The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Friday, May 31, 2013

Shocker: Less Than Half Of Americans Think Hussein Is Trustworthy. I Wonder What Half Still Trusts Him?

"It's a sad statement on America that 49% still think they can trust this Marxist radical, leftist,  narcissist, lying, race baiting, dividing traitor. Did I leave something out? Anyway, you can guess who make up the 49%. Besides every brain dead libtard, only his blindly following I want free shit electorate approve of this corrupt, incompetent narcissistic POS. It's sad to think of all those idiots that would sell their souls for a phone. So many stupid democraps. So many stupid gimmecraps. Amazing.
It's great to watch how the Hussein Bootlicking Media (HBM) can no longer ignore the Nazi regime we have running the government. They played his game the first four years and got bit in their tingly, touchy feely asses. The Shitcago jesus has worn off. The HBM has been attacked the

BSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson: Eric Holder Is The “Moses Of Our Time”…

If you talk to the real Jews, they mat differ. That rates as the definite WTF comment. I mean you can't make this shit up. This proves that liberlism is a mental disorder. These people believe they are above the law and yes they have lost their minds.

Michael Eric Dyson really should sue whatever university gave him his degree, for granting him a fraudulent credential. And whatever university currently pays him should demand its money back. Hey asshole, the Red Sea ain't parting for this ' Moses.

Somebody better put lambs blood on their door. Michael, April Fool's was two months ago, you

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:


Quote of the Day:

 "Obama and his supporters refuse to be judged on normal criteria, such as the president's actual record in office. Though he is quick to claim credit on the rare occasion--such as the bin Laden raid--when things go right, President Obama typically adopts a prophetic distance from the office he holds that insulates him from criticism and allows him to attack the very Washington he leads, the very political games he plays.
The heresy of Fox News is not just that it criticizes the Obama administration or that it provides a platform for conservative opinion, but that it rejects the attempt to place Obama beyond politics and accountability. It refuses, in other words, to endorse the idea that Obama inhabits a unique category, beyond the obvious (and, for most governing purposes, meaningless) historic fact that he is the nation's first black president." --Joel Pollak

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Holder Trying To Set Up Meetings With Media Bigwigs To Talk About His Commitment To First Amendment Rights.

"So the Lying AG wants to get his media bootlickers together and ask for their help. Let's be honest, that's all this is. So he regrets breaking the law? No, he regrets getting caught. That's what this POS regrets. The "Media" if they had any balls would not show up, not one person and then report on that. The "World Wide Apology Tour Continues", has hit the US now. He would do it again in a heartbeat if he knew he could get away with it. Whatever he tells the bureau chiefs will be lies. I wonder if Eric "The Liar" will bring along some nice milk bones for his lapdogs to chew whilst he blows smoke up their collective skirts. What Holder needs is an appointment with the warden at the nearest federal pen. Truth be told, as an accomplice to murder (fast and furious) he needs an appointment with ol' sparky. Can't lynch him, that would be racist.   

Just the fact that he wants to hold this sort of meeting means that his actions have been in violation of and against the First Amendment. No one should never have to hold such a meeting,

BSNBC’s Ratings Continue To Tank, Now Dead Last Among Cable News Channels, Rachel Madcow’s Ratings At Lowest Point Since Show’s Debut.

"Couldnt happen to a nastier bunch of sub-human iLLiberates. I have to admit, seeing this screeching leftist Rachel Madcow’s ratings tank brings a big smile to my face. Yeah, this guy deserves what he gets. But how could this be you ask, these bad ratings obviously must be the work of some wealthy, shadowy right-wing extremist hater group. The sorry part is Madcow is the best BSNBC has. I mean how can you stand to look at him? It's like looking at Justin Bieber in drag. Personally, looking at a bull dog's ass is better than looking at him. I believe Rachel has a chip on his shoulder. After all, why would his parents name their son Rachel. Sorta sounds like that Johnny Cash song. I mean the fact that this POS network actually has Al Sharpnuts hosting a "political show", tells you all you need to know. "Resist we much" is turning into "resist we watch". The whole f**king station is nothing more than a loony bin. They all have mental issues. And this other girl, Chris Hayes. I swear it's Madcow in a Chris Haye's disguise. Martin Bashir is just an idiot. Nuff said. And let's not forget Tingles. He's on twice and still can't draw 100 people. And Ed Schultz. He got promoted to Saturday at 5pm. Oh yeah, there is an audience turning on their sets at 5pm on a Saturday night to watch that blowhard. "C'mon kids, out of the pool, I gotta watch Mr.Ed". Yeah right. All the other losers are not even worth mentioning. Toure, Toure, Toure on BSNBC's version of the five is an idiot, Mellisa Harris Perry is still wondering who owns her kids, and Larry O'Donnell looks like he just left the bar. I wonder if Larry is still waiting to fight Mitt Romney's son. What a crew they have there at BSNBC. It's sad when there are humans that can't see the truth and still watch these assholes. Well, sad, but not surprising. Intelligent, logical, balanced people who seek the truth about what's going on have no problem with Fox or Conservative talk radio. It's the foaming mouthed libtards who have destroyed the news business.

