"So exactly what did the Liberal media have to say about Hussein's speech. I really couldn't tell. They spent most of the time talking about the speech that followed the garbage that was spewed by satan. All they could talk about was Marco Rubio. Yep, the new kid on the block that needs to be destroyed. You see, the points he was making are dangerous to Hussein's and his propaganda
machine. Why is it dangerous? Simply because it makes sense and shows how criminal and evil the libtard argument is. That's right, so now Marco Rubio, like Sarah palin before him, must be destroyed. He is a threat to their plans to destroy America. You now when these skunks are in fear of someone. It's attack, attack, attack. Palin is still feared as they continue to attack her even today. And she isn't even running for anything. Case in point when a hit piece out of the Washington Post claiming she was leaving Fox to join Al "Gore" Jazzera was proven false. Rubio, Palin, and now Dr. Benjamin Carson, are all on their hit list.They should be thankful of one thing though, it isn't 1933. Because without a doubt, all three would be lined up against a wall and shot. Come to think of it, the thought probably has crossed the mind of the current occupants of th Shite House." MC
President Rubio? Last time I checked, Obama was still the President of the United States.
But if you look at Memeorandum right now, you’d think otherwise…
Rather than fact checking anything Obama said last night, the Obama protectors in the MSM are obsessing over Marco Rubio.
Jobs? Deficits? Working around congress? Who cares?
There’s a Republican who needs to be destroyed.
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