relate to the attacker’s feelings.
Dumb and Dumber: Top 15 Worst Stimulus Abuses
When President Obama signed the $831 billion stimulus into law in 2009, he stated that “tough choices and smart investments” needed to be made. So what were some of the smart investments? Prepare yourself:
15. $250 sent to a woman in Maryland who died in 1967.
14. $840 spent to disassemble and assemble three desks.
St. Louis “Knock-Out” Artist Meets His Match – Breaks Into Home and Is Shot Dead
"Karma always gets its man, you little bastard. You had a chance to reflect on your poor choices when you got off the felony assault charge. But no, right back to a life of ghetto violence you went, and now you are dead. It's terrible that a 15 year old is dead, but it was his choice. And be sure, there are a lot of libtards that might not be happy about this, but I will bet that a lot of
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Rep. Joe Salazar: Give women whistles, not guns; ‘You may actually not be’ at risk of rape
"Guess all the libtard morons are leaving California and moving to Colorado. Still waiting to hear the libtard outrage. Libtards aren't mad because of what Salazar said, they're mad because he said what they think out loud. You just don't do that. Someone should shove a whistle up this guys ass. Correct me if I’m wrong but telling women to protect themselves from assault and rape with a whistle, or a “safe zone” or a call box is about as offensive and useless as joking about holding an aspirin between their knees for birth control. Remember that? Yeah, it was a
College Recommends Dismissal For Professor Who Made Students Sign Pledge For Obama
"Another deranged Libtard, and that is pretty much the people who are teaching in Colleges these days. I guess we forget that there are rules for Democrats and rules for Republicans. she was just following the rules for Democrats. Oh, I got it. This is payback time. She thinks she owes the
Monday, February 18, 2013
John McCain Snaps at David Gregory Over Benghazi: ‘Do You Care Whether Or Not Four Americans Died?’
"No John, they don't care. Benghazi should be more than enough to finish Barry Hussein. If you and the rest of the spineless GOP really cared, you would begin Impeachment proceedings against the treason's that this Administration has committed. I watched you and, in my humble opinion, it was nothing more than pure political theater. Talk is cheap. When are you going to do something.
BITTER COLD Greets Global Warming Protesters in Washington DC (Video)
"I love it. They had to protest with their teeth chattering. Idiots. Enlighten us please with some of your wisdom about global warming. By the way, where was Algore? Too cold for ya asshole. While these nitwits were freezing and protesting, Algore was burning one hundred dollar bills in
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Reid: 'Outlandish' to Claim Obama Hasn't Been Forthcoming Over Benghazi
"Reid and the truth have never actually met. He's one of the top four current assholes in Washington; Hussein, Queen Botox Piglosi, and Chuck "U" Schumer being the others. You know whats outlandish dipshit? What is outlandish is the cover up of Benghazi. What's outlandish is
Washington University Holds Porn Star Panel in Campus Chapel
"Just a question libtards, would you do this to a mosque you leftist punks. I thought libtards found this stuff a violation of "women's rights." One more example of a sick society. And we
Obama: Chris Kyle? Who’s Chris Kyle?