Yeah, truly shocking that the Hussein Reich propagandists on BSNBC wouldn't be popular. Who would have guessed that telling people they are racist every night for being against Hussein

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

"If you’re thinking of getting steamed over [the Woolwich beheading], don’t. Simon Jenkins, the former editor of the Times of London, cautioned against “mass hysteria” over “mundane acts of violence.”

That’s easy for him to say. Woolwich is an unfashionable part of town, and Sir Simon is unlikely to find himself there of an afternoon stroll. Drummer Rigby had less choice in the matter. Being jumped by barbarians with machetes is certainly “mundane” in Somalia and Sudan, but it’s the sort of thing that would once have been considered somewhat unusual on a sunny afternoon in south London — at least as unusual as, say, blowing up eight-year-old boys at the Boston Marathon. It was “mundane” only in the sense that, as at weddings and kindergarten concerts, the reflexive reaction of everybody present was to get out their cell phones and start filming." --Mark Steyn

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

If You Are Against HusseinaCare, You Are A Racist. So Call Me A Racist.

Listen For Yourself.

"People are beginning to smell the stench of HusseinaCare, and they don't like what it smells like. So what do the libtards do, pull out the race card.  That's right, here it comes, here comes the race card. Obviously this racist fruit loop is not aware Hussein is half white, but all they see is a black president, while I see a narcissistic, Communist, dicktator-wanna-be, baby killing, Muslim loving, lying SOB. To this wacko Hussein may be African, but he's sure not American. No, let's not debate the merits of this legislation because it has none and is a steaming pile of shit burying the American people, but we can sure throw out that race card to shut down the debate. So, why is that? You ready? You ready? Why are you such a  f**king idiot? Why is that? You ready? You ready? Because your a racist, America hating libtard. That's why.

Now tell me, what the hell does race have to do with a Marxist healthcare plot that will bury us in trillions more of debt and will not cover everyone especially the asswipes who shoved it down our throats, will not bring down the deficit like they lied and said it would, and increases the cost

Harry Reid Says GOP Must Purge Itself Of The Tea Party. Earth To Harry, We ain't Going Anywhere.

"Sorry Harry, but the Tea Party isn't going anywhere. It's really sad to see another old libtard politician with dementia. But, even at that, he one of the brightest libtards in government. You see Harry, you got it all wrong. The Tea Party must purge itself of the GOP. People like John McCain. Never, ever trust them again.We also must purge ourselves of anyone who does not adhere to our Constitution. Tell you what, Harry, you purge your party of all its Constitution haters, its Socialists, and its race baiters. Then we'll talk.

So you say, "...the party needs to rid itself of so-called Tea Party Republicans." Now just how do you  propose that would happen? Re-education camps? Disenfranchisement? This kind of talk is

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

"Keep your left hand away, Barack.
 People are beginning to talk"

Quote of the Day:

 "This leads us to a frustrating conclusion about Obama's precise and rigid implementation of his bad and superficial policy of retreating [from the Middle East] at any cost, even in the face of new developments. [We must conclude that] this is not a skilled statesman and politician with creative solutions, but an ordinary academic who repeats meaningless slogans and does not possess the political sensitivity to give each factor the weight it deserves, to take bold [action] when necessary and to refrain [from action] when necessary..." --Mashari Al-Zaydi, columnist for the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Can You Believe Who They Want To Play Hillary In A Movie.

