The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Obama To Get Pro-Golf Lesson On Weekend Getaway

"That's right. Time for a vacation. It's only been, what, a month since the last one. He sure is enjoying not having to work for a living. What a pathetic bunch this is. Separate vacations to boot. Two flights, two of everything. Good job America. So Hussein is going to take golf lessons. I wish he would take some lessons on how to create jobs. Or a course on decision making, instead of
using one of those magic "8" balls to pick yes or no. Or maybe a refresher course on the Constitution. Better yet, a refresher course on being an American. First off, I don't care who gives him golf  lessons, he has no athletic ability what so ever. None. Training with anyone would not help.  Everybody knows, you can't fix stupid. And golf, wrong sport Hussein. Besides learning to hit the ball, you have to have the ability to think strategically to play golf and we all know that is way above his ability. I guess Barry gave up on skeet shooting, huh? So while the military wonders if they will have jobs in a few weeks, president downgrade will be taking golf lessons with the world’s most expensive teacher. While his mooching wife takes a separate vacation all on our dime and just a few short weeks after a 3 week Hawaii vacation. Disgrace! I hope Moochelle's mother, "Mommy Moocher' also enjoys herself. The tragedy is, Rome is burning  and this nitwit is at the helm. Instead of playing a fiddle like Nero, he's swinging a golf club. Instead of creating jobs, he's playing golf.  In doing this King Puttz's flipping the bird to the American people. Hussein could throw shit into the faces of the American people and based on their past behavior, they would lick it up and smile and claim that he didn't give them enough. Remember those famous words, "I will not rest until............", "...I learn how to improve my golf game." Hussein or his wife don't care how this looks. These vile people have no conscious. That's because they ease their conscience by telling themselves that the people they steal money from have stolen it from someone else. Can we just fast forward 4 years and get this agony over with?" MC

Economic growth is in the negative, unemployment is on the rise, Walmart's forecasting a disastrous February for retail sales, poverty's up, gas prices are up, the cost of health care premiums are up, middle class incomes are falling, consumer confidence is at a two year low, our deficit is unsustainable, and Barack Obama has just signed up for private golf lessons with two of the top teachers in the country.  

You might want to go back and read that last part again.
Safely re-elected and with no concerns whatsoever that the media will take issue with his elitist behavior (hell, the media won't even make an issue of the economy), what would certainly be the kind of optics the media would bludgeon a Republican with will likely go unnoticed, because the narrative's been set that Obama can do no wrong.
The only other possibility is that the media will tell us that Obama hiring the number-one golf teacher in the world represents Obama "creating a job."
The President's golfing weekend at The Floridian GC in Palm City, Fla., will include more than golf on a Tom Fazio course or an afternoon of ball beating at the Harmon School of Golf on campus. The Harmons, Butch and son Claude III, are flying in to work with President Obama[.]
This would be perfectly fine were it not for the fact that Obama knows he can oversee a faltering economy, where millions are suffering, and still get all brazenly one-percentary, knowing the media will give him a complete and total pass.
Romney wasn't even president, and the media beat him senseless for his wife Ann wearing a nice blouse.
Anyway, enjoy yourself, Mr. President. According to "Golf Digest," Harmon's hourly rate is $1,000 an hour. So it sounds like you're, uhm, "doing fine." And don’t feel bad for those of us in the 99%. We're also "doing fine." We might be all out of hope, but we still have a little change and those food stamps.

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