"Be assured, someone in his cabinet will notify the Racist in Chief, after his vacation of course, that he has to appease the military peons by mentioning Chris Kyle. It will probably take him all of two sentences. Hussein is a despicable POS, who isn’t qualified to carry Chris Kyle’s (or any other Military hero's for that matter) luggage. It’s probably better not to have him contaminating
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Obama: “The Problem Is I’m President of the United States, I’m Not the Emperor” (Video)
"Even his TelePrompTer is stuck on stupid. He says this often enough, you know that's where he is going. He wants his ass kissing, brown-nosing trolls to call on him to be their emperor. Oh poor me, I should be emperor, but the mean racists won't let me. The crybaby in chief is in need of a sippy cup and a nap. Perhaps he should have said, “If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck
Liberal Politician Who Stole Millions and Gambled It Away Will Face NO JAIL TIME
"Well libtards are all brain dead, so it makes perfect sense. She has a brain tumor? How did she get it? Bumping noggins with Hillary? The fact that they are all mentally ill gives them a free pass to spend other people’s money and screw up everything they touch. I like the idea of gathering them all up into California and then building a giant concrete wall around the state
Obama To Get Pro-Golf Lesson On Weekend Getaway
"That's right. Time for a vacation. It's only been, what, a month since the last one. He sure is enjoying not having to work for a living. What a pathetic bunch this is. Separate vacations to boot. Two flights, two of everything. Good job America. So Hussein is going to take golf lessons. I wish he would take some lessons on how to create jobs. Or a course on decision making, instead of
Friday, February 15, 2013
Lib West Virginia Prof Tells Students They Can’t Use FOX News in Her Class
"Believe it or not, she looks about the same as I imagined before I even saw her picture. My question is, why do all of the Libtard women look like Rachel Madcow? That is of course that this libtard professor is actually a woman. She wrote Fox news makes her cringe, well lib feminist
School Bans White Kids From After-School Tutoring Program (Video)
"This is the ugly mentality which elects and reelects the disastrous Democrap Party, like Barry Hussein. Typical. All White people are privileged oppressors and all minorities are their innocent victims in the eyes of libtards. That's why discriminating against White people and giving
A Question of Dignity
"If this bitch had some dignity she'd resign. She is so deplorable! She gives interviews like she 5 year old, says nothing, and comes off as stupid like we know she is. Something is wrong when
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Unreal. High School Students Suspended for Chanting “USA, USA!” and Wearing Red, White & Blue Bandanas (Video)
"I think the school principal, Glenn Lipman, is racist if he thinks kids yelling USA, USA is racist. By looking at the video, it seems that some dark skins youths also were yelling USA. F**k these bleeding heart libtards. Race baiting liberals create racism out of thin air. Liberals are
Who Gave The State Of The Union Address?
"So exactly what did the Liberal media have to say about Hussein's speech. I really couldn't tell. They spent most of the time talking about the speech that followed the garbage that was spewed by satan. All they could talk about was Marco Rubio. Yep, the new kid on the block that needs to be destroyed. You see, the points he was making are dangerous to Hussein's and his propaganda
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My SOTU Response
"I have to admit, I could not bring myself to watch the lies the Dicktator in Chief was going to spew last night. No how, no way. I cannot even stand to hear his voice anymore. I, on the other hand, was watching Hardcore Pawn, where all the people in the thriving city of Liberal run
Fact Check: State of the Union 2013
"YOU LIE scumbag! This guy would lie to the Jesus Christ. The ability of this asshole to say one thing and then actually do the exact opposite, with a straight face nonetheless, is stunning. Hussein is a dangerous man. The good thing about America is there is only one fool that thinks he is king. If this dicktator ever uttered a word resembling the truth, he'd swallow his tongue and
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
President Obama Definitely Wasn’t Expecting This Guy to Be at His State of the Union Address
"So the libtards think it is a disgrace to have Ted at the SOTU. I beg to differ. The real disgrace at the SOTU will be behind the podium. I'm glad he will be there. That assumes Hussein does not instruct the Secret Service to bar him from being there in the first place. Ted should just sit there
Joe Biden: We’re Counting on “Legitimate Media” For Gun Control Effort (Video)
"I think Uncle Joe Biteme forgot the "i" in front of legitimate. First, I wonder if shit for brains could explain what's he considers a legitimate media, because the democrap party propaganda media is the most corrupt media in our history. The MSM scum are all ready in the bag for whatever the Dicktator in Chief POS in the oval office wants. "Legitimate Media" must be the code word for we need an extremist liberal dipstick to spread our lies for the deceptive ignoramus
Monday, February 11, 2013
Dishonored and Disrespected: Obama Disarmed US Marines at Inaugural Parade
"And why would the Choommaster in Chief order this? Because the POS hates the military and the defense department. They are everything that he thinks is wrong with this country. He is a horrid joke of President on every level. Pretty shameful but understandable. The Marines took an
Scholar Pelosi: “We Avow the First Amendment and Say People Have the Right to Have a Gun” (Video)
"Maybe you should go back to school and try to learn something this time. If the OLD hag didn`t like the 2nd Amendment, she should have told the founding Fathers when they wrote it. Honestly,
Emanuel Becomes Emotional As He Discusses Challenges Facing Chicago Youth
"In the words of Smokey Robinson,"tears of a clown". Somebody in Chicago needs to start taking out the trash. This moron is more of a slimebag than those who are doing all the killing in
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