"Oh I get it, it's the rich jet owners that are the problem except when it relates to Barry, Moohelle, and Uncle Joe Joe. The rich jet owners created this mess. Why not? Does the Government not have enough money to waste? Welfare cheats need more bammyphones? Barry needs to funnel more tax dollars to bogus "green" companies so he can get his kick-backs? The Liar-in-Chief
needs to waste more taxpayer money on unnecessary campaign trips? Does the First Moocher need more vacations? Are not enough illegals getting their welfare checks and food stamps? I know, Queen Mooch needs more ladies in waiting to attend to her every need. How many are on the payroll? Twenty, 25, 30? Don't forget they need to pay her mom to be babysitter. Let's not forget the Czars and their staff. They probably need a raise, poor things. And how could I forget Bo's trainer. They are all hypocritical narcissists who are all deserving in their demented minds, and the American people are the peons. In the libtards minds, the rich should not (using their own money) be able to do what the libtards (on the public purse) do. The only comfort I have is that there won't be any jet rides, or ocean beaches or snow slopes or celebrity runways or TV shows or golf courses in hell for them." MC
The Obama White House is pushing the ‘GOP favors jet owners over teachers’ meme in their sequester propaganda campaign.
Here’s a tweet bashing “rich” Americans posted by the White House.
Of course, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden each flew luxury government jets for their separate luxury vacations this month.
Barack flew to Florida to play golf. Michelle and Joe Biden to Colorado.
Joe Biden lands in Air Force 2 at the Grand Junction Regional Airport on Feb. 14, 2013.
Michelle Obama’s trip cost local law enforcement officers 400 man hours.
And, Air Force One costs taxpayers about $186,000 per hour. Obama’s Hawaii vacation double round-trip cost about $7 million.
But, it doesn’t matter. He’s Barack Obama.
The media lets him get away with anything no matter how ridiculous it may be.
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