"Does it f**king matter if its legal. "What difference, at this point, does it make?" It's says FREE bus trip with breakfast and lunch. The free breakfast and lunch are interesting aren't they? The only thing these people know is using someone else's money to stir up phony responses by people
that are interested in free meals. Pathetic.Who the hell is paying for this? We are. The tax payers in this country. The balls of this tyrannical regime is astounding. If government funds at any level are used for this lobbying effort, charges of abuse of power and misuse of public funds should be brought against everyone involved. So the SEIU protestors are involved. Great way to spend you Union Dues. SEIU protestors = paid/pressured minorities bussed in to protest an in issue they have no understanding or true convictions about. Fall in commrades , grab your pitch forks , time to march. Now we know what a community agitator does." MC
The never-ending campaign…
The Obama campaign is going to bus people in for a protest in Albany. The campaign put a post up on its website advertising the event.
Via Free Republic:
Governor Cuomo and our legislature passed the “NY SAFE ACT.” It will reduce gun violence in our state. Predictably, it is under attack by the National Rifle Association and allied groups. :::We are joining with the SEIU 1199 to lobby in Albany. This free bus trip will last from 8:00 to 4:30 with breakfast and lunch included. Meet up at 250 S Clinton St. Park in the M Lot at the corner of W Fayette and S Clinton Sts. (Parking in that lot may be validated. No sure yet.) Show your determination to keep our excellent new law!:::You must call this number to get a seat on the free bus. 315-424-1743 Ext 110 Ask for Nekeia:::Also sign up here.
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