Please tell me your kidding. Of all the news stories this past week, this has got to be the most comical. If anyone thinks that Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon look like Shillary, it's time for that trip to Vision City. I was thinking more like Rosie O'Donnel, or Bette Midler, or Kathy Bates, or even Berta from 2 1/2 Men would be more believable. Revive Bettie Davis. Perfect match. Who is going to play Bill? George Clooney. The role should go to Lindsey Lohan. After all, she has proven that she's every bit the insensitive, arrogant, lying drunk that Shrillary  "What difference does it make" Clinton is. Even with make up on to the max, Shillary is simply far too

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:


Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place, and in the sky,
The larks, still bravely singing, fly,
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead; short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe!
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high!
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields." --John McCrae

Monday, May 27, 2013

All You Need To Know About Hussein This Memorial Day Weekend.

"The President did an inspiring thing this weekend. He invited The Wounded Warriors to his ranch for his annual bike ride. Of course, the President I speak of is George W. Bush. Our current "Leader", has decided to play his 124th round of golf. And there it is folks. The difference between how a real President spends Memorial Day Weekend and how a narcissistic, American hating, man-child spends it. No one can doubt George Bush's patriotism, it is real. Where with Hussein, I have never once doubted his lack of patriotism and discomfort around the very soldiers he finds himself Commander in Chief of. Bush is a patriotic man who loves our troops and still finds times to be with them. Hussein is a Muslim sympathizer who has taken and continues to attempt to take benefits away from our troops. He failed to salute a Marine this week, and it's all you need to know about him. 

No surprise, Memorial Day weekend and its all about Barry, nothing about the Military or the Veteran's, just all about the narcissist cry baby. I guess it was either golf or skeet shooting. I hear is is shitty at both. In golf, where he is known as the "Pharaoh of the Fairway", he is always in the rough. Sort of like where he has put the country, into rough times. He's a hack just like the

Big DICK Durbin Thinks Bloggers Are Not Entitled To Speak.

Boy he certainly lives up to his name, doesn't he. Except I'm going to change it from "little' Dick Durbin to "BIG DICK" Durbin. Would someone give this moron a copy of that pesky piece of paper he swore an oath to uphold called the Constitution? I'm sure he has one somewhere. I know he would like to wipe his ass with it, which he probably does, but it is kind of important.

Well DICK, you are wrong. Again. Hey DICK, it does not matter what system of communication you use to speak in, you are still within your rights to say what you like. For someone who has spent a lifetime in government you do not know much about our laws. You are either incredibly stupid or incredibly corrupt, I am betting it is both. Here's a news flash, Dickie. The Constitution is the Law of the Land. It is not just for certain people. It is for all Americans. You do not get to decide how it is applied, for whom it is applied, when it is applied, where it is applied. You can take your tyranny and shove it up your ass. We already have a "shield law" and it is called the 1st

Picture, Joke, and Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day:

Quote of the Day:

 "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived". George S. Patton

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hussein's Political Memorial Day Address.

"This POS can't even leave politics out of an address about Memorial Day and the sacrifice of the brave Americans who gave their life in the defense of this country. He talks about remembering our brave soldiers, caring for their loved ones, and making sure that our Veteran's get all the care they need, and how the Armed Forces have all the support to carry out their missions at home and abroad. And then, he gets to what he really cares about. Right at the end, he says, and I quote, “let’s work together to preserve what their sacrifices achieved, to make our country even stronger, even more fair, even more free”. He just can't help himself. He has to sneak in the real purpose of his address, the fact that this country needs to be fairer, to the people that he really cares about. The moochers. No you pathetic fraud, our brave servicemen didn't sacrifice their lives to "make things even more fair', they gave their lives so we could keep our freedoms and our rights, a concept you appear to have trouble understanding.
My God this guy makes me sick. Make things "more fair'? More fair to who? Is it fair that 50% of us work our asses off so we can give your 48% free food, free phones, free cable, free whatever the hell else they get? Is it fair that you take our hard earned money so we can give free healthcare to illegals. Is it fair to be targeting a section of our population for IRS humiliation and degradation? Is it fair to be investigating reporters and targeting their sources in order to inhibit free speech? Is it fair to be leaving 4 Americans to die because the head of the State Dept. wanted to make her facility a shining example of her good works, but was too incompetent to do so? Is it

The Gay Scouts Of America.

