WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Monday, May 27, 2013
Big DICK Durbin Thinks Bloggers Are Not Entitled To Speak.
Boy he certainly lives up to his name, doesn't he. Except I'm going to change it from "little' Dick Durbin to "BIG DICK" Durbin. Would someone give this moron a copy of that pesky piece of paper he swore an oath to uphold called the Constitution? I'm sure he has one somewhere. I know he would like to wipe his ass with it, which he probably does, but it is kind of important.
Well DICK, you are wrong. Again. Hey DICK, it does not matter what system of communication you use to speak in, you are still within your rights to say what you like. For someone who has spent a lifetime in government you do not know much about our laws. You are either incredibly stupid or incredibly corrupt, I am betting it is both. Here's a news flash, Dickie. The Constitution is the Law of the Land. It is not just for certain people. It is for all Americans. You do not get to decide how it is applied, for whom it is applied, when it is applied, where it is applied. You can take your tyranny and shove it up your ass. We already have a "shield law" and it is called the 1st
amendment, you Hussein ass kissing low level commie thug. Bloggers have every right to voice their opinions as anyone else does. Bloggers are citizens too, DICK. They are citizens moron and protected from the likes of you. But what else should we expect you to say coming from someone that spoke at a rally last week of Socialist and Communists. Shouldn't surprise me.
You see folks, this is the Democrap Party, the party that is bringing back Fascism. Step by step and word for word, they are following the Nazi playbook to the letter. We peons have no rights unless you are granted those rights by this dictatorship like government and only the government. You are allowed to glorify them and what they do; however, you are not allowed to question them or their actions. Well, we will ask all the questions we want Dickhead. But the answers we get from you and you're entire party of corrupt Nazi's show that you aren't really ever sure about anything ever, are you? Don't know, can't remember, don't recall. I am sure of one thing and that is that you can all go to hell. The answers you gave today were pathetic. Mainly because you wouldn't answer them. Most nauseating is that he apparently doesn't think Holder signing off on the affidavits and lying to Congress are enough to disqualify Holder from investigating himself. He is as crooked as Holder, but dumber. And what was that one answer you gave, "We need to ask 21st century questions about a provision that was written over 200 years ago." Like hell we do you libtard communist! Isn't this the same 200 year old document you swore to uphold? Yeah, you understand the Constitution very well. You think it is dated and obsolete. You believe your socialist ideas are far superior. You want a place in history as a new founding father of a new country . Anyone that disagrees with assholes like you can burn in hell for all you care. And, while we're asking questions of your sorry ass, why did you only mention Fox and AP? What about all of the "riveting" reporters that work for the Hussein Bootlicking Media? Not included in your "talking points"? No doubt about it. It is an absolute requirement that you have to be a total dumb-ass to be a liberal." MC
See the moron for yourself.
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