The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Gay Scouts Of America.

"Everything seems to be going to hell in a hand-basket lately. I predict the Boy Scouts will gain ten or twenty new members and lose thousands. They were stupid to do this. Can transgenders be far behind? What's next, a merit badge for best makeup? KY in the knapsacks? Won't these f**king political correct, equal rights, ACLU, libtard assholes stop at nothing to destroy American traditions. What is wrong with the leaving the Boy Scouts Of America alone and starting a Gay Scouts Of America, or the Butt Scouts of America? Anything! But just leave the BSA alone. No, that would be too easy.

This was stupid and possibly meaningless for a number of reasons, but let me point out one item here. Since the vast majority of scouts start scouiting at 6 years of age, a kid would not be excluded if he became a homosexual some time after or during high school. Would we even know, unless he decided to become a real flamer and make everone aware that he was? If he did so, he'd likely alienate his friends. By that time,
most of them have fininshed scouting unless they choose to go on to Eagle Scout. It is not as if kid who suddenly decides he is a homosexual wants to join the scouts at 18 or 19 year old. Who does that? Nobody does that. And if it does happen, it will most likely be some pain in the ass (no pun intended) activist driven homosexual that wants to literally make a federal case out of it. Scout leaders would not tolerate a homosexual who was flirting with the other boys and neither would the parents. I am disappointed that the council chose to be politically correct rather than sticking to their principles. Cowards.

There have always been gay people, and I say let them be. If that's the life style they choose, so be it. But now I am sick of it being shoved in my face. Look at the military and the increase in sexual assaults. Did you read the latest article on 'sexual assaults' in the military. The current statistics demonstrate that most of them are male on male assaults, not male on female. This is just another example of how libtards are ruining American traditions. I am sick of letting every freaked up group in this world roll over us in the name of intolerance. When will it end.

The Boy Scouts was one of the last defenses of teaching and inspiring young boys to respect their country and conduct themselves with honor and integrity. The left can not tolerate that. The only way they can prevail is to corrupt all the values and traditions we hold dear, that matter, and that make us a strong nation. Kids are so easily influenced, that is why these bastards want the Boy Scouts. They are like vampires looking to suck out all that innocence. The Democrap Party of Communists win again, with their imposing 2% of the population gay agenda on the rest of us. Will they now give out merit badges for BrokeBack Mountain tent wrestling? And shame on the leaders of the Boy Scouts. They just destroyed an Amercian Institution. And here's a warning to the gay Americans: At some point when the democrap party of communists deem you of no further use to imposing their totalitarian regime on this country, you will be thrown under the bus and will be persecuted by them. You should be careful who you believe in. Very careful.

San Francisco and Washington D.C. has become the new Sodom and Gomorrah. This isn't about gay scouts. This is about destroying an organization that teaches personal responsibility, self-respect, patriotism, faith, morals, and honor. It's about destroying the values that made us uniquely American so liberals can turn our country into another third-world hellhole. The left isn't happy until they pervert and soil everything in their path. Scouting was rooted in morality. Just as the war on religion, the BSA has become a victim of those who oppose God. This is nothing more than conditioning our children to accept ungodly, immoral and deviant behavior. Once eliminating God is acceptable, those God-given rights of every citizen will be nullified by a state that will claim God does not exist, Therefore, you have no rights and are no longer a citizen but merely a subject." MC

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