"Everything seems to be going to hell in a hand-basket lately. I predict the Boy Scouts will gain ten or twenty new members and lose thousands. They were stupid to do this. Can transgenders be far behind? What's next, a merit badge for best makeup? KY in the knapsacks? Won't these f**king political correct, equal rights, ACLU, libtard assholes stop at nothing to destroy American traditions. What is wrong with the leaving the Boy Scouts Of America alone and starting a Gay Scouts Of America, or the Butt Scouts of America? Anything! But just leave the BSA alone. No, that would be too easy.

This was stupid and possibly meaningless for a number of reasons, but let me point out one item here. Since the vast majority of scouts start scouiting at 6 years of age, a kid would not be excluded if he became a homosexual some time after or during high school. Would we even know, unless he decided to become a real flamer and make everone aware that he was? If he did so, he'd likely alienate his friends. By that time,

Holder Investigates, Holder?

"Nothing to see here folks just a small conflict of interest action going on, thats all. I know I didn't see this shit coming. I may be going out on a limb here, but I predict Holder finds no wrongdoing. I predict Holder finds he deserves a raise. I predict Holder deems Hussein ultimate ruler of the United Socialist States of America and Holder his number two. Yep, let's let Holder investigate, Holder. You know, just like they let Charles Manson investigate the Tate murder. Or like they let the IRS audit ourselves. So the guy who found the New Black Panthers innocent despite them carrying baseball bats outside a voting station at election time is supposed to rule

Picture, Joke, and Quote of the Day

Picture Of The Day:

Joke Of The Day:


Quote Of The Day:

 "...the left’s hollow claim that the [cause of the] IRS mess rests on Citizens United. The left was targeting conservative groups and donors well before the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling on independent political expenditures by corporations.
If the country wants to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal, it must first remember the context for this abuse. That context leads to this White House." --Kimberley Strassel

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Once We Had A President That Loved His Country.

View image on Twitter

"Didn't see this mentioned on the Hussein networks. Give President Bush credit, low key and proving that he was a leader. There were some things GW did that I found questionable, but I never questioned his patriotism or his genuine concern, and his respect for the office. It's been five long years since he has been out of office, and now look what we got. What a difference. While GW honors our Wounded Warriors, Imam Hussein promotes Islam by giving F-16's and Abrams Tanks to our enemies the Muslim Brotherhood. Bush may not have been a perfect president, but he is a good, compassionate, patriotic man. I wish I could say the same about Hussein. But I can't. 

 Like I said. there were things GW did that I did not agree with, but I never doubted his loyalty to this nation. And Mrs. Bush had more class and taste in her little finger than Moochelle and her 26 assistants put together. President Bush has a good heart. He's a decent man. He loves America. Unlike the two POS currently occupying the Shite House now. I admire his work with the

Rearend Sharpnuts Owes The IRS 2.6 Million Dollars.

"Is it any wonder this racist didn't bad mouth the IRS? He owes them 2.6 million dollars. And, BSNBC has given this guy his own show? No wonder the rest of NBC's channels are trying to distance themselves from MSNBC. The channel is home to raving maniacs, loons, racists, and tax cheats. Why isn't this asshole racist in jail?  If I owed the IRS over $2 million my ass would be in jail. Apparently you get off the hook if your a race baiter.  Just think of all the hungry, that this fraud says he cares about and fights for, that could be fed, the homeless that could be housed,

Hussein Crime Family Fought To Keep Search Warrant Against Reporter James Rosen Secret

"Like the cockroaches they are, they do their best work under the cover of darkness. Fox should sweep their building, cars, and homes for bugging devices. These crooks will stop at nothing. The lies, secret warrants, false accusations, harassment of citizens are just unbelievable. When did we become Nazi Germany? I believe it was on January 20th, 2009. Eric Holder needs to be fired and brought up on charges. I'll bet that the surface has barely been scratched. Time to set up gallows on the White House lawn. 

Currently, the various scandals within the Obama administration have put Libtard's in defensive mode to protect an agenda built on lies. Each day brings with it a new scandal or a new angle to a previous scandal. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, and the DOJ's seizure of phone records

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day.

