WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My SOTU Response
"I have to admit, I could not bring myself to watch the lies the Dicktator in Chief was going to spew last night. No how, no way. I cannot even stand to hear his voice anymore. I, on the other hand, was watching Hardcore Pawn, where all the people in the thriving city of Liberal run
Detroit pawn their stuff so they can buy food. Anyway, reading all the Liberal responses, I find it is all the same, they never respond with logic. Just continue to accuse your opponent of not caring, killing kids and old people with cancer. You know, the same old bullshit. The next generation of America, is your son, your daughter and their friends. And you're damn right we conservatives care about them. What I, we, don't care about is an openly lawless part of our libtard population and their Democrap leaders making demands on law abiding, tax-paying citizens because they feel it's "owed" to them. The only "unpatiotic bastards" here are you the several million libtard mooching babies and their parents and the rest of the criminal politicians that are looting the nation in the name of "social justice" because our success as a nation was somehow built on the "exploitation" and "oppression" of others. Cry me a damn river. It is you, the liberals in this country, who keep the poor, poor; who have the history of disrespecting our flag, symbol of our great nation, destroying our constitution, the very document this nation was built on, it is you. It is you who associate yourselves with those that hate this country, that are even known terrorists. I don't think I need to name names, you know who they are. You believe in a society where government controls your lives. You know, gives you the "free" ride. Big government is the problem and not the core of my life, but for many, especially the lazy, it fills the void of a useless life lacking of respect and responsibility for work and family. That's right, those are the people the liberal government cares about, not rewarding those who work and don't look for a free ride, or cut in line. With that aside, do "We The People" accept this dicktator's statement, that if Congress did not grant him his agenda then he would rule by executive order? Do you know how dangerous a statement like that is? The Federal government has no right to suppress the sovereignty of the states in the manner that Hussein is proposing. If he persists with this travesty unopposed then why even bother having a state government? This speech was dictatorial. Our rights are NOT wrapped up in the rights of others. Our individual, inalienable rights are endowed by our Creator not Hussein Obama. Flagrantly announcing that he plans to rule regardless of Congress shows his contempt for the Constitution. The American people must speak out and reject this dictator. After mis-allocating $6 trillion in 4 years, he should not have control over another dime. His outrageous regulations are killing jobs and impeding the economy. Once again we aren't individuals and government will save us all, haven't we heard this before? That's right, every time he opens his damn mouth! This speech should be the the one that opens our eyes and begin to denounce this vile traitor. To Barack Hussein Obama, you and your government, get the hell out of our lives and you personally, get the hell out of our country!" MC
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