WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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We Are So Back
Thursday, May 30, 2013
BSNBC’s Ratings Continue To Tank, Now Dead Last Among Cable News Channels, Rachel Madcow’s Ratings At Lowest Point Since Show’s Debut.
"Couldnt happen to a nastier bunch of sub-human iLLiberates. I have to admit, seeing this screeching leftist Rachel Madcow’s ratings tank brings a big smile to my face. Yeah, this guy deserves what he gets. But how could this be you ask, these bad ratings obviously must be the work of some wealthy, shadowy right-wing extremist hater group. The sorry part is Madcow is the best BSNBC has. I mean how can you stand to look at him? It's like looking at Justin Bieber in drag. Personally, looking at a bull dog's ass is better than looking at him. I believe Rachel has a chip on his shoulder. After all, why would his parents name their son Rachel. Sorta sounds like that Johnny Cash song. I mean the fact that this POS network actually has Al Sharpnuts hosting a "political show", tells you all you need to know. "Resist we much" is turning into "resist we watch". The whole f**king station is nothing more than a loony bin. They all have mental issues. And this other girl, Chris Hayes. I swear it's Madcow in a Chris Haye's disguise. Martin Bashir is just an idiot. Nuff said. And let's not forget Tingles. He's on twice and still can't draw 100 people. And Ed Schultz. He got promoted to Saturday at 5pm. Oh yeah, there is an audience turning on their sets at 5pm on a Saturday night to watch that blowhard. "C'mon kids, out of the pool, I gotta watch Mr.Ed". Yeah right. All the other losers are not even worth mentioning. Toure, Toure, Toure on BSNBC's version of the five is an idiot, Mellisa Harris Perry is still wondering who owns her kids, and Larry O'Donnell looks like he just left the bar. I wonder if Larry is still waiting to fight Mitt Romney's son. What a crew they have there at BSNBC. It's sad when there are humans that can't see the truth and still watch these assholes. Well, sad, but not surprising. Intelligent, logical, balanced people who seek the truth about what's going on have no problem with Fox or Conservative talk radio. It's the foaming mouthed libtards who have destroyed the news business.
Yeah, truly shocking that the Hussein Reich propagandists on BSNBC wouldn't be popular. Who would have guessed that telling people they are racist every night for being against Hussein
assassinating America citizens without due process, disgusted by Hussein and members of his Reich for covering up the islamic terrorist attack in Libya that killed 4 Americans, angry that Hussein used the IRS to attack his political enemies who are really just innocent Americans, and shocked at The Reich's attack of the 1st Amendment by going after journalists who are actually doing their job instead of being Hussein bootlicker?
How much longer can they survive on the air? Who is financially keeping them alive on the respirator? A Soros group? Stimulus money to GE? Brain-dead advertisers? All the above? Take a your pick. A test pattern with that beep gets better ratings. The yule log gets better ratings. The only thing that can help them is if Hussein issues an executive order requiring all households to tune into this shit station at least three times a week. Do it, or "Hello, I'm from the IRS. You got a minute". BSNBC, like all things liberal, is a fad. And it is fading. Will the last libtard to leave the studio please turn the lights off. We need to save the planet you know." MC
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