Picture Of The Day: 

Joke Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:

 "It is time for the political press corps to open themselves to the possibility that this administration is being run just the way President Obama wants it. Enough of this "if only the czar knew "/"if only Stalin knew" excuse-making, and the notion that all of this malfeasance, intimidation, harassment, cover-ups, story-revising, lying, blame-shifting, prosecutorial wild abandon, and strategic leaks are somehow occurring every time Obama leaves the room, perpetuated by a cabinet and staff that nefariously betray the good example he sets.
If Obama continually fails to take actions to suggest that he wants to cooperate, it's time to recognize that maybe he doesn't want to cooperate." --Jim Geraghty

Friday, May 24, 2013

Holder OK'd search warrant for Fox News reporter's private emails, official says

"Well what do you know. If this is true, there will be a post in the classifieds:
More on this tomorrow," MC

Tonight NBC News reported that Eric Holder approved the search warrant for Fox News reporter’s private emails.

Attorney General Eric Holder signed off on a controversial search warrant that identified Fox News reporter James Rosen as a “possible co-conspirator” in violations of the Espionage Act and authorized seizure of his private emails, a law enforcement official told NBC News on Thursday.

The disclosure of the attorney general’s role came as President Barack Obama, in a major speech on his counterterrorism policy, said Holder had agreed to review Justice Department guidelines governing investigations that involve journalists.

If this information at NBC News is accurate then Eric Holder lied to the Judiciary Committee last week under oath. Karl Rove pointed this out tonight on FOX News. This is a very serious development.

Hussein meets With Illegal Aliens In The Shite House.

"Yeah that's right. The Illegal President Hussein met with Illegal Aliens in the Shite House today. It's OK for them to go visit the Shite House, but the doors are locked to real Americans. Just shows you that this POS thinks real citizens and legal immigrants don't count for spit.  Personally, I wouldn't step foot in that House until the frauds that now occupy are gone, and then only after a minimum of two years of fumigating has taken place. But that's me. Anyway, its just consistent with what enters the Shite House today. It's either communists, socialists, dictators, terrorists, union thugs, illegals, or cocaine-partying Hollyweird libtards. But Americans and their Children are strictly forbidden access. For all we know, Oblowhole is probably teaching them how to obtain false documents so they to can one day be president.
To understand Democrap libtards you need to only know this. If we climb their fence and enter their backyards they call the police and we go to jail for trespassing. But when Illegals climb our

The San Francisco Sea Hag Is At It Again, Blaming Bush For The IRS Scandal.

"It's really starting to bore me writing about what this witch says. But I just can't let it go. You see, the Hag is blaming the last real President for the IRS scandal because he appointed IRS Dirtbag Commissioner Douglas Shulman. So it's Bush's fault. Just let me say, Nanc is just one of many Libtard women that I would use the four letter "C" for. I just love the fact that GW has been out of office for all of 5 years now and he is still f**king up their minds. What Pelousy is saying, is that the former President knows more of what is goping on in government agencies than the POS president we have now does. I mean you can't make this up. This hag has to be in the early stage of madness. She makes me physically sick. The only time she brings a smile to my face

The Answers From A Low Information Child's Exam.

Q1. In which battle did Napoleon die? * his last battle

Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? * at the bottom of the  page

Q3. River Ravi flows in which state? * liquid

Q4. What is the main reason for divorce? * marriage

Q5. What is the main reason for failure? * exams

Q6. What can you never eat for breakfast? * Lunch & dinner

Q7. What looks like half an apple? * The other half

Q8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become? * It will simply become wet

Q9. How can a man go eight days without sleeping? * No problem, he sleeps at night.

Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? * You will never find an elephant that has only one hand..

Q11. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have? * Very large hands

Q12. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? * No time at all, the wall is already built.

Q13. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without it cracking? *Any way you want, concrete floors are very hard to crack.

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture Of The Day:

Joke Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:

"With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news...

...Obama administration officials often talk about the balance between protecting secrets and protecting the constitutional rights of a free press. Accusing a reporter of being a “co-conspirator,” on top of other zealous and secretive investigations, shows a heavy tilt toward secrecy and insufficient concern about a free press." --The New York Times Editorial Board


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