briefing at 10:30am, lunch with Biden and a meeting with Kerry, for example. Then there are times (during the attack on Benghazi for example) when he was briefed at the start of the attack and then was not in communication for the rest of the day and night. So give me a break Nanny, he does not work that hard. So the Dicktator in Chief deserves to take a vacation? The jackass may deserve a vacation, but he doesn't deserve 32 vacations at taxpayer expense in this economy with Americans struggling to keep their heads above water and paying the percentage of their incomes in taxes that they have to. Apparently you live in the same fantasy world as Hussein does. I guess Nanny doesn't have anything to regulate today, so now the little billionaire piece of shit facist decides to beg the press not to bother Nero while he jet sets off on the tax payer dime to play golf while his mooching wife fly's off on a separate tax payer paid for jet to Aspen with her mooching mommy? It's a beautiful thing to watch one dickator defend another. And what is that you say, "we vacation occasionally"? Most of us tax paying Americans can't afford to take a vacation. Not in the budget. We can barley afford to put food on the table, because we also have to put food on the tables of Hussein's low information voters. We can barley afford to put gas in our vehicles. We can barley pay for the mortgage, since we don't get free housing. So, you pathetic elitist bastard, vacations are pretty much out of the equation. So there we have it again, one POS defending another POS. Not suprising. He and Hussein are joined at the hip. First Nanny cons stupid New Yorkers into an extra term and I'm bettin' Hussein will try the same thing. Americans have become an embarrassment not only to themselves but to the world. Hussein's re-election is a tragedy for this country and the Obamabots and the asses that were anti Obama, but decided to stay home and whine later, are equally guilty of trying to destroy the greatest country the world has seen. And New Yorkers, you are dumber than the rest. You supported both Bloomberg and Hussein. Nice job." MC
In a chapel on Rikers Island today, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the press shouldn’t be irked about being barred from photographing a round of golf between President Barack Obama and Tiger Woods.
“I don’t know why the president has to have people watch what he does,” said Mr. Bloomberg, responding to a question from CBS’s Rich Lamb during a press conference introducing an anti-recidivism program. “He has a right to a vacation. You take a vacation occasionally, you don’t work 24/7. He does. He works very hard and he certainly has a right to his private life.”
Mr. Obama and Mr. Woods golfed last weekend and some media outlets were frustrated that they were not granted a glimpse of the two together. Indeed, Fox News’ Ed Henry, president of the White House Correspondents Association said they were just asking for “a brief exception, quick access, a quick photo-op on the 18th green.” He added, “It’s not about golf—it’s about transparency and access in a broader sense.”
But even though Mr. Bloomberg is an avid proponent of being open to the press–he held two question-and-answer sessions today alone–the mayor said Mr. Obama should be allowed a little down time once in a while.
“I don’t know why you, the press, have a God-given right to follow him every minute,” Mr. Bloomberg said as the reporters in attendance burst into laughter. “You know you’re gonna run the picture of when he misses the ball and slices it into the woods. It’s hard to argue you’d be fair that way. It doesn’t sell any newspapers or minutes. Come on, the guy deserves a chance to have a life and have a vacation. He was away for three days, if I remember, and you know the number of people that travel with the president, it’s hard to argue he ever is really away. He does not have a vacation in the same sense that you do where you just forget about it. He’s gotta be there all the time and and there’s no reason he can’t play some golf at the same time.”
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